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Created May 7, 2015 09:40
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sketch of bits of incremental update and mirroring logic
data RepositoryInfo = RepositoryInfo {
repoName :: String,
repoPrimaryURL :: URL,
repoMirrorURLs :: [URL],
repoLocalDir :: FilePath
repoSettings :: DownloadSettings
data DownloadSettings = DownloadSettings {
disableAllVerification :: Bool,
disableTimestampVerification :: Bool,
disableIncrementalUpdate :: Bool,
disableTransportCompression :: Bool
repoLocalIndexFileCompressed :: RepositoryInfo -> FilePath
RepositoryInfo { repoLocalDir } = repoLocalDir </> "00-index.tar.gz"
repoLocalIndexFileUncompressed :: RepositoryInfo -> FilePath
RepositoryInfo { repoLocalDir } = repoLocalDir </> "00-index.tar"
updateRepositoryIndex :: Verbosity
-> RepositoryInfo
-> IO ()
updateRepositoryIndex verbosity repoinfo = do
localIndexInfo <- checkLocalIndex repoinfo
-- now try each mirror in turn
tryMirrors [] (repoMirrorURLs repoinfo)
tryMirrors failures (mirror:mirrors) = do
result <- updateIndexFromMirror
case result of
MirrorUnavailable -> do
tryMirrors ((mirror, result):failures) mirrors
tryMirrors failures [] = do
-- construct and print/return summary report
updateIndexFromMirror :: URL ->
updateIndexFromMirror mirrorURL =
res <- downloadIndexManifest
case res of
Left err
Right manifestFile ->
case verifyManifestFile manifestFile of
Right manifestInfo ->
case pickUpdateMethod of
updateIndexFromMirrorIncremental = do
res <- downloadFileRange expectedSize ( <//> ) localfile
res <- downloadFile expectedSize ( <//> ) localfile
case res of
Right _ -> do
verifyHash hash localfile
data DownloadFailure = HostUnreachable
| ResourceUnavailable
| ResourceVerificationError
downloadIndexManifest :: URL -> m (Either () IndexManifestResponse)
downloadIndexManifest url = undefined
data IndexManifestResponse = IndexManifestResponse {
indexManifestCompressedInfo :: (Size, Hash),
indexManifestUncompressedInfo :: Maybe (Size, Hash),
indexClaimsAppendOnly :: Bool,
serverSupportsRangeRequests :: Bool,
serverSupportsGzipTransport :: Bool,
data UpdateMethod = TryIncrementalUpdate Size Size Hash
| TryFullUpdate Size Hash
pickUpdateMethod :: DownloadSettings
-> LocalIndexFileInfo
-> IndexManifestResponse
-> UpdateMethod
DownloadSettings {
disableIncrementalUpdate = False,
(HaveLocalIndexFile localUncompressesSize)
IndexManifestResponse {
indexClaimsAppendOnly = True
serverSupportsRangeRequests = True,
indexManifestUncompressedInfo = Just (remoteUncompressedSize, hash),
indexManifestCompressedInfo = (remoteCompressedSize, _),
| estimatedIncrementalUpdateSize < remoteCompressedSize
= TryIncrementalUpdate localUncompressesSize remoteUncompressedSize hash
estimatedIncrementalUpdateSize =
(remoteUncompressedSize - localUncompressesSize)
`div` estimatedCompressionFactor
| disableTransportCompression = 1
| serverSupportsGzipTransport = 10
| otherwise = 1
-- otherwise
pickUpdateMethod _ _
IndexManifestResponse {
indexManifestCompressedInfo = (remoteCompressedSize, hash)
= TryFullUpdate remoteCompressedSize hash
data LocalIndexFileInfo = NoLocalIndexFile
| HaveLocalIndexFile Integer
checkLocalIndex :: RepositoryInfo -> IO ()
checkLocalIndex repo = do
let localIndexTar = repoLocalIndexFileUncompressed repo
exists <- doesFileExist localIndexTar
if exists
then do size <- withFile localIndexTar ReadMode hFileSize
return (HaveLocalIndexFile size)
else return NoLocalIndexFile
data HttpSession m = HttpSession {
downloadSmallFile :: Int -> URL -> m (Either DownloadError (ByteString, ResponseInfo))
downloadFile :: Int -> URL -> FilePath -> m (Either DownloadError ResponseInfo)
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edsko commented May 7, 2015

  downloadSmallFile -- takes upper limit
  downloadFile -- takes precise size
  missing: downloadByteRange

  repoLocalDir -- local cache, NOT a local repository

  missing: some way of bootstrapping security (known root keys, in particular)
  disableTimestampVerification: verification of expiry dates (in case local clocks are wrong, or in case primary server is down for time longer than expiry date on snapshot file)
  disableTransportCompression: because of potential security concerns (e.g. buffer overruns in decompression algorithm, possibly in maliciously created evil compressed files)

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