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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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An ArrayController which exposes each content item wrapped in a proxy class.
// ==========================================================================
// Project: SC.ProxiedArrayController
// Copyright: ©2014 My Company, Inc.
// ==========================================================================
/*globals SC */
/** @class
This controller implements an experimental ArrayController pattern which wraps each item in a
controller object when retrieved.
TO ADD: Selection support.
@extends SC.ArrayController
SC.ProxiedArrayController = SC.ArrayController.extend({
The proxy class, usually a subclass of SC.ObjectController.
If specified, each item in this controller's content array will be wrapped in an instance
of this class and exposed via the standard objectAt and arrangedObjects properties. The
content object will be set to the proxy object's `content` property, and this array
controller will be set to its `source` property. Its `isArrayContentProxy` property will
be set to YES.
If not specified, SC.ProxiedArrayController behaves as a standard ArrayController.
If you need to provide different proxy classes depending on the content object, you
should override proxyClassForContentObject instead.
@type class
Proxy: null,
Returns a proxy class for the specified content object. The default implementation returns
this controller's `Proxy` property. You may override it to provide a more granular approach,
for example returning different proxy classes depending on the content object's record type.
@param {SC.Object} contentObject
@returns class
proxyClassForContentObject: function(contentObject) {
return this.get('Proxy');
/** @private */
indexOf: function (object, startAt) {
var content = this._scac_observableContent();
// If this is a wrapped object, compare its content.
if (object.isArrayContentProxy) object = object.get('content');
return content ? content.indexOf(object, startAt) : -1;
/** @private Override objectAt to return items wrapped in an instance of our Proxy class. */
objectAt: function (index) {
var content = this._scac_observableContent(),
ret = null,
cache, Proxy, contentObject, guid;
// FAST PATH: No content.
if (!content) { return ret; }
contentObject = content.objectAt(index);
// FAST PATH: No contentObject.
if (!contentObject) { return ret; }
guid = SC.guidFor(contentObject);
cache = (this._scac_proxyCache ? this._scac_proxyCache : (this._scac_proxyCache = {}));
// Check cache.
if (cache[guid]) {
ret = cache[guid];
// Otherwise, create and cache the wrapper.
else {
Proxy = this.proxyClassForContentObject(contentObject);
// Provide some developer support for non-class Proxies.
if (!Proxy.isClass) SC.error("SC.ProxiedArrayController proxy class must be a class.");
// TODO: Pool proxy objects (per proxy class of course).
ret = cache[guid] = Proxy.create({
isArrayContentProxy: YES,
content: contentObject,
source: this
return ret;
/** @private Invalidate the cache whenever the content array object swaps out. */
_scac_contentDidChange: function() {
// TODO: Transfer any proxy objects found in the new content array over to the new cache.
// Snag the previous list's cached proxy items, if any.
var cache = this._scac_proxyCache;
this._scac_proxyCache = null;
// Run the standard ArrayController changeover. This helps clear the proxy items out of the
// controller graph and the view layer before we destroy them.
if (cache) {
var key, proxyObject;
for (key in cache) {
proxyObject = cache[key];
if (!proxyObject || !proxyObject.isArrayContentProxy) continue;
proxyObject.set('content', null);
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