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Forked from chriseth/Purchase.sol
Created March 2, 2017 16:22
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// This contract can be used to hold money while an item is in transit
// during purchase.
// This protocol is a variation of a protocol by Oleg Andreev which is
// described at
// Assume Bob wants to buy an item worth x Ether from Alice.
// Alice creates this contract and and sends 2x Ether to the contract
// together with its creation transaction.
// If Bob does not react, Alice can get her money back.
// Next, Bob sends 2x Ether to the contract.
// From now on, both Alice's and Bob's money is locked in the contract.
// Now, Alice sends the item to Bob.
// Bob receives the item, checks that it is what he expected and confirms
// this with a transaction to the contract. This causes the contract to be
// disabled and both getting their deposits plus/minus the item price back.
// If Bob does not receive the item or the item is not what he expected,
// he can negotiate with Alice (off-chain). The contract will keep
// their money until come to an agreement: Either Bob finally confirms
// or Alice fully refunds Bob.
// A more complex version of this contract could include an arbitrator who
// can be called if Alice and Bob cannot resolve their dispute.
contract Purchase
uint public value;
address public seller;
address public buyer;
enum State { Created, Locked, Inactive }
State public state;
/// Create a new locked purchase about
/// `msg.value / 2` Wei.
function Purchase()
require(msg.value % 2 == 0)
seller = msg.sender;
value = msg.value / 2;
modifier require(bool _condition)
if (!_condition) throw;
modifier onlyBuyer()
if (msg.sender != buyer) throw;
modifier onlySeller()
if (msg.sender != seller) throw;
modifier inState(State _state)
if (state != _state) throw;
event Aborted();
event PurchaseConfirmed();
event ItemReceived();
event Refunded();
/// Abort the purchase and reclaim the ether.
/// Can only be called by the seller before
/// the contract is locked.
function abort()
state = State.Inactive;
/// Confirm the purchase as buyer.
/// Transaction has to include `2 * value` Wei.
/// The ether will be locked until either
/// confirmReceived is called by the buyer
/// or refund is called by the seller.
function confirmPurchase()
require(msg.value == 2 * value)
buyer = msg.sender;
state = State.Locked;
/// Confirm that you (the buyer) received the item.
/// This will send `value` to the buyer and
/// `3 * value` to the seller.
function confirmReceived()
buyer.send(value); // We ignore the return value on purpose
state = State.Inactive;
/// Fully refund the buyer. This can only be called
/// by the seller and will send `2 * value` both to
/// the buyer and the sender.
function refund()
buyer.send(2 * value); // We ignore the return value on purpose
state = State.Inactive;
function() { throw; }
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