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Created August 3, 2018 08:08
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Example code for incrementally writing & reading files consisting of a sequence of records in CBOR binary format.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module SequenceFiles (
) where
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Binary.Serialise.CBOR as B
import qualified Data.Binary.Serialise.CBOR.Write as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra as BS
import Data.IORef
import Foreign
import GHC.ForeignPtr (mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes)
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import Control.Exception
import Utils (pushChunk)
-- | Write a file consisting of a sequence of items. The items are written out
-- incrementally.
-- The file format is simply the binary-encoded items back to back.
writeBinaryFileSequence :: B.Serialise a => FilePath -> [a] -> IO ()
writeBinaryFileSequence file xs =
withFile file WriteMode $ \hnd ->
hPutBinaryFileSequence hnd xs
-- | Write a file consisting of a sequence of items. The items are written out
-- incrementally.
-- The file format is simply the binary-encoded items back to back.
appendBinaryFileSequence :: B.Serialise a => FilePath -> [a] -> IO ()
appendBinaryFileSequence file xs =
withFile file AppendMode $ \hnd ->
hPutBinaryFileSequence hnd xs
hPutBinaryFileSequence :: B.Serialise a => Handle -> [a] -> IO ()
hPutBinaryFileSequence hnd xs = do
buf <- newBuffer BS.defaultChunkSize
hPutBinaryFileSequenceWithBuffer hnd buf xs
hPutBinaryFileSequenceWithBuffer :: B.Serialise a
=> Handle -> Buffer -> [a] -> IO ()
hPutBinaryFileSequenceWithBuffer hnd buf0 =
go buf0 . BS.runBuilder . B.toBuilder
. foldr (\x r -> B.encode x <> r) mempty
go :: Buffer -> BS.BufferWriter -> IO ()
go buf write = do
next <- withBuffer buf $ \ptr sz -> do
-- run the builder, writing into our buffer
(n, next) <- write ptr sz
-- so now our buffer contains 'n' bytes
-- write it all out to the handle leaving our buffer empty
hPutBuf hnd ptr n
return next
case next of
BS.Done -> return ()
BS.More minSize write' | bufferSize buf < minSize -> do
-- very unlikely given our strategy of flushing our buffer every time
buf' <- newBuffer minSize
go buf' write'
BS.More _minSize write' ->
go buf write'
BS.Chunk chunk write' -> do
BS.hPut hnd chunk
go buf write'
data Buffer = Buffer {-# UNPACK #-} !(ForeignPtr Word8) {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
bufferSize :: Buffer -> Int
bufferSize (Buffer _fptr len) = len
newBuffer :: Int -> IO Buffer
newBuffer len = do
fptr <- mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes len
return $! Buffer fptr len
withBuffer :: Buffer -> (Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO a) -> IO a
withBuffer (Buffer fptr len) action =
withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> action ptr len
-- | Read a file consisting of a sequence of items. The items are read in
-- incrementally. The body action is given an action that can be called
-- repeatedly to get each item. It eventually returns @Nothing@.
-- The file format is that used by 'writeBinaryFileSequence'.
withBinaryFileSequence :: forall a b. B.Serialise a
=> FilePath
-> (IO (Maybe a) -> IO b)
-> IO b
withBinaryFileSequence file action = do
trailingRef <- newIORef BS.empty
withFile file ReadMode $ \hnd ->
action (readNextChunk hnd trailingRef)
readNextChunk :: Handle -> IORef BS.ByteString -> IO (Maybe a)
readNextChunk hnd trailingRef = do
initial <- do
trailing <- readIORef trailingRef
if BS.null trailing
then BS.hGetSome hnd BS.defaultChunkSize
else return trailing
if BS.null initial
then return Nothing
else Just <$> go hnd trailingRef (pushChunk initialDecoder initial)
initialDecoder :: B.IDecode a
initialDecoder = B.deserialiseIncremental
go :: Handle -> IORef BS.ByteString -> B.IDecode c -> IO c
go hnd trailingRef (B.Partial k) = do
chunk <- BS.hGetSome hnd BS.defaultChunkSize
go hnd trailingRef (k (if BS.null chunk then Nothing else Just chunk))
go _ trailingRef (B.Done trailing _ x) = do
writeIORef trailingRef trailing
return x
go hnd _ (B.Fail _ _ exc) = ioError $
mkIOError userErrorType (displayException exc) (Just hnd) Nothing
-- | Read a file consisting of a sequence of items. The items are read in
-- incrementally, lazily. The body action is given the lazy list of items.
-- These must be consumed within the body action.
-- The file format is that used by 'writeBinaryFileSequence'.
withBinaryFileSequenceLazy :: forall a b. B.Serialise a
=> FilePath -> ([a] -> IO b) -> IO b
withBinaryFileSequenceLazy file action = do
withFile file ReadMode $ \hnd ->
action . decodeSequence file =<< LBS.hGetContents hnd
-- | Read a file consisting of a sequence of items. The items are read in
-- incrementally, lazily.
-- The file format is that used by 'writeBinaryFileSequence'.
readBinaryFileSequenceLazy :: forall a. B.Serialise a => FilePath -> IO [a]
readBinaryFileSequenceLazy file =
decodeSequence file <$> LBS.readFile file
decodeSequence :: forall a. B.Serialise a => FilePath -> LBS.ByteString -> [a]
decodeSequence file bs | LBS.null bs = []
| otherwise =
go initialDecoder . LBS.toChunks $ bs
initialDecoder :: B.IDecode a
initialDecoder = B.deserialiseIncremental
go :: B.IDecode a -> [BS.ByteString] -> [a]
go (B.Partial k) [] = go (k Nothing) []
go (B.Partial k) (chunk:chunks) = go (k (Just chunk)) chunks
go (B.Done trailing _ x) []
| BS.null trailing = x : []
go (B.Done trailing _ x) chunks = x : go initialDecoder (trailing : chunks)
go (B.Fail _ _ exc) _ = throw $
mkIOError userErrorType (displayException exc) Nothing (Just file)
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dcoutts commented Aug 3, 2018

Relevant util:

-- | Feed an 'IDecode' with more input. If the 'IDecode' is 'Done' or 'Fail' it
-- will add the input to 'BS.ByteString' of unconsumed input.
pushChunk :: B.IDecode a -> BS.ByteString -> B.IDecode a
pushChunk r inp =
  case r of
    B.Done inp0 p a -> B.Done (inp0 `BS.append` inp) p a
    B.Partial k     -> k (Just inp)
    B.Fail inp0 p s -> B.Fail (inp0 `BS.append` inp) p s

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