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Created August 31, 2017 08:59
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TargetSelector with TargetPackageNamed
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveGeneric, DeriveFunctor, RecordWildCards #-}
-- |
-- Module : Distribution.Client.TargetSelector
-- Copyright : (c) Duncan Coutts 2012, 2015, 2016
-- License : BSD-like
-- Maintainer :
-- Handling for user-specified target selectors.
module Distribution.Client.TargetSelector (
-- * Target selectors
-- * Reading target selectors
-- ** non-IO
) where
import Distribution.Package
( Package(..), PackageId, packageName )
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName ( unUnqualComponentName )
import Distribution.Client.Types
( PackageLocation(..) )
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Distribution.PackageDescription
( PackageDescription
, Executable(..)
, TestSuite(..), TestSuiteInterface(..), testModules
, Benchmark(..), BenchmarkInterface(..), benchmarkModules
, BuildInfo(..), explicitLibModules, exeModules )
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
( flattenPackageDescription )
import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
( SourcePackage(..) )
import Distribution.ModuleName
( ModuleName, toFilePath )
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
( Component(..), ComponentName(..)
, pkgComponents, componentName, componentBuildInfo )
import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib
import Distribution.Text
( display, simpleParse )
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
( die', lowercase, ordNub )
import Distribution.Client.Utils
( makeRelativeCanonical )
import Data.Either
( partitionEithers )
import Data.Function
( on )
import Data.List
( nubBy, stripPrefix, partition, intercalate, sortBy, groupBy )
import Data.Maybe
( maybeToList )
import Data.Ord
( comparing )
import Distribution.Compat.Binary (Binary)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
#if MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,0)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map.Lazy
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map.Lazy
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>))
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
import qualified Distribution.Compat.ReadP as Parse
import Distribution.Compat.ReadP
( (+++), (<++) )
import Distribution.ParseUtils
( readPToMaybe )
import Data.Char
( isSpace, isAlphaNum )
import System.FilePath as FilePath
( takeExtension, dropExtension
, splitDirectories, joinPath, splitPath )
import qualified System.Directory as IO
( doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist, canonicalizePath
, getCurrentDirectory )
import System.FilePath
( (</>), (<.>), normalise, dropTrailingPathSeparator )
import Text.EditDistance
( defaultEditCosts, restrictedDamerauLevenshteinDistance )
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Target selector terms
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | A target selector is expression selecting a set of components (as targets
-- for a actions like @build@, @run@, @test@ etc). A target selector
-- corresponds to the user syntax for referring to targets on the command line.
-- From the users point of view a target can be many things: packages, dirs,
-- component names, files etc. Internally we consider a target to be a specific
-- component (or module\/file within a component), and all the users' notions
-- of targets are just different ways of referring to these component targets.
-- So target selectors are expressions in the sense that they are interpreted
-- to refer to one or more components. For example a 'TargetPackage' gets
-- interpreted differently by different commands to refer to all or a subset
-- of components within the package.
-- The syntax has lots of optional parts:
-- > [ package name | package dir | package .cabal file ]
-- > [ [lib:|exe:] component name ]
-- > [ module name | source file ]
data TargetSelector pkg =
-- | A package as a whole: the default components for the package or all
-- components of a particular kind.
TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd pkg (Maybe ComponentKindFilter)
-- | All packages, or all components of a particular kind in all packages.
| TargetAllPackages (Maybe ComponentKindFilter)
-- | A specific component in a package.
| TargetComponent pkg ComponentName SubComponentTarget
-- | A named package, but not a known local package. It could for example
-- resolve to a dependency of a local package or to a package from
-- hackage. Either way, it requires further processing to resolve.
| TargetPackageName PackageName
deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor, Show, Generic)
-- |
data TargetImplicitCwd = TargetImplicitCwd | TargetExplicitNamed
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
data ComponentKind = LibKind | FLibKind | ExeKind | TestKind | BenchKind
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show)
type ComponentKindFilter = ComponentKind
-- | Either the component as a whole or detail about a file or module target
-- within a component.
data SubComponentTarget =
-- | The component as a whole
-- | A specific module within a component.
| ModuleTarget ModuleName
-- | A specific file within a component.
| FileTarget FilePath
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
instance Binary SubComponentTarget
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Top level, do everything
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Parse a bunch of command line args as 'TargetSelector's, failing with an
-- error if any are unrecognised. The possible target selectors are based on
-- the available packages (and their locations).
readTargetSelectors :: [SourcePackage (PackageLocation a)]
-> [String]
-> IO (Either [TargetSelectorProblem]
[TargetSelector PackageId])
readTargetSelectors = readTargetSelectorsWith defaultDirActions
readTargetSelectorsWith :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => DirActions m
-> [SourcePackage (PackageLocation a)]
-> [String]
-> m (Either [TargetSelectorProblem]
[TargetSelector PackageId])
readTargetSelectorsWith dirActions@DirActions{..} pkgs targetStrs =
case parseTargetStrings targetStrs of
([], utargets) -> do
utargets' <- mapM (getTargetStringFileStatus dirActions) utargets
pkgs' <- mapM (selectPackageInfo dirActions) pkgs
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
let (cwdPkg, otherPkgs) = selectCwdPackage cwd pkgs'
case resolveTargetSelectors cwdPkg otherPkgs utargets' of
([], btargets) -> return (Right (map (fmap packageId) btargets))
(problems, _) -> return (Left problems)
(strs, _) -> return (Left (map TargetSelectorUnrecognised strs))
selectCwdPackage :: FilePath
-> [PackageInfo]
-> ([PackageInfo], [PackageInfo])
selectCwdPackage cwd pkgs' =
let (cwdpkg, others) = partition isPkgDirCwd pkgs'
in (cwdpkg, others)
isPkgDirCwd PackageInfo { pinfoDirectory = Just (dir,_) }
| dir == cwd = True
isPkgDirCwd _ = False
data DirActions m = DirActions {
doesFileExist :: FilePath -> m Bool,
doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> m Bool,
canonicalizePath :: FilePath -> m FilePath,
getCurrentDirectory :: m FilePath
defaultDirActions :: DirActions IO
defaultDirActions =
DirActions {
doesFileExist = IO.doesFileExist,
doesDirectoryExist = IO.doesDirectoryExist,
-- Workaround for <>
canonicalizePath = IO.canonicalizePath . dropTrailingPathSeparator,
getCurrentDirectory = IO.getCurrentDirectory
makeRelativeToCwd :: Applicative m => DirActions m -> FilePath -> m FilePath
makeRelativeToCwd DirActions{..} path =
makeRelativeCanonical <$> canonicalizePath path <*> getCurrentDirectory
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Parsing target strings
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | The outline parse of a target selector. It takes one of the forms:
-- > str1
-- > str1:str2
-- > str1:str2:str3
-- > str1:str2:str3:str4
data TargetString =
TargetString1 String
| TargetString2 String String
| TargetString3 String String String
| TargetString4 String String String String
| TargetString5 String String String String String
| TargetString7 String String String String String String String
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Parse a bunch of 'TargetString's (purely without throwing exceptions).
parseTargetStrings :: [String] -> ([String], [TargetString])
parseTargetStrings =
. map (\str -> maybe (Left str) Right (parseTargetString str))
parseTargetString :: String -> Maybe TargetString
parseTargetString =
readPToMaybe parseTargetApprox
parseTargetApprox :: Parse.ReadP r TargetString
parseTargetApprox =
(do a <- tokenQ
return (TargetString1 a))
+++ (do a <- tokenQ0
_ <- Parse.char ':'
b <- tokenQ
return (TargetString2 a b))
+++ (do a <- tokenQ0
_ <- Parse.char ':'
b <- tokenQ
_ <- Parse.char ':'
c <- tokenQ
return (TargetString3 a b c))
+++ (do a <- tokenQ0
_ <- Parse.char ':'
b <- token
_ <- Parse.char ':'
c <- tokenQ
_ <- Parse.char ':'
d <- tokenQ
return (TargetString4 a b c d))
+++ (do a <- tokenQ0
_ <- Parse.char ':'
b <- token
_ <- Parse.char ':'
c <- tokenQ
_ <- Parse.char ':'
d <- tokenQ
_ <- Parse.char ':'
e <- tokenQ
return (TargetString5 a b c d e))
+++ (do a <- tokenQ0
_ <- Parse.char ':'
b <- token
_ <- Parse.char ':'
c <- tokenQ
_ <- Parse.char ':'
d <- tokenQ
_ <- Parse.char ':'
e <- tokenQ
_ <- Parse.char ':'
f <- tokenQ
_ <- Parse.char ':'
g <- tokenQ
return (TargetString7 a b c d e f g))
token = Parse.munch1 (\x -> not (isSpace x) && x /= ':')
tokenQ = parseHaskellString <++ token
token0 = Parse.munch (\x -> not (isSpace x) && x /= ':')
tokenQ0= parseHaskellString <++ token0
parseHaskellString :: Parse.ReadP r String
parseHaskellString = Parse.readS_to_P reads
-- | Render a 'TargetString' back as the external syntax. This is mainly for
-- error messages.
showTargetString :: TargetString -> String
showTargetString = intercalate ":" . components
components (TargetString1 s1) = [s1]
components (TargetString2 s1 s2) = [s1,s2]
components (TargetString3 s1 s2 s3) = [s1,s2,s3]
components (TargetString4 s1 s2 s3 s4) = [s1,s2,s3,s4]
components (TargetString5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5) = [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5]
components (TargetString7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7) = [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7]
showTargetSelector :: Package p => TargetSelector p -> String
showTargetSelector ts =
let (t':_) = [ t | ql <- [QL1 .. QLFull]
, t <- renderTargetSelector ql ts ]
in showTargetString (forgetFileStatus t')
showTargetSelectorKind :: TargetSelector a -> String
showTargetSelectorKind bt = case bt of
TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed _ Nothing -> "package"
TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed _ (Just _) -> "package:filter"
TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd _ Nothing -> "cwd-package"
TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd _ (Just _) -> "cwd-package:filter"
TargetAllPackages Nothing -> "all-packages"
TargetAllPackages (Just _) -> "all-packages:filter"
TargetComponent _ _ WholeComponent -> "component"
TargetComponent _ _ ModuleTarget{} -> "module"
TargetComponent _ _ FileTarget{} -> "file"
TargetPackageName{} -> "package name"
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Checking if targets exist as files
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
data TargetStringFileStatus =
TargetStringFileStatus1 String FileStatus
| TargetStringFileStatus2 String FileStatus String
| TargetStringFileStatus3 String FileStatus String String
| TargetStringFileStatus4 String String String String
| TargetStringFileStatus5 String String String String String
| TargetStringFileStatus7 String String String String String String String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data FileStatus = FileStatusExistsFile FilePath -- the canonicalised filepath
| FileStatusExistsDir FilePath -- the canonicalised filepath
| FileStatusNotExists Bool -- does the parent dir exist even?
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
noFileStatus :: FileStatus
noFileStatus = FileStatusNotExists False
getTargetStringFileStatus :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => DirActions m
-> TargetString -> m TargetStringFileStatus
getTargetStringFileStatus DirActions{..} t =
case t of
TargetString1 s1 ->
(\f1 -> TargetStringFileStatus1 s1 f1) <$> fileStatus s1
TargetString2 s1 s2 ->
(\f1 -> TargetStringFileStatus2 s1 f1 s2) <$> fileStatus s1
TargetString3 s1 s2 s3 ->
(\f1 -> TargetStringFileStatus3 s1 f1 s2 s3) <$> fileStatus s1
TargetString4 s1 s2 s3 s4 ->
return (TargetStringFileStatus4 s1 s2 s3 s4)
TargetString5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 ->
return (TargetStringFileStatus5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5)
TargetString7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 ->
return (TargetStringFileStatus7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7)
fileStatus f = do
fexists <- doesFileExist f
dexists <- doesDirectoryExist f
case splitPath f of
_ | fexists -> FileStatusExistsFile <$> canonicalizePath f
| dexists -> FileStatusExistsDir <$> canonicalizePath f
(d:_) -> FileStatusNotExists <$> doesDirectoryExist d
_ -> pure (FileStatusNotExists False)
forgetFileStatus :: TargetStringFileStatus -> TargetString
forgetFileStatus t = case t of
TargetStringFileStatus1 s1 _ -> TargetString1 s1
TargetStringFileStatus2 s1 _ s2 -> TargetString2 s1 s2
TargetStringFileStatus3 s1 _ s2 s3 -> TargetString3 s1 s2 s3
TargetStringFileStatus4 s1 s2 s3 s4 -> TargetString4 s1 s2 s3 s4
TargetStringFileStatus5 s1 s2 s3 s4
s5 -> TargetString5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
TargetStringFileStatus7 s1 s2 s3 s4
s5 s6 s7 -> TargetString7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Resolving target strings to target selectors
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Given a bunch of user-specified targets, try to resolve what it is they
-- refer to.
resolveTargetSelectors :: [PackageInfo] -- any pkg in the cur dir
-> [PackageInfo] -- all the other local packages
-> [TargetStringFileStatus]
-> ([TargetSelectorProblem],
[TargetSelector PackageInfo])
-- default local dir target if there's no given target:
resolveTargetSelectors [] [] [] =
([TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject], [])
resolveTargetSelectors [] _opinfo [] =
([TargetSelectorNoTargetsInCwd], [])
resolveTargetSelectors ppinfo _opinfo [] =
([], [TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd (head ppinfo) Nothing])
--TODO: in future allow multiple packages in the same dir
resolveTargetSelectors ppinfo opinfo targetStrs =
. map (resolveTargetSelector ppinfo opinfo)
$ targetStrs
resolveTargetSelector :: [PackageInfo] -> [PackageInfo]
-> TargetStringFileStatus
-> Either TargetSelectorProblem
(TargetSelector PackageInfo)
resolveTargetSelector ppinfo opinfo targetStrStatus =
case findMatch (matcher targetStrStatus) of
Unambiguous _
| projectIsEmpty -> Left TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject
Unambiguous (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd _ mkfilter)
| null ppinfo -> Left (TargetSelectorNoCurrentPackage targetStr)
| otherwise -> Right (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd
(head ppinfo) mkfilter)
--TODO: in future allow multiple packages in the same dir
Unambiguous target -> Right target
None errs
| TargetStringFileStatus1 str _ <- targetStrStatus
, validPackageName str -> Right (TargetPackageName (mkPackageName str))
| projectIsEmpty -> Left TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject
| otherwise -> Left (classifyMatchErrors errs)
Ambiguous exactMatch targets ->
case disambiguateTargetSelectors
matcher targetStrStatus exactMatch
targets of
Right targets' -> Left (TargetSelectorAmbiguous targetStr
(map (fmap (fmap packageId)) targets'))
Left ((m, ms):_) -> Left (MatchingInternalError targetStr
(fmap packageId m)
(map (fmap (map (fmap packageId))) ms))
Left [] -> internalError "resolveTargetSelector"
matcher = matchTargetSelector ppinfo opinfo
targetStr = forgetFileStatus targetStrStatus
projectIsEmpty = null ppinfo && null opinfo
classifyMatchErrors errs
| not (null expected)
= let (things, got:_) = unzip expected in
TargetSelectorExpected targetStr things got
| not (null nosuch)
= TargetSelectorNoSuch targetStr nosuch
| otherwise
= internalError $ "classifyMatchErrors: " ++ show errs
expected = [ (thing, got)
| (_, MatchErrorExpected thing got)
<- map (innerErr Nothing) errs ]
-- Trim the list of alternatives by dropping duplicates and
-- retaining only at most three most similar (by edit distance) ones.
nosuch = Map.foldrWithKey genResults [] $ Map.fromListWith Set.union $
[ ((inside, thing, got), Set.fromList alts)
| (inside, MatchErrorNoSuch thing got alts)
<- map (innerErr Nothing) errs
genResults (inside, thing, got) alts acc = (
, thing
, got
, take maxResults
$ map fst
$ takeWhile distanceLow
$ sortBy (comparing snd)
$ map addLevDist
$ Set.toList alts
) : acc
addLevDist = id &&& restrictedDamerauLevenshteinDistance
defaultEditCosts got
distanceLow (_, dist) = dist < length got `div` 2
maxResults = 3
innerErr _ (MatchErrorIn kind thing m)
= innerErr (Just (kind,thing)) m
innerErr c m = (c,m)
-- | The various ways that trying to resolve a 'TargetString' to a
-- 'TargetSelector' can fail.
data TargetSelectorProblem
= TargetSelectorExpected TargetString [String] String
-- ^ [expected thing] (actually got)
| TargetSelectorNoSuch TargetString
[(Maybe (String, String), String, String, [String])]
-- ^ [([in thing], no such thing, actually got, alternatives)]
| TargetSelectorAmbiguous TargetString
[(TargetString, TargetSelector PackageId)]
| MatchingInternalError TargetString (TargetSelector PackageId)
[(TargetString, [TargetSelector PackageId])]
| TargetSelectorUnrecognised String
-- ^ Syntax error when trying to parse a target string.
| TargetSelectorNoCurrentPackage TargetString
| TargetSelectorNoTargetsInCwd
| TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject
deriving (Show, Eq)
data QualLevel = QL1 | QL2 | QL3 | QLFull
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show)
:: (TargetStringFileStatus -> Match (TargetSelector PackageInfo))
-> TargetStringFileStatus -> Bool
-> [TargetSelector PackageInfo]
-> Either [(TargetSelector PackageInfo,
[(TargetString, [TargetSelector PackageInfo])])]
[(TargetString, TargetSelector PackageInfo)]
disambiguateTargetSelectors matcher matchInput exactMatch matchResults =
case partitionEithers results of
(errs@(_:_), _) -> Left errs
([], ok) -> Right ok
-- So, here's the strategy. We take the original match results, and make a
-- table of all their renderings at all qualification levels.
-- Note there can be multiple renderings at each qualification level.
matchResultsRenderings :: [(TargetSelector PackageInfo,
matchResultsRenderings =
[ (matchResult, matchRenderings)
| matchResult <- matchResults
, let matchRenderings =
[ rendering
| ql <- [QL1 .. QLFull]
, rendering <- renderTargetSelector ql matchResult ]
-- Of course the point is that we're looking for renderings that are
-- unambiguous matches. So we build another memo table of all the matches
-- for all of those renderings. So by looking up in this table we can see
-- if we've got an unambiguous match.
memoisedMatches :: Map TargetStringFileStatus
(Match (TargetSelector PackageInfo))
memoisedMatches =
-- avoid recomputing the main one if it was an exact match
(if exactMatch then Map.insert matchInput (ExactMatch 0 matchResults)
else id)
$ Map.Lazy.fromList
[ (rendering, matcher rendering)
| rendering <- concatMap snd matchResultsRenderings ]
-- Finally, for each of the match results, we go through all their
-- possible renderings (in order of qualification level, though remember
-- there can be multiple renderings per level), and find the first one
-- that has an unambiguous match.
results :: [Either (TargetSelector PackageInfo,
[(TargetString, [TargetSelector PackageInfo])])
(TargetString, TargetSelector PackageInfo)]
results =
[ case findUnambiguous originalMatch matchRenderings of
Just unambiguousRendering ->
Right ( forgetFileStatus unambiguousRendering
, originalMatch)
-- This case is an internal error, but we bubble it up and report it
Nothing ->
Left ( originalMatch
, [ (forgetFileStatus rendering, matches)
| rendering <- matchRenderings
, let (ExactMatch _ matches) =
memoisedMatches Map.! rendering
] )
| (originalMatch, matchRenderings) <- matchResultsRenderings ]
findUnambiguous :: TargetSelector PackageInfo
-> [TargetStringFileStatus]
-> Maybe TargetStringFileStatus
findUnambiguous _ [] = Nothing
findUnambiguous t (r:rs) =
case memoisedMatches Map.! r of
ExactMatch _ [t'] | fmap packageName t == fmap packageName t'
-> Just r
ExactMatch _ _ -> findUnambiguous t rs
InexactMatch a b -> internalError $ "InexactMatch " ++ show a ++ " " ++ show (map (fmap (display . packageId)) b)
NoMatch _ _ -> internalError "NoMatch"
internalError :: String -> a
internalError msg =
error $ "TargetSelector: internal error: " ++ msg
-- | Throw an exception with a formatted message if there are any problems.
reportTargetSelectorProblems :: Verbosity -> [TargetSelectorProblem] -> IO a
reportTargetSelectorProblems verbosity problems = do
case [ str | TargetSelectorUnrecognised str <- problems ] of
[] -> return ()
targets ->
die' verbosity $ unlines
[ "Unrecognised target syntax for '" ++ name ++ "'."
| name <- targets ]
case [ (t, m, ms) | MatchingInternalError t m ms <- problems ] of
[] -> return ()
((target, originalMatch, renderingsAndMatches):_) ->
die' verbosity $ "Internal error in target matching. It should always "
++ "be possible to find a syntax that's sufficiently qualified to "
++ "give an unambiguous match. However when matching '"
++ showTargetString target ++ "' we found "
++ showTargetSelector originalMatch
++ " (" ++ showTargetSelectorKind originalMatch ++ ") which does "
++ "not have an unambiguous syntax. The possible syntax and the "
++ "targets they match are as follows:\n"
++ unlines
[ "'" ++ showTargetString rendering ++ "' which matches "
++ intercalate ", "
[ showTargetSelector match ++
" (" ++ showTargetSelectorKind match ++ ")"
| match <- matches ]
| (rendering, matches) <- renderingsAndMatches ]
case [ (t, e, g) | TargetSelectorExpected t e g <- problems ] of
[] -> return ()
targets ->
die' verbosity $ unlines
[ "Unrecognised target '" ++ showTargetString target
++ "'.\n"
++ "Expected a " ++ intercalate " or " expected
++ ", rather than '" ++ got ++ "'."
| (target, expected, got) <- targets ]
case [ (t, e) | TargetSelectorNoSuch t e <- problems ] of
[] -> return ()
targets ->
die' verbosity $ unlines
[ "Unknown target '" ++ showTargetString target ++
"'.\n" ++ unlines
[ (case inside of
Just (kind, "")
-> "The " ++ kind ++ " has no "
Just (kind, thing)
-> "The " ++ kind ++ " " ++ thing ++ " has no "
Nothing -> "There is no ")
++ intercalate " or " [ mungeThing thing ++ " '" ++ got ++ "'"
| (thing, got, _alts) <- nosuch' ] ++ "."
++ if null alternatives then "" else
"\nPerhaps you meant " ++ intercalate ";\nor "
[ "the " ++ thing ++ " '" ++ intercalate "' or '" alts ++ "'?"
| (thing, alts) <- alternatives ]
| (inside, nosuch') <- groupByContainer nosuch
, let alternatives =
[ (thing, alts)
| (thing,_got,alts@(_:_)) <- nosuch' ]
| (target, nosuch) <- targets
, let groupByContainer =
map (\g@((inside,_,_,_):_) ->
(inside, [ (thing,got,alts)
| (_,thing,got,alts) <- g ]))
. groupBy ((==) `on` (\(x,_,_,_) -> x))
. sortBy (compare `on` (\(x,_,_,_) -> x))
mungeThing "file" = "file target"
mungeThing thing = thing
case [ (t, ts) | TargetSelectorAmbiguous t ts <- problems ] of
[] -> return ()
targets ->
die' verbosity $ unlines
[ "Ambiguous target '" ++ showTargetString target
++ "'. It could be:\n "
++ unlines [ " "++ showTargetString ut ++
" (" ++ showTargetSelectorKind bt ++ ")"
| (ut, bt) <- amb ]
| (target, amb) <- targets ]
case [ t | TargetSelectorNoCurrentPackage t <- problems ] of
[] -> return ()
target:_ ->
die' verbosity $
"The target '" ++ showTargetString target ++ "' refers to the "
++ "components in the package in the current directory, but there "
++ "is no package in the current directory (or at least not listed "
++ "as part of the project)."
--TODO: report a different error if there is a .cabal file but it's
-- not a member of the project
case [ () | TargetSelectorNoTargetsInCwd <- problems ] of
[] -> return ()
_:_ ->
die' verbosity $
"No targets given and there is no package in the current "
++ "directory. Use the target 'all' for all packages in the "
++ "project or specify packages or components by name or location. "
++ "See 'cabal build --help' for more details on target options."
case [ () | TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject <- problems ] of
[] -> return ()
_:_ ->
die' verbosity $
"There is no <pkgname>.cabal package file or cabal.project file. "
++ "To build packages locally you need at minimum a <pkgname>.cabal "
++ "file. You can use 'cabal init' to create one.\n"
++ "\n"
++ "For non-trivial projects you will also want a cabal.project "
++ "file in the root directory of your project. This file lists the "
++ "packages in your project and all other build configuration. "
++ "See the Cabal user guide for full details."
fail "reportTargetSelectorProblems: internal error"
-- Syntax type
-- | Syntax for the 'TargetSelector': the matcher and renderer
data Syntax = Syntax QualLevel Matcher Renderer
| AmbiguousAlternatives Syntax Syntax
| ShadowingAlternatives Syntax Syntax
type Matcher = TargetStringFileStatus -> Match (TargetSelector PackageInfo)
type Renderer = TargetSelector PackageId -> [TargetStringFileStatus]
foldSyntax :: (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a)
-> (QualLevel -> Matcher -> Renderer -> a)
-> (Syntax -> a)
foldSyntax ambiguous unambiguous syntax = go
go (Syntax ql match render) = syntax ql match render
go (AmbiguousAlternatives a b) = ambiguous (go a) (go b)
go (ShadowingAlternatives a b) = unambiguous (go a) (go b)
-- Top level renderer and matcher
renderTargetSelector :: Package p => QualLevel -> TargetSelector p
-> [TargetStringFileStatus]
renderTargetSelector ql ts =
(++) (++)
(\ql' _ render -> guard (ql == ql') >> render (fmap packageId ts))
syntax = syntaxForms [] [] -- don't need pinfo for rendering
matchTargetSelector :: [PackageInfo] -> [PackageInfo]
-> TargetStringFileStatus
-> Match (TargetSelector PackageInfo)
matchTargetSelector ppinfo opinfo = \utarget ->
nubMatchesBy ((==) `on` (fmap packageName)) $
let ql = targetQualLevel utarget in
(<|>) (<//>)
(\ql' match _ -> guard (ql == ql') >> match utarget)
syntax = syntaxForms ppinfo opinfo
targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus1{} = QL1
targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus2{} = QL2
targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus3{} = QL3
targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus4{} = QLFull
targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus5{} = QLFull
targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus7{} = QLFull
-- Syntax forms
-- | All the forms of syntax for 'TargetSelector'.
syntaxForms :: [PackageInfo] -> [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForms ppinfo opinfo =
-- The various forms of syntax here are ambiguous in many cases.
-- Our policy is by default we expose that ambiguity and report
-- ambiguous matches. In certain cases we override the ambiguity
-- by having some forms shadow others.
-- We make modules shadow files because module name "Q" clashes
-- with file "Q" with no extension but these refer to the same
-- thing anyway so it's not a useful ambiguity. Other cases are
-- not ambiguous like "Q" vs "Q.hs" or "Data.Q" vs "Data/Q".
-- convenient single-component forms
[ shadowingAlternatives
[ ambiguousAlternatives
[ syntaxForm1All
, syntaxForm1Filter
, shadowingAlternatives
[ syntaxForm1Component pcinfo
, syntaxForm1Package pinfo
, syntaxForm1Component ocinfo
, syntaxForm1Module cinfo
, syntaxForm1File pinfo
-- , syntaxForm1Name
-- two-component partially qualified forms
-- fully qualified form for 'all'
, syntaxForm2MetaAll
, syntaxForm2AllFilter
, syntaxForm2NamespacePackage pinfo
, syntaxForm2PackageComponent pinfo
, syntaxForm2PackageFilter pinfo
, syntaxForm2KindComponent cinfo
, shadowingAlternatives
[ syntaxForm2PackageModule pinfo
, syntaxForm2PackageFile pinfo
, shadowingAlternatives
[ syntaxForm2ComponentModule cinfo
, syntaxForm2ComponentFile cinfo
-- rarely used partially qualified forms
, syntaxForm3PackageKindComponent pinfo
, shadowingAlternatives
[ syntaxForm3PackageComponentModule pinfo
, syntaxForm3PackageComponentFile pinfo
, shadowingAlternatives
[ syntaxForm3KindComponentModule cinfo
, syntaxForm3KindComponentFile cinfo
, syntaxForm3NamespacePackageFilter pinfo
-- fully-qualified forms for all and cwd with filter
, syntaxForm3MetaAllFilter
, syntaxForm3MetaCwdFilter
-- fully-qualified form for package and package with filter
, syntaxForm3MetaNamespacePackage pinfo
, syntaxForm4MetaNamespacePackageFilter pinfo
-- fully-qualified forms for component, module and file
, syntaxForm5MetaNamespacePackageKindComponent pinfo
, syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceModule pinfo
, syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceFile pinfo
ambiguousAlternatives = foldr1 AmbiguousAlternatives
shadowingAlternatives = foldr1 ShadowingAlternatives
pinfo = ppinfo ++ opinfo
cinfo = concatMap pinfoComponents pinfo
pcinfo = concatMap pinfoComponents ppinfo
ocinfo = concatMap pinfoComponents opinfo
-- | Syntax: "all" to select all packages in the project
-- > cabal build all
syntaxForm1All :: Syntax
syntaxForm1All =
syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 -> do
guardMetaAll str1
return (TargetAllPackages Nothing)
render (TargetAllPackages Nothing) =
[TargetStringFileStatus1 "all" noFileStatus]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: filter
-- > cabal build tests
syntaxForm1Filter :: Syntax
syntaxForm1Filter =
syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 -> do
kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str1
return (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd dummyPackageInfo (Just kfilter))
render (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd _ (Just kfilter)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispF kfilter) noFileStatus]
render _ = []
-- Only used for TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd
dummyPackageInfo :: PackageInfo
dummyPackageInfo =
PackageInfo {
pinfoId = PackageIdentifier
(mkPackageName "dummyPackageInfo")
(mkVersion []),
pinfoLocation = unused,
pinfoDirectory = unused,
pinfoPackageFile = unused,
pinfoComponents = unused
unused = error "dummyPackageInfo"
-- | Syntax: package (name, dir or file)
-- > cabal build foo
-- > cabal build ../bar ../bar/bar.cabal
syntaxForm1Package :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm1Package pinfo =
syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 fstatus1 -> do
guardPackage str1 fstatus1
p <- matchPackage pinfo str1 fstatus1
return (TargetPackage p Nothing ExplicitNamedPackage)
render (TargetPackage p Nothing ExplicitNamedPackage) =
[TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispP p) noFileStatus]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: component
-- > cabal build foo
syntaxForm1Component :: [ComponentInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm1Component cs =
syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 -> do
guardComponentName str1
c <- matchComponentName cs str1
return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackage c) (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
[TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispC p c) noFileStatus]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: module
-- > cabal build Data.Foo
syntaxForm1Module :: [ComponentInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm1Module cs =
syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 -> do
guardModuleName str1
let ms = [ (m,c) | c <- cs, m <- cinfoModules c ]
(m,c) <- matchModuleNameAnd ms str1
return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackage c) (cinfoName c) (ModuleTarget m))
render (TargetComponent _p _c (ModuleTarget m)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispM m) noFileStatus]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: file name
-- > cabal build Data/Foo.hs bar/Main.hsc
syntaxForm1File :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm1File ps =
-- Note there's a bit of an inconsistency here vs the other syntax forms
-- for files. For the single-part syntax the target has to point to a file
-- that exists (due to our use of matchPackageDirectoryPrefix), whereas for
-- all the other forms we don't require that.
syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 fstatus1 ->
expecting "file" str1 $ do
(pkgfile, p) <- matchPackageDirectoryPrefix ps fstatus1
orNoThingIn "package" (display (packageName p)) $ do
(filepath, c) <- matchComponentFile (pinfoComponents p) pkgfile
return (TargetComponent p (cinfoName c) (FileTarget filepath))
render (TargetComponent _p _c (FileTarget f)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus1 f noFileStatus]
render _ = []
syntaxForm1Name :: Syntax
syntaxForm1Name =
syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 -> do
pn <- matchSomePackageName str1
exactMatches [TargetPackageName pn]
render (TargetPackageName pn) =
[TargetStringFileStatus1 (display pn) noFileStatus]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: :all
-- > cabal build :all
syntaxForm2MetaAll :: Syntax
syntaxForm2MetaAll =
syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
guardNamespaceMeta str1
guardMetaAll str2
return (TargetAllPackages Nothing)
render (TargetAllPackages Nothing) =
[TargetStringFileStatus2 "" noFileStatus "all"]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: all : filer
-- > cabal build all:tests
syntaxForm2AllFilter :: Syntax
syntaxForm2AllFilter =
syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
guardMetaAll str1
kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str2
return (TargetAllPackages (Just kfilter))
render (TargetAllPackages (Just kfilter)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus2 "all" noFileStatus (dispF kfilter)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: package : filer
-- > cabal build foo:tests
syntaxForm2PackageFilter :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm2PackageFilter ps =
syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 -> do
guardPackage str1 fstatus1
p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str2
return (TargetPackage p (Just kfilter) ExplicitNamedPackage)
render (TargetPackage p (Just kfilter) ExplicitNamedPackage) =
[TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispF kfilter)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: pkg : package name
-- > cabal build pkg:foo
syntaxForm2NamespacePackage :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm2NamespacePackage pinfo =
syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
guardNamespacePackage str1
guardPackageName str2
p <- matchPackage pinfo str2 noFileStatus
return (TargetPackage p Nothing ExplicitNamedPackage)
render (TargetPackage p Nothing ExplicitNamedPackage) =
[TargetStringFileStatus2 "pkg" noFileStatus (dispP p)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: package : component
-- > cabal build foo:foo
-- > cabal build ./foo:foo
-- > cabal build ./foo.cabal:foo
syntaxForm2PackageComponent :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm2PackageComponent ps =
syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 -> do
guardPackage str1 fstatus1
guardComponentName str2
p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
orNoThingIn "package" (display (packageName p)) $ do
c <- matchComponentName (pinfoComponents p) str2
return (TargetComponent p (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
--TODO: the error here ought to say there's no component by that name in
-- this package, and name the package
render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
[TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispC p c)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: namespace : component
-- > cabal build lib:foo exe:foo
syntaxForm2KindComponent :: [ComponentInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm2KindComponent cs =
syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
ckind <- matchComponentKind str1
guardComponentName str2
c <- matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str2
return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackage c) (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
[TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispK c) noFileStatus (dispC p c)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: package : module
-- > cabal build foo:Data.Foo
-- > cabal build ./foo:Data.Foo
-- > cabal build ./foo.cabal:Data.Foo
syntaxForm2PackageModule :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm2PackageModule ps =
syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 -> do
guardPackage str1 fstatus1
guardModuleName str2
p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
orNoThingIn "package" (display (packageName p)) $ do
let ms = [ (m,c) | c <- pinfoComponents p, m <- cinfoModules c ]
(m,c) <- matchModuleNameAnd ms str2
return (TargetComponent p (cinfoName c) (ModuleTarget m))
render (TargetComponent p _c (ModuleTarget m)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispM m)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: component : module
-- > cabal build foo:Data.Foo
syntaxForm2ComponentModule :: [ComponentInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm2ComponentModule cs =
syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
guardComponentName str1
guardModuleName str2
c <- matchComponentName cs str1
orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
let ms = cinfoModules c
m <- matchModuleName ms str2
return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackage c) (cinfoName c)
(ModuleTarget m))
render (TargetComponent p c (ModuleTarget m)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispC p c) noFileStatus (dispM m)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: package : filename
-- > cabal build foo:Data/Foo.hs
-- > cabal build ./foo:Data/Foo.hs
-- > cabal build ./foo.cabal:Data/Foo.hs
syntaxForm2PackageFile :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm2PackageFile ps =
syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 -> do
guardPackage str1 fstatus1
p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
orNoThingIn "package" (display (packageName p)) $ do
(filepath, c) <- matchComponentFile (pinfoComponents p) str2
return (TargetComponent p (cinfoName c) (FileTarget filepath))
render (TargetComponent p _c (FileTarget f)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispP p) noFileStatus f]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: component : filename
-- > cabal build foo:Data/Foo.hs
syntaxForm2ComponentFile :: [ComponentInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm2ComponentFile cs =
syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
guardComponentName str1
c <- matchComponentName cs str1
orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
(filepath, _) <- matchComponentFile [c] str2
return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackage c) (cinfoName c)
(FileTarget filepath))
render (TargetComponent p c (FileTarget f)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispC p c) noFileStatus f]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: :all : filter
-- > cabal build :all:tests
syntaxForm3MetaAllFilter :: Syntax
syntaxForm3MetaAllFilter =
syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
guardNamespaceMeta str1
guardMetaAll str2
kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str3
return (TargetAllPackages (Just kfilter))
render (TargetAllPackages (Just kfilter)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus3 "" noFileStatus "all" (dispF kfilter)]
render _ = []
syntaxForm3MetaCwdFilter :: Syntax
syntaxForm3MetaCwdFilter =
syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
guardNamespaceMeta str1
guardNamespaceCwd str2
kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str3
return (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd dummyPackageInfo (Just kfilter))
render (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd _ (Just kfilter)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus3 "" noFileStatus "cwd" (dispF kfilter)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: :pkg : package name
-- > cabal build :pkg:foo
syntaxForm3MetaNamespacePackage :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm3MetaNamespacePackage pinfo =
syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
guardNamespaceMeta str1
guardNamespacePackage str2
guardPackageName str3
p <- matchPackage pinfo str3 noFileStatus
return (TargetPackage p Nothing ExplicitNamedPackage)
render (TargetPackage p Nothing ExplicitNamedPackage) =
[TargetStringFileStatus3 "" noFileStatus "pkg" (dispP p)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: package : namespace : component
-- > cabal build foo:lib:foo
-- > cabal build foo/:lib:foo
-- > cabal build foo.cabal:lib:foo
syntaxForm3PackageKindComponent :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm3PackageKindComponent ps =
syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
guardPackage str1 fstatus1
ckind <- matchComponentKind str2
guardComponentName str3
p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
orNoThingIn "package" (display (packageName p)) $ do
c <- matchComponentKindAndName (pinfoComponents p) ckind str3
return (TargetComponent p (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
[TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispK c) (dispC p c)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: package : component : module
-- > cabal build foo:foo:Data.Foo
-- > cabal build foo/:foo:Data.Foo
-- > cabal build foo.cabal:foo:Data.Foo
syntaxForm3PackageComponentModule :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm3PackageComponentModule ps =
syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
guardPackage str1 fstatus1
guardComponentName str2
guardModuleName str3
p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
orNoThingIn "package" (display (packageName p)) $ do
c <- matchComponentName (pinfoComponents p) str2
orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
let ms = cinfoModules c
m <- matchModuleName ms str3
return (TargetComponent p (cinfoName c) (ModuleTarget m))
render (TargetComponent p c (ModuleTarget m)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispC p c) (dispM m)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: namespace : component : module
-- > cabal build lib:foo:Data.Foo
syntaxForm3KindComponentModule :: [ComponentInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm3KindComponentModule cs =
syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
ckind <- matchComponentKind str1
guardComponentName str2
guardModuleName str3
c <- matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str2
orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
let ms = cinfoModules c
m <- matchModuleName ms str3
return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackage c) (cinfoName c)
(ModuleTarget m))
render (TargetComponent p c (ModuleTarget m)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispK c) noFileStatus (dispC p c) (dispM m)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: package : component : filename
-- > cabal build foo:foo:Data/Foo.hs
-- > cabal build foo/:foo:Data/Foo.hs
-- > cabal build foo.cabal:foo:Data/Foo.hs
syntaxForm3PackageComponentFile :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm3PackageComponentFile ps =
syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
guardPackage str1 fstatus1
guardComponentName str2
p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
orNoThingIn "package" (display (packageName p)) $ do
c <- matchComponentName (pinfoComponents p) str2
orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
(filepath, _) <- matchComponentFile [c] str3
return (TargetComponent p (cinfoName c) (FileTarget filepath))
render (TargetComponent p c (FileTarget f)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispC p c) f]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: namespace : component : filename
-- > cabal build lib:foo:Data/Foo.hs
syntaxForm3KindComponentFile :: [ComponentInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm3KindComponentFile cs =
syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
ckind <- matchComponentKind str1
guardComponentName str2
c <- matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str2
orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
(filepath, _) <- matchComponentFile [c] str3
return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackage c) (cinfoName c)
(FileTarget filepath))
render (TargetComponent p c (FileTarget f)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispK c) noFileStatus (dispC p c) f]
render _ = []
syntaxForm3NamespacePackageFilter :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm3NamespacePackageFilter ps =
syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
guardNamespacePackage str1
guardPackageName str2
p <- matchPackage ps str2 noFileStatus
kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str3
return (TargetPackage p (Just kfilter) ExplicitNamedPackage)
render (TargetPackage p (Just kfilter) ExplicitNamedPackage) =
[TargetStringFileStatus3 "pkg" noFileStatus (dispP p) (dispF kfilter)]
render _ = []
syntaxForm4MetaNamespacePackageFilter :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm4MetaNamespacePackageFilter ps =
syntaxForm4 render $ \str1 str2 str3 str4 -> do
guardNamespaceMeta str1
guardNamespacePackage str2
guardPackageName str3
p <- matchPackage ps str3 noFileStatus
kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str4
return (TargetPackage p (Just kfilter) ExplicitNamedPackage)
render (TargetPackage p (Just kfilter) ExplicitNamedPackage) =
[TargetStringFileStatus4 "" "pkg" (dispP p) (dispF kfilter)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: :pkg : package : namespace : component
-- > cabal build :pkg:foo:lib:foo
syntaxForm5MetaNamespacePackageKindComponent :: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm5MetaNamespacePackageKindComponent ps =
syntaxForm5 render $ \str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 -> do
guardNamespaceMeta str1
guardNamespacePackage str2
guardPackageName str3
ckind <- matchComponentKind str4
guardComponentName str5
p <- matchPackage ps str3 noFileStatus
orNoThingIn "package" (display (packageName p)) $ do
c <- matchComponentKindAndName (pinfoComponents p) ckind str5
return (TargetComponent p (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
[TargetStringFileStatus5 "" "pkg" (dispP p) (dispK c) (dispC p c)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: :pkg : package : namespace : component : module : module
-- > cabal build :pkg:foo:lib:foo:module:Data.Foo
:: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceModule ps =
syntaxForm7 render $ \str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7 -> do
guardNamespaceMeta str1
guardNamespacePackage str2
guardPackageName str3
ckind <- matchComponentKind str4
guardComponentName str5
guardNamespaceModule str6
p <- matchPackage ps str3 noFileStatus
orNoThingIn "package" (display (packageName p)) $ do
c <- matchComponentKindAndName (pinfoComponents p) ckind str5
orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
let ms = cinfoModules c
m <- matchModuleName ms str7
return (TargetComponent p (cinfoName c) (ModuleTarget m))
render (TargetComponent p c (ModuleTarget m)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus7 "" "pkg" (dispP p)
(dispK c) (dispC p c)
"module" (dispM m)]
render _ = []
-- | Syntax: :pkg : package : namespace : component : file : filename
-- > cabal build :pkg:foo:lib:foo:file:Data/Foo.hs
:: [PackageInfo] -> Syntax
syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceFile ps =
syntaxForm7 render $ \str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7 -> do
guardNamespaceMeta str1
guardNamespacePackage str2
guardPackageName str3
ckind <- matchComponentKind str4
guardComponentName str5
guardNamespaceFile str6
p <- matchPackage ps str3 noFileStatus
orNoThingIn "package" (display (packageName p)) $ do
c <- matchComponentKindAndName (pinfoComponents p) ckind str5
orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
(filepath,_) <- matchComponentFile [c] str7
return (TargetComponent p (cinfoName c) (FileTarget filepath))
render (TargetComponent p c (FileTarget f)) =
[TargetStringFileStatus7 "" "pkg" (dispP p)
(dispK c) (dispC p c)
"file" f]
render _ = []
-- Syntax utils
type Match1 = String -> FileStatus -> Match (TargetSelector PackageInfo)
type Match2 = String -> FileStatus -> String
-> Match (TargetSelector PackageInfo)
type Match3 = String -> FileStatus -> String -> String
-> Match (TargetSelector PackageInfo)
type Match4 = String -> String -> String -> String
-> Match (TargetSelector PackageInfo)
type Match5 = String -> String -> String -> String -> String
-> Match (TargetSelector PackageInfo)
type Match7 = String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String
-> Match (TargetSelector PackageInfo)
syntaxForm1 :: Renderer -> Match1 -> Syntax
syntaxForm2 :: Renderer -> Match2 -> Syntax
syntaxForm3 :: Renderer -> Match3 -> Syntax
syntaxForm4 :: Renderer -> Match4 -> Syntax
syntaxForm5 :: Renderer -> Match5 -> Syntax
syntaxForm7 :: Renderer -> Match7 -> Syntax
syntaxForm1 render f =
Syntax QL1 match render
match = \(TargetStringFileStatus1 str1 fstatus1) ->
f str1 fstatus1
syntaxForm2 render f =
Syntax QL2 match render
match = \(TargetStringFileStatus2 str1 fstatus1 str2) ->
f str1 fstatus1 str2
syntaxForm3 render f =
Syntax QL3 match render
match = \(TargetStringFileStatus3 str1 fstatus1 str2 str3) ->
f str1 fstatus1 str2 str3
syntaxForm4 render f =
Syntax QLFull match render
match (TargetStringFileStatus4 str1 str2 str3 str4)
= f str1 str2 str3 str4
match _ = mzero
syntaxForm5 render f =
Syntax QLFull match render
match (TargetStringFileStatus5 str1 str2 str3 str4 str5)
= f str1 str2 str3 str4 str5
match _ = mzero
syntaxForm7 render f =
Syntax QLFull match render
match (TargetStringFileStatus7 str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7)
= f str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7
match _ = mzero
dispP :: Package p => p -> String
dispP = display . packageName
dispC :: Package p => p -> ComponentName -> String
dispC = componentStringName
dispK :: ComponentName -> String
dispK = showComponentKindShort . componentKind
dispF :: ComponentKind -> String
dispF = showComponentKindFilterShort
dispM :: ModuleName -> String
dispM = display
-- Package and component info
data PackageInfo = PackageInfo {
pinfoId :: PackageId,
pinfoLocation :: PackageLocation (),
pinfoDirectory :: Maybe (FilePath, FilePath),
pinfoPackageFile :: Maybe (FilePath, FilePath),
pinfoComponents :: [ComponentInfo]
-- not instance of Show due to recursive construction
data ComponentInfo = ComponentInfo {
cinfoName :: ComponentName,
cinfoStrName :: ComponentStringName,
cinfoPackage :: PackageInfo,
cinfoSrcDirs :: [FilePath],
cinfoModules :: [ModuleName],
cinfoHsFiles :: [FilePath], -- other hs files (like main.hs)
cinfoCFiles :: [FilePath],
cinfoJsFiles :: [FilePath]
-- not instance of Show due to recursive construction
type ComponentStringName = String
instance Package PackageInfo where
packageId = pinfoId
selectPackageInfo :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => DirActions m
-> SourcePackage (PackageLocation a) -> m PackageInfo
selectPackageInfo dirActions@DirActions{..}
SourcePackage {
packageDescription = pkg,
packageSource = loc
} = do
(pkgdir, pkgfile) <-
case loc of
--TODO: local tarballs, remote tarballs etc
LocalUnpackedPackage dir -> do
dirabs <- canonicalizePath dir
dirrel <- makeRelativeToCwd dirActions dirabs
--TODO: ought to get this earlier in project reading
let fileabs = dirabs </> display (packageName pkg) <.> "cabal"
filerel = dirrel </> display (packageName pkg) <.> "cabal"
exists <- doesFileExist fileabs
return ( Just (dirabs, dirrel)
, if exists then Just (fileabs, filerel) else Nothing
_ -> return (Nothing, Nothing)
let pinfo =
PackageInfo {
pinfoId = packageId pkg,
pinfoLocation = fmap (const ()) loc,
pinfoDirectory = pkgdir,
pinfoPackageFile = pkgfile,
pinfoComponents = selectComponentInfo pinfo
(flattenPackageDescription pkg)
return pinfo
selectComponentInfo :: PackageInfo -> PackageDescription -> [ComponentInfo]
selectComponentInfo pinfo pkg =
[ ComponentInfo {
cinfoName = componentName c,
cinfoStrName = componentStringName pkg (componentName c),
cinfoPackage = pinfo,
cinfoSrcDirs = ordNub (hsSourceDirs bi),
-- [ pkgroot </> srcdir
-- | (pkgroot,_) <- maybeToList (pinfoDirectory pinfo)
-- , srcdir <- hsSourceDirs bi ],
cinfoModules = ordNub (componentModules c),
cinfoHsFiles = ordNub (componentHsFiles c),
cinfoCFiles = ordNub (cSources bi),
cinfoJsFiles = ordNub (jsSources bi)
| c <- pkgComponents pkg
, let bi = componentBuildInfo c ]
componentStringName :: Package pkg => pkg -> ComponentName -> ComponentStringName
componentStringName pkg CLibName = display (packageName pkg)
componentStringName _ (CSubLibName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
componentStringName _ (CFLibName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
componentStringName _ (CExeName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
componentStringName _ (CTestName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
componentStringName _ (CBenchName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
componentModules :: Component -> [ModuleName]
-- I think it's unlikely users will ask to build a requirement
-- which is not mentioned locally.
componentModules (CLib lib) = explicitLibModules lib
componentModules (CFLib flib) = foreignLibModules flib
componentModules (CExe exe) = exeModules exe
componentModules (CTest test) = testModules test
componentModules (CBench bench) = benchmarkModules bench
componentHsFiles :: Component -> [FilePath]
componentHsFiles (CExe exe) = [modulePath exe]
componentHsFiles (CTest TestSuite {
testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 _ mainfile
}) = [mainfile]
componentHsFiles (CBench Benchmark {
benchmarkInterface = BenchmarkExeV10 _ mainfile
}) = [mainfile]
componentHsFiles _ = []
-- Matching meta targets
guardNamespaceMeta :: String -> Match ()
guardNamespaceMeta = guardToken [""] "meta namespace"
guardMetaAll :: String -> Match ()
guardMetaAll = guardToken ["all"] "meta-target 'all'"
guardNamespacePackage :: String -> Match ()
guardNamespacePackage = guardToken ["pkg", "package"] "'pkg' namespace"
guardNamespaceCwd :: String -> Match ()
guardNamespaceCwd = guardToken ["cwd"] "'cwd' namespace"
guardNamespaceModule :: String -> Match ()
guardNamespaceModule = guardToken ["mod", "module"] "'module' namespace"
guardNamespaceFile :: String -> Match ()
guardNamespaceFile = guardToken ["file"] "'file' namespace"
guardToken :: [String] -> String -> String -> Match ()
guardToken tokens msg s
| caseFold s `elem` tokens = increaseConfidence
| otherwise = matchErrorExpected msg s
-- Matching component kinds
componentKind :: ComponentName -> ComponentKind
componentKind CLibName = LibKind
componentKind (CSubLibName _) = LibKind
componentKind (CFLibName _) = FLibKind
componentKind (CExeName _) = ExeKind
componentKind (CTestName _) = TestKind
componentKind (CBenchName _) = BenchKind
cinfoKind :: ComponentInfo -> ComponentKind
cinfoKind = componentKind . cinfoName
matchComponentKind :: String -> Match ComponentKind
matchComponentKind s
| s' `elem` liblabels = increaseConfidence >> return LibKind
| s' `elem` fliblabels = increaseConfidence >> return FLibKind
| s' `elem` exelabels = increaseConfidence >> return ExeKind
| s' `elem` testlabels = increaseConfidence >> return TestKind
| s' `elem` benchlabels = increaseConfidence >> return BenchKind
| otherwise = matchErrorExpected "component kind" s
s' = caseFold s
liblabels = ["lib", "library"]
fliblabels = ["flib", "foreign-library"]
exelabels = ["exe", "executable"]
testlabels = ["tst", "test", "test-suite"]
benchlabels = ["bench", "benchmark"]
matchComponentKindFilter :: String -> Match ComponentKind
matchComponentKindFilter s
| s' `elem` liblabels = increaseConfidence >> return LibKind
| s' `elem` fliblabels = increaseConfidence >> return FLibKind
| s' `elem` exelabels = increaseConfidence >> return ExeKind
| s' `elem` testlabels = increaseConfidence >> return TestKind
| s' `elem` benchlabels = increaseConfidence >> return BenchKind
| otherwise = matchErrorExpected "component kind filter" s
s' = caseFold s
liblabels = ["libs", "libraries"]
fliblabels = ["flibs", "foreign-libraries"]
exelabels = ["exes", "executables"]
testlabels = ["tests", "test-suites"]
benchlabels = ["benches", "benchmarks"]
showComponentKind :: ComponentKind -> String
showComponentKind LibKind = "library"
showComponentKind FLibKind = "foreign library"
showComponentKind ExeKind = "executable"
showComponentKind TestKind = "test-suite"
showComponentKind BenchKind = "benchmark"
showComponentKindShort :: ComponentKind -> String
showComponentKindShort LibKind = "lib"
showComponentKindShort FLibKind = "flib"
showComponentKindShort ExeKind = "exe"
showComponentKindShort TestKind = "test"
showComponentKindShort BenchKind = "bench"
showComponentKindFilterShort :: ComponentKind -> String
showComponentKindFilterShort LibKind = "libs"
showComponentKindFilterShort FLibKind = "flibs"
showComponentKindFilterShort ExeKind = "exes"
showComponentKindFilterShort TestKind = "tests"
showComponentKindFilterShort BenchKind = "benchmarks"
-- Matching package targets
guardPackage :: String -> FileStatus -> Match ()
guardPackage str fstatus =
guardPackageName str
<|> guardPackageDir str fstatus
<|> guardPackageFile str fstatus
guardPackageName :: String -> Match ()
guardPackageName s
| validPackageName s = increaseConfidence
| otherwise = matchErrorExpected "package name" s
validPackageName :: String -> Bool
validPackageName s =
all validPackageNameChar s
&& not (null s)
validPackageNameChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '-'
guardPackageDir :: String -> FileStatus -> Match ()
guardPackageDir _ (FileStatusExistsDir _) = increaseConfidence
guardPackageDir str _ = matchErrorExpected "package directory" str
guardPackageFile :: String -> FileStatus -> Match ()
guardPackageFile _ (FileStatusExistsFile file)
| takeExtension file == ".cabal"
= increaseConfidence
guardPackageFile str _ = matchErrorExpected "package .cabal file" str
matchPackage :: [PackageInfo] -> String -> FileStatus -> Match PackageInfo
matchPackage pinfo = \str fstatus ->
orNoThingIn "project" "" $
matchPackageName pinfo str
<//> (matchPackageDir pinfo str fstatus
<|> matchPackageFile pinfo str fstatus)
matchPackageName :: [PackageInfo] -> String -> Match PackageInfo
matchPackageName ps = \str -> do
guard (validPackageName str)
orNoSuchThing "package" str
(map (display . packageName) ps) $
increaseConfidenceFor $
matchInexactly caseFold (display . packageName) ps str
matchPackageDir :: [PackageInfo]
-> String -> FileStatus -> Match PackageInfo
matchPackageDir ps = \str fstatus ->
case fstatus of
FileStatusExistsDir canondir ->
orNoSuchThing "package directory" str (map (snd . fst) dirs) $
increaseConfidenceFor $
fmap snd $ matchExactly (fst . fst) dirs canondir
_ -> mzero
dirs = [ ((dabs,drel),p)
| p@PackageInfo{ pinfoDirectory = Just (dabs,drel) } <- ps ]
matchPackageFile :: [PackageInfo] -> String -> FileStatus -> Match PackageInfo
matchPackageFile ps = \str fstatus -> do
case fstatus of
FileStatusExistsFile canonfile ->
orNoSuchThing "package .cabal file" str (map (snd . fst) files) $
increaseConfidenceFor $
fmap snd $ matchExactly (fst . fst) files canonfile
_ -> mzero
files = [ ((fabs,frel),p)
| p@PackageInfo{ pinfoPackageFile = Just (fabs,frel) } <- ps ]
--TODO: test outcome when dir exists but doesn't match any known one
--TODO: perhaps need another distinction, vs no such thing, point is the
-- thing is not known, within the project, but could be outside project
matchSomePackageName :: String -> Match PackageName
matchSomePackageName str = do
guard (validPackageName str)
return (mkPackageName str)
-- Matching component targets
guardComponentName :: String -> Match ()
guardComponentName s
| all validComponentChar s
&& not (null s) = increaseConfidence
| otherwise = matchErrorExpected "component name" s
validComponentChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '.'
|| c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '\''
matchComponentName :: [ComponentInfo] -> String -> Match ComponentInfo
matchComponentName cs str =
orNoSuchThing "component" str (map cinfoStrName cs)
$ increaseConfidenceFor
$ matchInexactly caseFold cinfoStrName cs str
matchComponentKindAndName :: [ComponentInfo] -> ComponentKind -> String
-> Match ComponentInfo
matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str =
orNoSuchThing (showComponentKind ckind ++ " component") str
(map render cs)
$ increaseConfidenceFor
$ matchInexactly (\(ck, cn) -> (ck, caseFold cn))
(\c -> (cinfoKind c, cinfoStrName c))
(ckind, str)
render c = showComponentKindShort (cinfoKind c) ++ ":" ++ cinfoStrName c
-- Matching module targets
guardModuleName :: String -> Match ()
guardModuleName s =
case simpleParse s :: Maybe ModuleName of
Just _ -> increaseConfidence
_ | all validModuleChar s
&& not (null s) -> return ()
| otherwise -> matchErrorExpected "module name" s
validModuleChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '.' || c == '_' || c == '\''
matchModuleName :: [ModuleName] -> String -> Match ModuleName
matchModuleName ms str =
orNoSuchThing "module" str (map display ms)
$ increaseConfidenceFor
$ matchInexactly caseFold display ms str
matchModuleNameAnd :: [(ModuleName, a)] -> String -> Match (ModuleName, a)
matchModuleNameAnd ms str =
orNoSuchThing "module" str (map (display . fst) ms)
$ increaseConfidenceFor
$ matchInexactly caseFold (display . fst) ms str
-- Matching file targets
matchPackageDirectoryPrefix :: [PackageInfo] -> FileStatus
-> Match (FilePath, PackageInfo)
matchPackageDirectoryPrefix ps (FileStatusExistsFile filepath) =
increaseConfidenceFor $
matchDirectoryPrefix pkgdirs filepath
pkgdirs = [ (dir, p)
| p@PackageInfo { pinfoDirectory = Just (dir,_) } <- ps ]
matchPackageDirectoryPrefix _ _ = mzero
matchComponentFile :: [ComponentInfo] -> String
-> Match (FilePath, ComponentInfo)
matchComponentFile cs str =
orNoSuchThing "file" str [] $
matchComponentModuleFile cs str
<|> matchComponentOtherFile cs str
matchComponentOtherFile :: [ComponentInfo] -> String
-> Match (FilePath, ComponentInfo)
matchComponentOtherFile cs =
[ (file, c)
| c <- cs
, file <- cinfoHsFiles c
++ cinfoCFiles c
++ cinfoJsFiles c
matchComponentModuleFile :: [ComponentInfo] -> String
-> Match (FilePath, ComponentInfo)
matchComponentModuleFile cs str = do
[ (normalise (d </> toFilePath m), c)
| c <- cs
, d <- cinfoSrcDirs c
, m <- cinfoModules c
(dropExtension (normalise str))
-- utils
matchFile :: [(FilePath, a)] -> FilePath -> Match (FilePath, a)
matchFile fs =
. matchInexactly caseFold fst fs
matchDirectoryPrefix :: [(FilePath, a)] -> FilePath -> Match (FilePath, a)
matchDirectoryPrefix dirs filepath =
tryEach $
[ (file, x)
| (dir,x) <- dirs
, file <- maybeToList (stripDirectory dir) ]
stripDirectory :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath
stripDirectory dir =
joinPath `fmap` stripPrefix (splitDirectories dir) filepathsplit
filepathsplit = splitDirectories filepath
-- Matching monad
-- | A matcher embodies a way to match some input as being some recognised
-- value. In particular it deals with multiple and ambiguous matches.
-- There are various matcher primitives ('matchExactly', 'matchInexactly'),
-- ways to combine matchers ('matchPlus', 'matchPlusShadowing') and finally we
-- can run a matcher against an input using 'findMatch'.
data Match a = NoMatch Confidence [MatchError]
| ExactMatch Confidence [a]
| InexactMatch Confidence [a]
deriving Show
type Confidence = Int
data MatchError = MatchErrorExpected String String -- thing got
| MatchErrorNoSuch String String [String] -- thing got alts
| MatchErrorIn String String MatchError -- kind thing
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Functor Match where
fmap _ (NoMatch d ms) = NoMatch d ms
fmap f (ExactMatch d xs) = ExactMatch d (fmap f xs)
fmap f (InexactMatch d xs) = InexactMatch d (fmap f xs)
instance Applicative Match where
pure a = ExactMatch 0 [a]
(<*>) = ap
instance Alternative Match where
empty = NoMatch 0 []
(<|>) = matchPlus
instance Monad Match where
return = pure
NoMatch d ms >>= _ = NoMatch d ms
ExactMatch d xs >>= f = addDepth d
$ msum (map f xs)
InexactMatch d xs >>= f = addDepth d . forceInexact
$ msum (map f xs)
instance MonadPlus Match where
mzero = empty
mplus = matchPlus
(<//>) :: Match a -> Match a -> Match a
(<//>) = matchPlusShadowing
infixl 3 <//>
addDepth :: Confidence -> Match a -> Match a
addDepth d' (NoMatch d msgs) = NoMatch (d'+d) msgs
addDepth d' (ExactMatch d xs) = ExactMatch (d'+d) xs
addDepth d' (InexactMatch d xs) = InexactMatch (d'+d) xs
forceInexact :: Match a -> Match a
forceInexact (ExactMatch d ys) = InexactMatch d ys
forceInexact m = m
-- | Combine two matchers. Exact matches are used over inexact matches
-- but if we have multiple exact, or inexact then the we collect all the
-- ambiguous matches.
-- This operator is associative, has unit 'mzero' and is also commutative.
matchPlus :: Match a -> Match a -> Match a
matchPlus (ExactMatch d1 xs) (ExactMatch d2 xs') =
ExactMatch (max d1 d2) (xs ++ xs')
matchPlus a@(ExactMatch _ _ ) (InexactMatch _ _ ) = a
matchPlus a@(ExactMatch _ _ ) (NoMatch _ _ ) = a
matchPlus (InexactMatch _ _ ) b@(ExactMatch _ _ ) = b
matchPlus (InexactMatch d1 xs) (InexactMatch d2 xs') =
InexactMatch (max d1 d2) (xs ++ xs')
matchPlus a@(InexactMatch _ _ ) (NoMatch _ _ ) = a
matchPlus (NoMatch _ _ ) b@(ExactMatch _ _ ) = b
matchPlus (NoMatch _ _ ) b@(InexactMatch _ _ ) = b
matchPlus a@(NoMatch d1 ms) b@(NoMatch d2 ms')
| d1 > d2 = a
| d1 < d2 = b
| otherwise = NoMatch d1 (ms ++ ms')
-- | Combine two matchers. This is similar to 'matchPlus' with the
-- difference that an exact match from the left matcher shadows any exact
-- match on the right. Inexact matches are still collected however.
-- This operator is associative, has unit 'mzero' and is not commutative.
matchPlusShadowing :: Match a -> Match a -> Match a
matchPlusShadowing a@(ExactMatch _ _) _ = a
matchPlusShadowing a b = matchPlus a b
-- Various match primitives
matchErrorExpected :: String -> String -> Match a
matchErrorExpected thing got = NoMatch 0 [MatchErrorExpected thing got]
matchErrorNoSuch :: String -> String -> [String] -> Match a
matchErrorNoSuch thing got alts = NoMatch 0 [MatchErrorNoSuch thing got alts]
expecting :: String -> String -> Match a -> Match a
expecting thing got (NoMatch 0 _) = matchErrorExpected thing got
expecting _ _ m = m
orNoSuchThing :: String -> String -> [String] -> Match a -> Match a
orNoSuchThing thing got alts (NoMatch 0 _) = matchErrorNoSuch thing got alts
orNoSuchThing _ _ _ m = m
orNoThingIn :: String -> String -> Match a -> Match a
orNoThingIn kind name (NoMatch n ms) =
NoMatch n [ MatchErrorIn kind name m | m <- ms ]
orNoThingIn _ _ m = m
increaseConfidence :: Match ()
increaseConfidence = ExactMatch 1 [()]
increaseConfidenceFor :: Match a -> Match a
increaseConfidenceFor m = m >>= \r -> increaseConfidence >> return r
nubMatchesBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Match a -> Match a
nubMatchesBy _ (NoMatch d msgs) = NoMatch d msgs
nubMatchesBy eq (ExactMatch d xs) = ExactMatch d (nubBy eq xs)
nubMatchesBy eq (InexactMatch d xs) = InexactMatch d (nubBy eq xs)
-- | Lift a list of matches to an exact match.
exactMatches, inexactMatches :: [a] -> Match a
exactMatches [] = mzero
exactMatches xs = ExactMatch 0 xs
inexactMatches [] = mzero
inexactMatches xs = InexactMatch 0 xs
tryEach :: [a] -> Match a
tryEach = exactMatches
-- Top level match runner
-- | Given a matcher and a key to look up, use the matcher to find all the
-- possible matches. There may be 'None', a single 'Unambiguous' match or
-- you may have an 'Ambiguous' match with several possibilities.
findMatch :: Match a -> MaybeAmbiguous a
findMatch match = case match of
NoMatch _ msgs -> None msgs
ExactMatch _ [x] -> Unambiguous x
InexactMatch _ [x] -> Unambiguous x
ExactMatch _ [] -> error "findMatch: impossible: ExactMatch []"
InexactMatch _ [] -> error "findMatch: impossible: InexactMatch []"
ExactMatch _ xs -> Ambiguous True xs
InexactMatch _ xs -> Ambiguous False xs
data MaybeAmbiguous a = None [MatchError] | Unambiguous a | Ambiguous Bool [a]
deriving Show
-- Basic matchers
-- | A primitive matcher that looks up a value in a finite 'Map'. The
-- value must match exactly.
matchExactly :: Ord k => (a -> k) -> [a] -> (k -> Match a)
matchExactly key xs =
\k -> case Map.lookup k m of
Nothing -> mzero
Just ys -> exactMatches ys
m = Map.fromListWith (++) [ (key x, [x]) | x <- xs ]
-- | A primitive matcher that looks up a value in a finite 'Map'. It checks
-- for an exact or inexact match. We get an inexact match if the match
-- is not exact, but the canonical forms match. It takes a canonicalisation
-- function for this purpose.
-- So for example if we used string case fold as the canonicalisation
-- function, then we would get case insensitive matching (but it will still
-- report an exact match when the case matches too).
matchInexactly :: (Ord k, Ord k') => (k -> k') -> (a -> k)
-> [a] -> (k -> Match a)
matchInexactly cannonicalise key xs =
\k -> case Map.lookup k m of
Just ys -> exactMatches ys
Nothing -> case Map.lookup (cannonicalise k) m' of
Just ys -> inexactMatches ys
Nothing -> mzero
m = Map.fromListWith (++) [ (key x, [x]) | x <- xs ]
-- the map of canonicalised keys to groups of inexact matches
m' = Map.mapKeysWith (++) cannonicalise m
-- Utils
caseFold :: String -> String
caseFold = lowercase
-- Example inputs
ex1pinfo :: [PackageInfo]
ex1pinfo =
[ addComponent (CExeName (mkUnqualComponentName "foo-exe")) [] ["Data.Foo"] $
PackageInfo {
pinfoId = PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName "foo") (mkVersion [1]),
pinfoLocation = LocalUnpackedPackage "/the/foo",
pinfoDirectory = Just ("/the/foo", "foo"),
pinfoPackageFile = Just ("/the/foo/foo.cabal", "foo/foo.cabal"),
pinfoComponents = []
, PackageInfo {
pinfoId = PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName "bar") (mkVersion [1]),
pinfoLocation = LocalUnpackedPackage "/the/foo",
pinfoDirectory = Just ("/the/bar", "bar"),
pinfoPackageFile = Just ("/the/bar/bar.cabal", "bar/bar.cabal"),
pinfoComponents = []
addComponent n ds ms p =
p {
pinfoComponents =
ComponentInfo n (componentStringName (pinfoId p) n)
p ds (map mkMn ms)
[] [] []
: pinfoComponents p
mkMn :: String -> ModuleName
mkMn = ModuleName.fromString
stargets =
[ TargetComponent (CExeName "foo") WholeComponent
, TargetComponent (CExeName "foo") (ModuleTarget (mkMn "Foo"))
, TargetComponent (CExeName "tst") (ModuleTarget (mkMn "Foo"))
mkMn :: String -> ModuleName
mkMn = fromJust . simpleParse
ex_pkgid :: PackageIdentifier
Just ex_pkgid = simpleParse "thelib"
ex_cs :: [ComponentInfo]
ex_cs =
[ (mkC (CExeName "foo") ["src1", "src1/src2"] ["Foo", "Src2.Bar", "Bar"])
, (mkC (CExeName "tst") ["src1", "test"] ["Foo"])
mkC n ds ms = ComponentInfo n (componentStringName n) ds (map mkMn ms)
mkMn :: String -> ModuleName
mkMn = fromJust . simpleParse
pkgid :: PackageIdentifier
Just pkgid = simpleParse "thelib"
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