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Created August 3, 2023 21:31
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namespace RouteExample2;
public class Route
public Guid RouteId { get; }
public string Name { get; }
public int AlarmCount => Locations.Sum(x => x.VendingMachine?.NewAlarms.Count ?? 0);
public DateTime LastAlarmDate => Locations.Max(x => x.VendingMachine?.NewAlarms.Max(y => y.Date) ?? DateTime.MinValue);
private List<Location> Locations { get; } = new();
public Route(Guid routeId, string name)
RouteId = routeId;
Name = name;
public Guid AddLocation(string name, LatLong coords)
var locationId = Guid.NewGuid();
Locations.Add(new Location(locationId, name, coords));
return locationId;
public Guid AddVendingMachineToLocation(Guid locationId)
var location = Locations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.LocationId == locationId);
if (location == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Location is not associated to route.");
var vendingMachineId = Guid.NewGuid();
location.AssociateVendingMachine(new VendingMachine(vendingMachineId));
return vendingMachineId;
public void Alarm(Guid vendingMachineId, DateTime date)
var location = Locations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.VendingMachine != null && x.VendingMachine.VendingMachineId == vendingMachineId);
if (location == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Vending machine is not associated to route.");
location.VendingMachine!.AddAlarm(location.LocationId, date);
public class Location
public Guid LocationId { get; }
public string Name { get; }
public LatLong Coords{ get; }
public VendingMachine? VendingMachine { get; private set; }
public Location(Guid locationId, string name, LatLong coords)
LocationId = locationId;
Name = name;
Coords = coords;
public void AssociateVendingMachine(VendingMachine vendingMachine)
VendingMachine = vendingMachine;
public class VendingMachine
public Guid VendingMachineId { get; }
public List<AlarmTriggered> NewAlarms { get; } = new();
public VendingMachine(Guid vendingMachine)
VendingMachineId = vendingMachine;
public void AddAlarm(Guid locationId, DateTime dateTime)
NewAlarms.Add(new AlarmTriggered(VendingMachineId, locationId, dateTime));
public record LatLong(double Lat, double Lng);
public record AlarmTriggered(Guid VendingMachineId, Guid LocationId, DateTime Date);
public class Example
public void Usage()
var route = new Route(Guid.NewGuid(), "Route 1");
var locationId = route.AddLocation("Location 1", new LatLong(1, 1));
var vendingMachineId = route.AddVendingMachineToLocation(locationId);
route.Alarm(vendingMachineId, DateTime.UtcNow);
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