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Created June 1, 2018 21:58
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cleanAction :: CleanFlags -> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
cleanAction cleanFlags extraArgs globalFlags = do
projectRootDir <- findProjectRoot
let DistDirLayout{distDirectory} = defaultDistDirLayout projectRootDir
notice verbosity "cleaning..."
-- Remove the whole shared dist dir
chattyTry "removing dist/" $ do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist distDirectory
when exists (removeDirectoryRecursive distDirectory)
-- Any extra files the user wants to remove
mapM_ removeFileOrDirectory (extraTmpFiles pkg_descr)
unless saveConfig $ do
-- Delete the cabal.project.local too
verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal (cleanVerbosity cleanFlags)
saveConfig = fromFlagOrDefault False (cleanSaveConf cleanFlags)
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