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Data refinment, theory and example
> module DataRefinement1 where
> import Data.Word
> import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
> import Control.Applicative
> import Test.QuickCheck
> import Prelude hiding (abs, null, replicate)
Data refinement provides a roadmap for how to think about, specify and test
a concrete implementaiton.
Data refinement in theory
A abstract data type (or specification type)
| abs -- abstraction function
C concrete data type (or representation type)
inv -- data invariant
inv :: C -> Bool
abs :: C -> A
* A concrete data type _represents_ an abstract data type
* The abstraction function says what each concrete value represents
as a corresponding value of the abstract type.
* The data invariant constains the valid concrete representations
* It must be maintained
* It may be relied on
* The abstraction function need only be defined for valid representations
Concrete type is often bigger: multiple ways to represent the same value,
e.g. for efficiency or other reasons.
> newtype LazyByteString = LBS [BS.ByteString]
> deriving Show
> inv :: LazyByteString -> Bool
> inv (LBS chunks) = all (not . BS.null) chunks
> abs :: LazyByteString -> BS.ByteString
> abs (LBS chunks) = BS.concat chunks
> instance Arbitrary LazyByteString where
> arbitrary = LBS <$> listOf (BS.pack <$> listOf1 arbitrary)
> shrink (LBS chunks) = [ LBS chunks'
> | chunks' <- map (map BS.pack) . shrink
> . map BS.unpack $ chunks
> , all (not . BS.null) chunks' ]
> prop_arbitrary :: LazyByteString -> Bool
> prop_arbitrary lbs = inv lbs
> && all inv (shrink lbs)
More theory: query operations
We should get the same results for equivalent states.
Where of course equivalence here means related via the abstraction function.
equiv :: C -> A -> Bool
> c `equiv` a = abs a == c
In pictures:
A -- op_A --> Y
^ /
| /
| /
abs op_C
| /
| /
Or symbolically
op_A :: A -> Y
op_C :: C -> Y
op_A . abs = op_C
> null :: LazyByteString -> Bool
> null (LBS []) = True
> null (LBS (_:_)) = False
Note how we can rely on the data type invariant to know that if there are
chunks then they're all non-empty.
> prop_null :: LazyByteString -> Bool
> prop_null lbs = (BS.null . abs) lbs == null lbs
More theory: construction operations
From the same inputs we should end up in equivalent states.
In pictures:
X -- op_A --> A
\ ^
\ |
\ |
op_C abs
\ |
\ |
Or symbolically
op_A :: X -> A
op_C :: X -> C
op_A = abs . op_C
> replicate :: Int -> Word8 -> LazyByteString
> replicate n w = LBS [BS.replicate n w]
> prop_replicate :: Int -> Word8 -> Bool
> prop_replicate n w = BS.replicate n w == abs (replicate n w)
More theory: update operations
Corresponding operations on equivalent initial states should lead to equivalent
final states.
A -- op_A --> A
^ ^
| |
| |
abs abs
| |
| |
| |
C -- op_C --> C
op_A :: A -> A
op_C :: C -> C
op_A . abs = abs . op_C
> cons :: Word8 -> LazyByteString -> LazyByteString
> cons w (LBS chunks) = LBS (BS.singleton w : chunks)
Note how we can rely on the data type invariant to know that the chunk is
non-empty and so we satisfy the precondition for `BS.head`.
> prop_cons :: Word8 -> LazyByteString -> Bool
> prop_cons w lbs = (BS.cons w . abs) lbs == (abs . cons w) lbs
More theory: chaining lots of operations
These diagrams can be joined together.
X -- f_A --> A -- h_A --> A -- h_A --> A -- g_A --> Y
\ ^ ^ ^ /
\ | | | /
\ | | | /
f_C abs abs abs g_C
\ | | | /
\ | | | /
\| | |/
C -- h_C --> C -- h_C --> C
Any corresponding sequence (or tree) of operations on the abstract and concrete
representations ought to be related at every step by the abstraction relation.
If it covers all the operations of interest then this is sometimes referred to
as a simulation property. This tells us we have a correct implementation of
the concrete type and its operations. At least correct in the sense that it
does accurately correspond to the abstract type and operations.
We can test this with QuickCheck by generating arbitrary sequences of
operations and running both the abstract and concrete versions and comparing
equivalence at each step.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns #-}
module DataRefinement1 where
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Graph
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Control.Applicative
import Test.QuickCheck
-- Simple blockchain data type.
-- These are the abstract types, the specification.
type Chain = [Block] -- most recent block at the front
data Block = Block {
blockId :: BlockId, -- ^ hash of other fields
prevBlockId :: BlockId, -- ^ 'blockId' of the previous block
blockSlot :: Slot,
blockPayload :: Payload
deriving (Show, Eq)
type BlockId = Int
type Slot = Word
type Payload = String
hashBlock :: Block -> BlockId
hashBlock Block{prevBlockId, blockSlot, blockPayload} =
hash (prevBlockId, blockSlot, blockPayload)
-- What it means for a chain to be valid
validChain :: Chain -> Bool
validChain [] = True
validChain (b:bs) = validChainExtension b bs && validChain bs
validChainExtension :: Block -> Chain -> Bool
validChainExtension b _
| blockId b /= hashBlock b = False
validChainExtension b [] = prevBlockId b == 0
validChainExtension b (b':_) = prevBlockId b == blockId b'
&& blockSlot b > blockSlot b'
-- And useful later: chain fragments
-- | Like 'Chain but does not have to chain onto the genesis block. Its final
-- back pointer can be anything at all.
type ChainFragment = [Block]
validChainFragment :: ChainFragment -> Bool
validChainFragment [] = True
validChainFragment (b:bs) = validChainFragmentExtension b bs
&& validChainFragment bs
validChainFragmentExtension :: Block -> Chain -> Bool
validChainFragmentExtension b _
| blockId b /= hashBlock b = False
validChainFragmentExtension _ [] = True -- any prevBlockId is ok
validChainFragmentExtension b (b':_) = prevBlockId b == blockId b'
&& blockSlot b > blockSlot b'
-- Generating valid chains
mkBlock :: BlockId -> Slot -> Payload -> Block
mkBlock blockid' slot payload = block
block = Block blockid blockid' slot payload
blockid = hashBlock block
genBlock :: BlockId -> Slot -> Gen Block
genBlock blockid slot = do
payload <- vectorOf 4 (choose ('A', 'Z'))
return (mkBlock blockid slot payload)
genNBlocks :: Int -> BlockId -> Slot -> Gen [Block]
genNBlocks 1 blockid0 slot0 = (:[]) <$> genBlock blockid0 slot0
genNBlocks n blockid0 slot0 = do
c@(b':_) <- genNBlocks (n-1) blockid0 slot0
b <- genBlock (blockId b') (blockSlot b' + 1)
return (b:c)
genChain :: Int -> Gen Chain
genChain n = genNBlocks n 0 1
newtype TestChain = TestChain Chain
deriving Show
instance Arbitrary TestChain where
arbitrary = do
Positive n <- arbitrary
TestChain <$> genChain n
prop_TestChain :: TestChain -> Bool
prop_TestChain (TestChain chain) = validChain chain
-- The operation on the abstract type
data ChainUpdate = AddBlock Block
| SwitchFork Int -- rollback by n
[Block] -- add more blocks
deriving Show
-- This is the key operation on chains in this model
applyChainUpdate :: ChainUpdate -> Chain -> Chain
applyChainUpdate (AddBlock b) c = b:c
applyChainUpdate (SwitchFork n bs) c = bs ++ drop n c
applyChainUpdates :: [ChainUpdate] -> Chain -> Chain
applyChainUpdates = flip (foldl (flip applyChainUpdate))
validChainUpdate :: ChainUpdate -> Chain -> Bool
validChainUpdate cu c = validChainUpdate' cu
&& validChain (applyChainUpdate cu c)
validChainUpdate' :: ChainUpdate -> Bool
validChainUpdate' (AddBlock _b) = True
validChainUpdate' (SwitchFork n bs) = n >= 0 && n <= k && length bs == n + 1
k :: Int
k = 5 -- maximum fork length
chainHeadBlockId :: Chain -> BlockId
chainHeadBlockId [] = 0
chainHeadBlockId (b:_) = blockId b
chainHeadSlot :: Chain -> Slot
chainHeadSlot [] = 0
chainHeadSlot (b:_) = blockSlot b
-- Generating valid chain updates
genChainUpdate :: Chain -> Gen ChainUpdate
genChainUpdate chain = do
let maxRollback = length (take k chain)
n <- choose (-10, maxRollback)
if n <= 0
then AddBlock <$> genBlock (chainHeadBlockId chain)
(chainHeadSlot chain + 1)
else SwitchFork n <$> let chain' = drop n chain in
genNBlocks (n+1) (chainHeadBlockId chain')
(chainHeadSlot chain' + 1)
genChainUpdates :: Chain -> Int -> Gen [ChainUpdate]
genChainUpdates _ 0 = return []
genChainUpdates chain n = do
update <- genChainUpdate chain
let chain' = applyChainUpdate update chain
updates <- genChainUpdates chain' (n-1)
return (update : updates)
data TestChainAndUpdates = TestChainAndUpdates Chain [ChainUpdate]
deriving Show
instance Arbitrary TestChainAndUpdates where
arbitrary = do
(Positive n, Positive m) <- arbitrary
chain <- genChain n
updates <- genChainUpdates chain m
return (TestChainAndUpdates chain updates)
prop_TestChainAndUpdates :: TestChainAndUpdates -> Bool
prop_TestChainAndUpdates (TestChainAndUpdates chain updates) =
all validChain chains
&& all (uncurry validChainUpdate) (zip updates chains)
chains = scanl (flip applyChainUpdate) chain updates
-- Data types for a plausibly-realisic blockchain representation.
-- These are the concrete types, the implementaiton.
-- | Represent a chain as two overlapping parts: an immutable chain and
-- a volatile chain fragment.
data ChainState
= ChainState {
chainImmutable :: Immutable,
chainVolatile :: Volatile
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Immutable = Immutable Chain -- re-using the spec type for simplicity
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Representation of a chain fragment as a graph with backwards and forward
-- pointers.
data Volatile = Volatile
(Map BlockId (Block, BlockForwardLink))
(Maybe BlockId) -- ^ current tip, or empty
deriving (Eq, Show)
data BlockForwardLink =
TipBlock -- ^ This block is the tip
| NextBlock BlockId -- ^ move forward one block to here
| NextRollback Int BlockId -- ^ roll back N blocks to target block id
-- then forward at least N+1 blocks
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- The data invariants
invChainState :: ChainState -> Bool
invImmutable :: Immutable -> Bool
invVolatile :: Volatile -> Bool
invChainState (ChainState i v)
| invImmutable i
, invVolatile v
, Just (i', overlap, v') <- absImmutable i `chainsOverlap` absVolatile v
, validChain (i' ++ overlap ++ v' )
= True
| otherwise
= False
invImmutable (Immutable c) = validChain c
invVolatile (Volatile blocks Nothing) =
-- The whole thing can be empty, with no tip.
Map.null blocks
invVolatile (Volatile blocks (Just tip)) =
-- But if it's not empty, then:
and [
-- The tip is in the map, and is marked as such
case Map.lookup tip blocks of
Just (_, TipBlock) -> True; _ -> False
-- There is only one tip
, length [ () | (_, TipBlock) <- Map.elems blocks ] == 1
-- all blocks have the right key
, and [ b == b' | (b, (Block{blockId = b'}, _)) <- Map.toList blocks ]
-- no cycles within back pointers
, noCycles [ (b, blockId, [prevBlockId])
| (b@Block{blockId, prevBlockId}, _) <- Map.elems blocks ]
-- no cycles within the forward pointers
, noCycles [ (b, blockId, maybeToList (nextBlockId next))
| (b@Block{blockId}, next) <- Map.elems blocks ]
-- normal forward pointers have to be consistent with the back pointer:
-- following a normal forward pointer gets to a block that points back
, and [ case Map.lookup bid' blocks of
Just (b',_) | prevBlockId b' == blockId b -> True
_ -> False
| (b, NextBlock bid') <- Map.elems blocks ]
-- the 'activechain' is the blocks reachable backwards from the tip
-- the activechain must form a valid chain fragment
, validChainFragment activechain
-- the activechain blocks must have normal forward pointers
, and [ case next of
TipBlock -> True
NextBlock{} -> True
NextRollback{} -> False
| (_b, next) <- activechain' ]
-- all blocks not reachable backwards from the tip must have
-- rollback-flavour forward pointers
, and [ case next of
NextRollback{} -> True
_ -> False
| let active = Set.fromList (map blockId activechain)
, (b, next) <- Map.elems blocks
, blockId b `Set.notMember` active ]
-- rollback pointers must either point to a block in the vchain or
-- to a block in the immutable chain
-- rollback numbers must be consistent with the number of back pointers to
-- chase to get back to the target block
-- rollback pointers with a rollback number N must have M>N blocks in the
-- chain forward (ie since forks switches are always to longer ones)
noCycles g = null [ () | CyclicSCC _nodes <- stronglyConnComp g ]
nextBlockId TipBlock = Nothing
nextBlockId (NextBlock b) = Just b
nextBlockId (NextRollback _ b) = Just b
activechain = chainBackwardsFrom blocks tip
activechain' = chainBackwardsFrom' blocks tip
chainBackwardsFrom :: Map BlockId (Block, BlockForwardLink)
-> BlockId
-> [Block]
chainBackwardsFrom blocks bid =
case Map.lookup bid blocks of
Nothing -> []
Just (b,_) -> b : chainBackwardsFrom blocks (prevBlockId b)
chainBackwardsFrom' :: Map BlockId (Block, BlockForwardLink)
-> BlockId
-> [(Block, BlockForwardLink)]
chainBackwardsFrom' blocks bid =
case Map.lookup bid blocks of
Nothing -> []
Just e@(b,_) -> e : chainBackwardsFrom' blocks (prevBlockId b)
-- The abstraction function
absChainState :: ChainState -> Chain
absImmutable :: Immutable -> Chain
absVolatile :: Volatile -> ChainFragment
absImmutable (Immutable c) = c
absVolatile (Volatile _ Nothing) = []
absVolatile (Volatile blocks (Just tip)) = chainBackwardsFrom blocks tip
absChainState (ChainState i v)
| Just (i', overlap, v') <- absImmutable i `chainsOverlap` absVolatile v
= concat [ i', overlap, v' ]
-- pattern match guaranteed by the invariant.
-- Important helper function: chain overlaps
-- | If the chain fragments connect, returns the overlapping part and the
-- remaining non-overlapping parts.
-- > Just (xs', overlap, ys') = chainsOverlap xs ys
-- > <==> (xs' ++ overlap, overlap) ++ ys' = (xs, ys)
chainsOverlap :: ChainFragment -> ChainFragment
-> Maybe (ChainFragment, ChainFragment, ChainFragment)
chainsOverlap [] ys = Just ([], [], ys)
chainsOverlap xs [] = Just (xs, [], [])
chainsOverlap xs ys =
let lastx = last xs in
case break (\b -> blockId b == prevBlockId lastx) ys of
-- Annoying special case: the ys chain is exactly a suffix of xs. The
-- normal approach of looking for the thing last x points back to doesn't
-- work, for that to work the ys chain has to go one block further back.
((_:_), [])
| blockId (last ys) == blockId lastx
, ys `isSuffixOf` xs
-> Just (take (length xs - length ys) xs, ys, [])
(_, []) -> Nothing
(possibleOverlap, _)
| possibleOverlap `isSuffixOf` xs
-> let overlap = possibleOverlap
overlaplen = length overlap
xs'len = length xs - overlaplen
xs' = take xs'len xs
ys' = drop overlaplen ys
in Just (xs', overlap, ys')
| otherwise
-> Nothing
prop_chainsOverlap :: TestChain -> Bool
prop_chainsOverlap (TestChain chain) =
and [ validChainFragment xs
&& validChain ys
&& case chainsOverlap xs ys of
Nothing -> False
Just (xs', overlap, ys') ->
xs' ++ overlap == xs
&& overlap ++ ys' == ys
&& validChain (xs' ++ overlap ++ ys')
| n <- [0 .. length chain]
, m <- [0 .. n]
, let xs = take n chain
ys = drop m chain
-- Step 1: empty chains
emptyChainState :: ChainState
emptyChainState = ChainState emptyImmutable emptyVolatile
emptyImmutable :: Immutable
emptyImmutable = Immutable []
emptyVolatile :: Volatile
emptyVolatile = Volatile Map.empty Nothing
-- the empty chain value should
-- 1. satisfy the invariant
-- 2. be equivalent to the empty chain abstract value [].
prop_emptyChainState :: Bool
prop_emptyChainState = invChainState emptyChainState
&& absChainState emptyChainState == []
-- Step 2: adding single blocks
addBlockVolatile :: Block -> Volatile -> Volatile
addBlockVolatile b (Volatile _ Nothing) =
Volatile (Map.singleton (blockId b) (b, TipBlock)) (Just (blockId b))
addBlockVolatile b' (Volatile blocks (Just tip))
| prevBlockId b' == tip = Volatile blocks' (Just tip')
| otherwise = error "addBlockVolatile: wrong back pointer"
tip' = blockId b'
blocks' = Map.insert tip' (b', TipBlock)
. Map.adjust (\(b, TipBlock) -> (b, NextBlock tip')) tip
$ blocks
-- | For building a chain from empty using the 'addBlockVolatile', at each step
-- the invariant holds, and the concrete and abstract values are equivalent
prop_addBlockVolatile :: TestChain -> Bool
prop_addBlockVolatile (TestChain chain) =
all invVolatile vsteps
&& and [ absVolatile v == chain'
| (v, chain') <- zip (reverse vsteps) (tails chain) ]
vsteps = scanl (flip addBlockVolatile) emptyVolatile (reverse chain)
-- Step 3: switching forks
switchForkVolatile :: Int -> [Block] -> Volatile -> Volatile
switchForkVolatile _rollback _newblocks (Volatile _ Nothing) =
error "switchForkVolatile: precondition violation"
switchForkVolatile rollback newblocks (Volatile blocks (Just tip)) =
Volatile blocks' (Just tip')
tip' = blockId (head newblocks)
blocks' = Map.adjust (\(b,_) -> (b, NextBlock rollforwardFrom)) rollbackTo
$ foldl' (\bs (b,fp) -> Map.insert (blockId b) (b,fp) bs)
blocks updates
updates :: [(Block, BlockForwardLink)]
updates = zip newblocks (TipBlock : map (NextBlock . blockId) newblocks)
++ [ (b, NextRollback n rollbackTo)
| (b, n) <- zip undos [1..] ]
undos = take rollback (chainBackwardsFrom blocks tip)
rollbackTo = prevBlockId (last undos)
rollforwardFrom = blockId (last newblocks)
-- | This is now the simulation property covering both the add block and
-- switch fork operations.
prop_switchForkVolatile :: TestChainAndUpdates -> Bool
prop_switchForkVolatile (TestChainAndUpdates chain updates) =
all invVolatile vs
&& all (\(v, c) -> absVolatile v == c) (zip vs chains)
v0 = foldr addBlockVolatile emptyVolatile chain
vs = scanl (flip applyChainUpdateVolatile) v0 updates
chains = scanl (flip applyChainUpdate) chain updates
applyChainUpdateVolatile (AddBlock b) = addBlockVolatile b
applyChainUpdateVolatile (SwitchFork n bs) = switchForkVolatile n bs
-- We will actually want additional properties, beyond simulation,
-- but these are specific to the concrete representation and the
-- extra operations we will provide.
-- * switching back and forth on the same set of forks works ok (corresponding
-- to two long running competing forks)
-- * an immutability property that all blocks and back pointers are immutable
-- and stay in the map, and only the forward pointers change. If we do no
-- slot-expiry pruning then there should be a strict subset property, since
-- the map will only grow, and only the forward pointers change.
-- Additional operations on the concrete representation.
-- Both correspond to an identity operation on the abstract version.
-- | Flush blocks in the volatile chain that are now immutable into the
-- immutable part of the chain.
flushNewImmutableBlocks :: Int -> ChainState -> ChainState
flushNewImmutableBlocks upto ChainState {
chainImmutable = Immutable chainImm,
} =
-- This is not intended to be efficient. It could be made efficient
-- by caching pointers to the overlap and flush positions.
case chainsOverlap chainImm (absVolatile chainVolatile) of
Just (_, _, chainVol) ->
let available = drop k chainVol
toflush = reverse . take upto . reverse $ available
in ChainState {
chainImmutable = Immutable (toflush ++ chainImm),
_ -> error "flushNewImmutableBlocks: invariant violation"
-- | Provided we flush blocks before we get to 2k, we can drop older
-- blocks from the volatile segment.
pruneVolatileBlocks :: ChainState -> ChainState
pruneVolatileBlocks cs@ChainState {
chainVolatile = Volatile blocks (Just tip)
} =
cs {
chainVolatile = Volatile blocks' (Just tip)
-- just drop all entries that are older than 2k slots from the tip
blocks' = Map.filter (\(b, _) -> blockSlot b > tipSlot - 2 * fromIntegral k) blocks
tipSlot = blockSlot (fst (blocks Map.! tip))
pruneVolatileBlocks cs = cs
-- Final simulation property
--TODO !
-- The general simulation propert for a suitablely constrained sequence of
-- the concrete operations.
-- The flush and prune operations allow quite a bit of flexibility about when
-- we do them, but there is a constraint that we flush before we prune so
-- that we do not break the chain overlap.
-- Could pick a specific flush policy but would like to check that an arbitrary
-- valid policy is still ok.
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