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Last active April 6, 2020 20:19
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Redbeans and Rice
  • 1 lb bag redbeans or red kidney beans
  • 1 finely chopped white onion
  • 2-3 stalks of finely chopped celery
  • 1 finely chopped small green bell pepper
  • (optional) cajun-style andouille sausage, smoked pork sausage acceptable
  • Rice or rice-like base (cauliflower rice is good)
  • Cayenne powder, cumin, paprika, parsley, salt, pepper

Night before:

Soak beans! (Reserve liquid)

Day of:

(If doing meat) slice and fry up sausage in pan, almost overcooking.

Remove when nice crust, place in crock pot

Toss chopped onions in pan (if doing meat, the onions will lift up the frond (burnt remains) of sausage).

After a few minutes add celery and bell peppers. This is the holy trinity.

Cook the trinity until onions are very well cooked down.

Add trinity to crock pot.

Add beans AND SOAKING LIQUID to crock pot (we want the starch for thickening).

Add more water until you've covered the whole thing with 1/4-1/2" of water.

Add bay leaves, little bit of cayenne, cumin, paprika, salt, black pepper, maybe some parsley. Add some tabascso and maybe some more cayenne to make spicier.

TASTE THE ABOVE to make sure its the right spice. Cayenne get spicy real real fast, start with a little and taste.

Set to medium-to-high for 8 hours.

At about the 6 hour mark take a big wooden spoon and mash ~1/4 of the beans against the side of the crock pot (thiiiicccen the mix).

Make some white rice (or use cauliflower rice).

Serve redbeans over said rice. Enjoy.

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