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Last active September 22, 2021 21:07
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using System;
using Paramore.Brighter;
namespace PipesAndFilters
public class PlaceOrderCommand : IRequest
public PlaceOrderCommand(Guid id)
Id = id;
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public class PlaceOrderHandler : RequestHandler<PlaceOrderCommand>
[Filter(2, typeof(RetryHandler<>))]
[Filter(3, typeof(ValidationHandler<>))]
public override PlaceOrderCommand Handle(PlaceOrderCommand command)
Console.WriteLine($"Placing Order: {command.Id}");
return base.Handle(command);
public class LoggingAttribute : RequestHandlerAttribute
public LoggingAttribute(int step) : base(step) { }
public override object[] InitializerParams()
return new object[] { Timing };
public override Type GetHandlerType()
return typeof(LoggingHandler<>);
public class LoggingHandler<TRequest>
: RequestHandler<TRequest> where TRequest : class, IRequest
public override TRequest Handle(TRequest command)
Console.WriteLine($"Generic Logging {typeof(TRequest)}");
return base.Handle(command);
public class RetryHandler<TRequest>
: RequestHandler<TRequest> where TRequest : PlaceOrderCommand
public override TRequest Handle(TRequest command)
Console.WriteLine("Retry Handler Executing");
return base.Handle(command);
catch (InvalidOperationException)
return base.Handle(command);
public class ValidationHandler<TRequest>
: RequestHandler<TRequest> where TRequest : PlaceOrderCommand
public override TRequest Handle(TRequest command)
Console.WriteLine($"Validating {nameof(PlaceOrderCommand)}");
if (command.Id == Guid.Empty)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Order Id.");
return base.Handle(command);
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