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=WARNING REPORT==== 7-Nov-2016::15:25:50 ===
Management delegate query returned errors:
2017-06-14 13:08:29.302 [info] <0.165.0> Configured peer discovery backend: rabbit_peer_discovery_etcd
2017-06-14 13:08:29.302 [info] <0.165.0> Will try to lock with peer discovery backend rabbit_peer_discovery_etcd
2017-06-14 13:08:29.303 [error] <0.164.0> CRASH REPORT Process <0.164.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no such process or port in call to gen_server:call(httpc_manager, {request,{request,undefined,<0.165.0>,0,http,{"localhost",2379},"/v2/keys/rabbitmq/default/start...",...}}, infinity) in application_master:init/4 line 134
dcorbacho / gist:b09132f8d230859aa871fe8db09eca77
Created July 18, 2017 14:53
```=WARNING REPORT==== 18-Jul-2017::13:56:20 ===
(<0.2227.0>) rabbit_federation_exchange:add_binding(transaction, {exchange,

RabbitMQ and Erlang releases

The RabbitMQ team has been looking at the performance differences between the latest RMQ releases. We acknowledge that since RabbitMQ 3.6.7, when the distributed management plugin was introduced, there can be a slight drop in performance in some use cases.

Regarding the Erlang version used with RabbitMQ, we could not find significant differences between packages compiled and ran on any Erlang version up to However, RabbitMQ packages compiled in Erlang R16 (as the 3.6.x packages distributed by our team) will have a lower performance running on Erlang 20.x.x. Packages built on Erlang 19.x.x and ran on Erlang 20.x.x showed no such difference.

Finally, the default RabbitMQ configuration on Erlang 20.x.x seems to obtain a slightly lower performance than on any previous Erlang release (~5%).

ra_log_file:write/2 thows an integrity_error -> shouldn't it return {queued, State}?

ra_log_file:write/2 allows to write sequences with missing indexes if they're in the middle of the list provided. If it's the first one missing, then integrity_error. It should verify every entry ra_log_file:take/3 crashes badly when the sequence is missing some indexes. This wouldn't happen if the previous one was working properly, but we also get a crash when we ask for an out of bounds range, i.e {-53, 10}. It should be a controlled error.

write/2 accepts initial index as 0, while append/2 starts in 1. <- inconsistent!

import os
import subprocess['python', '', 'Z:\\Work\\Global-focus\\renders\\shot1b\\kk'])


import subprocess['python', 'C:\\Users\\Dan\\Documents\\', 'Z:\\Work\\Global-focus\\renders\\shot1b\\kk'])