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Last active March 26, 2016 15:12
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public class ChangeCustomerPricingLevel : IAsyncRequest
public Guid CustomerId { get; }
public PricingLevel PricingLevel { get; }
public ChangeCustomerPricingLevel(Guid customerId, PricingLevel pricingLevel)
CustomerId = customerId;
PricingLevel = pricingLevel;
public class CustomerPricingLevelChanged : IAsyncNotification
public Guid CustomerId { get; }
public PricingLevel PricingLevel { get; }
public CustomerPricingLevelChanged(Guid customerId, PricingLevel pricingLevel)
CustomerId = customerId;
PricingLevel = pricingLevel;
public class ChangeCustomerPricingLevelHandler : IAsyncRequestHandler<Envelope<ChangeCustomerPricingLevel>, Unit>
private readonly IMediator _mediator;
private readonly CustomerContext _db;
public ChangeCustomerPricingLevelHandler(IMediator mediator, CustomerContext db)
_mediator = mediator;
_db = db;
public async Task<Unit> Handle(Envelope<ChangeCustomerPricingLevel> message)
using (var transaction = _db.Database.BeginTransaction())
_db.IdempotentIds.Add(new Idempotent { IdempotentId = message.MessageId });
await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (MySqlException ex)
// Duplicate Key Error Number
if (ex.Number == 1062) return Unit.Value;
var customer = _db.Customers.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CustomerId == message.Body.CustomerId);
if (customer == null) throw new InvalidOperationException();
customer.PrivingLevel = message.Body.PricingLevel;
await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
var evnt = new CustomerPricingLevelChanged(customer.CustomerId, message.Body.PricingLevel);
var envelop = new Envelope<CustomerPricingLevelChanged>(message.CorrelationId, evnt);
await _mediator.PublishAsync(envelop);
return Unit.Value;
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