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Created July 6, 2023 18:33
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using BlazorClient;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR;
namespace UndoExample;
public record Tweet(Guid TweetId, string Message) : ICommand;
public record Tweeted(Guid TweetId, string Message) : IEvent;
public class TweetHandler : IHandleMessages<Tweet>
private readonly ILogger<TweetHandler> _logger;
public TweetHandler(ILogger<TweetHandler> logger)
_logger = logger;
public async Task Handle(Tweet message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
_logger.LogInformation($"Tweeted: {message.Message}");
// Do something here like persisting the tweet to the DB.
await context.Publish(new Tweeted(message.TweetId, message.Message));
public class TweetedSignalRHandler : IHandleMessages<Tweeted>
private readonly IHubContext<TweetHub> _hubContext;
public TweetedSignalRHandler(IHubContext<TweetHub> hubContext)
_hubContext = hubContext;
public async Task Handle(Tweeted message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
await _hubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync("tweeted", message.TweetId, message.Message, context.CancellationToken);
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