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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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  • Save dcsharp/c2af841c153f075d34d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dcsharp/c2af841c153f075d34d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Double TNT (No TNTs near the TNT)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<map proto="1.3.5">
<name>Double TNT</name>
<objective>Destroy 70% of the enemy's TNT and leak their core in the TNT to win!</objective>
<contributor contribution="Inventory From">last_username</contributor>
<rule>There are NO restrictions on spawn camping/killing!!!</rule>
<rule>Two TNTs will connect after 4 minutes.</rule>
<rule>To use the portal, you have to jump!</rule>
<rule>You can't place TNTs and water near the TNT!</rule>
<team id="red" kit="red" color="dark red" max="25" max-overfill="32">Red Team</team>
<team id="blue" kit="blue" color="blue" max="25" max-overfill="32">Blue Team</team>
<kill-streak count="2"/>
<item amount="32">tnt</item>
<item amount="32" name="`b`lTNT Repair Block!" lore="`6Place on your own team TNT! Not your enemy's TNT!!!">hard clay</item>
<kill-streak count="10"/>
<item amount="3" name="`9`lCORE Repair Block!" lore="`6Place on your own team CORE! Not your enemy's CORE!!!">obsidian</item>
<destroyables name="TNT" completion="70%" show-progress="true" sparks="true">
<destroyable id="red-tnt-d" materials="stained clay:6;hard clay" owner="red">
<region name="red-tnt"/>
<destroyable id="blue-tnt-d" materials="stained clay:3;hard clay" owner="blue">
<region name="blue-tnt"/>
<cores material="obsidian" leak="8">
<core team="blue">
<cuboid min="2,22,-1" max="-1,25,2"/>
<core team="red">
<cuboid min="-1,22,-52" max="2,25,-49"/>
<default kit="obs" yaw="0" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="-1,85,-52" max="2,87,-55"/>
<cuboid min="-1,85,3" max="2,87,6"/>
<spawn team="red" kit="red" yaw="180" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="-1,52,-49" max="2,50,-52"/>
<spawn team="blue" kit="blue" yaw="0" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="-1,50,-1" max="2,52,2"/>
<!-- This Inv is from BoomBox by last_username " -->
<kit name="all" potion-particles="false">
<potion duration="oo">night vision</potion>
<potion duration="oo">saturation</potion>
<item slot="0" name="`cTNT Map" lore="`6This is a `aTNT Map`6 ! You need `aTNT Licence `6To use `4TNTs `6and `4Redstone Items`6!">tnt</item>
<kit name="team" parents="all">
<item slot="9">workbench</item>
<item slot="18" amount="2">dispenser</item>
<!-- slot="27" -->
<!-- slot="0" -->
<item slot="10">shears</item>
<!-- slot="19" -->
<!-- slot="28" -->
<!-- slot="1" -->
<!-- slot="11" -->
<!-- slot="20" -->
<item slot="29" amount="64">vine</item>
<item slot="2" amount="64">vine</item>
<!-- slot="12" -->
<!-- slot="21" -->
<!-- slot="30" -->
<!-- slot="3" -->
<item slot="13" amount="16">trap door</item>
<item slot="22" amount="16">ladder</item>
<item slot="31" amount="64">step</item>
<item slot="4" amount="64">nether fence</item>
<item slot="14" amount="16">piston base</item>
<item slot="23" amount="16">lever</item>
<item slot="32" amount="16">stone plate</item>
<item slot="5" amount="16">stone button</item>
<item slot="15">water bucket</item>
<item slot="24">water bucket</item>
<item slot="33">water bucket</item>
<item slot="6">water bucket</item>
<item slot="16" amount="16">diode</item>
<item slot="25" amount="16">redstone torch on</item>
<item slot="34" amount="64">redstone</item>
<item slot="7" amount="16">redstone block</item>
<item slot="17" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="26" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="35" amount="64">tnt</item>
<item slot="8" amount="64">tnt</item>
<potion amplifier="1000" duration="oo">damage resistance</potion>
<kit name="red" parents="team">
<item slot="0">diamond pickaxe</item>
<item slot="28" amount="16">arrow</item>
<item slot="1">bow</item>
<item slot="11" name="Blade of Icarus">wood sword</item>
<item slot="12" damage="14" amount="64">stained glass</item>
<item slot="21" damage="14" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<item slot="30" damage="14" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<item slot="3" damage="14" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<helmet color="222222" enchantment="protection explosions:3;water worker:3" damage="-3000">leather helmet</helmet>
<chestplate damage="-3000">gold chestplate</chestplate>
<leggings color="dd5566" damage="-3000">leather leggings</leggings>
<boots color="dd5566" enchantment="protection fall:1" durability="-3000">leather boots</boots>
<kit name="blue" parents="team">
<item slot="0">diamond pickaxe</item>
<item slot="28" amount="16">arrow</item>
<item slot="1">bow</item>
<item slot="12" damage="11" amount="64">stained glass</item>
<item slot="21" damage="11" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<item slot="30" damage="11" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<item slot="3" damage="11" amount="64">stained clay</item>
<helmet enchantment="protection explosions:3" damage="-3000">iron helmet</helmet>
<chestplate damage="-3000">gold chestplate</chestplate>
<leggings color="5e55dd" damage="-3000">leather leggings</leggings>
<boots color="5e55dd" enchantment="protection fall:3" durability="-3000">leather boots</boots>
<kit name="remove-speed" force="true" potion-particles="false">
<potion amplifier="0" duration="0">damage resistance</potion>
<filter name="only-red">
<filter name="only-blue">
<filter name="no-boom">
<block>quartz block</block>
<block>quartz stairs</block>
<block>stained glass</block>
<block>stained glass:3</block>
<block>stained glass:14</block>
<block>stained glass:15</block>
<filter name="no-water">
<block>stationary water</block>
<filter name="no-tnt">
<filter name="no-break">
<cuboid name="playable" min="-24,-oo,25" max="25,47,-75"/>
<union name="spawns">
<union name="red-spawns">
<cuboid name="red-spawn" min="-5,oo,-74" max="6,-oo,-70"/>
<cuboid name="red-right" min="-17,oo,-71" max="-20,-oo,-68"/>
<cuboid name="red-left" min="18,oo,-68" max="21,-oo,-71"/>
<cuboid name="red-right-back" min="-20,oo,-30" max="-23,-oo,-27"/>
<cuboid name="red-left-back" min="21,oo,-30" max="24,-oo,-27"/>
<union name="blue-spawns">
<cuboid name="blue-spawn" min="-5,oo,20" max="6,-oo,24"/>
<cuboid name="blue-right" min="21,oo,18" max="18,-oo,21"/>
<cuboid name="blue-left" min="-17,oo,18" max="-20,-oo,-21"/>
<cuboid name="blue-right-back" min="21,oo,-20" max="24,-oo,-23"/>
<cuboid name="blue-left-back" min="-20,oo,-20" max="-23,-oo,-23"/>
<union name="portals">
<union name="red-portals">
<cuboid name="red-spawn" min="2,13,-72" max="-1,12,-74"/>
<cuboid name="red-spawn-r" min="2,51,-72" max="1,52,-74"/>
<cuboid name="red-right-u" min="19,27,-70" max="20,28,-69"/>
<cuboid name="red-left-u" min="19,27,-69" max="20,28,-70"/>
<cuboid name="red-right-d" min="-18,13,-70" max="-19,14,-69"/>
<cuboid name="red-left-d" min="19,13,-69" max="20,14,-70"/>
<cuboid name="red-right-r" min="-18,50,-70" max="-19,51,-69"/>
<cuboid name="red-left-r" min="19,51,-69" max="20,50,-70"/>
<cuboid name="red-right-back" min="-22,6,-29" max="-21,7,-28"/>
<cuboid name="red-left-back" min="22,6,-28" max="23,7,-29"/>
<union name="blue-portals">
<cuboid name="blue-spawn" min="-1,13,24" max="2,12,22"/>
<cuboid name="blue-spawn-r" min="-1,51,24" max="2,52,22"/>
<cuboid name="blue-right-u" min="19,27,19" max="20,28,20"/>
<cuboid name="blue-left-u" min="-19,27,19" max="-18,28,20"/>
<cuboid name="blue-right-d" min="19,13,19" max="20,14,20"/>
<cuboid name="blue-left-d" min="-19,13,19" max="-18,14,20"/>
<cuboid name="blue-right-r" min="18,50,18" max="21,51,21"/>
<cuboid name="blue-left-r" min="-17,51,18" max="-20,50,21"/>
<cuboid name="blue-right-back" min="23,6,-21" max="22,7,-22"/>
<cuboid name="blue-left-back" min="-21,6,-21" max="-22,7,-22"/>
<union name="tnts">
<cuboid name="red-tnt" min="8,31,-43" max="-7,16,-58"/>
<cuboid name="blue-tnt" min="-7,16,-7" max="8,31,8"/>
<union name="near-tnts">
<cuboid name="red-tnt" min="-10,13,-61" max="11,34,-40"/>
<cuboid name="blue-tnt" min="-10,13,11" max="11,34,-10"/>
<!-- Block Rules -->
<apply block="deny-all" message="You may not edit blocks outside the TNT!">
<region name="playable"/>
<apply block="deny-all" message="You may not modify above/under the portals">
<region name="spawns"/>
<apply block-place="no-water" message="You may not place water near the TNT!">
<region name="near-tnts"/>
<apply block-place="no-tnt" message="You may not place tnts near the TNT!">
<region name="near-tnts"/>
<apply kit="remove-speed">
<region name="portals"/>
<apply kit="all">
<cuboid min="oo,oo,oo" max="-oo,-oo,-oo"/>
<apply block="no-boom">
<cuboid min="oo,oo,oo" max="-oo,-oo,-oo"/>
<apply block="no-break">
<cuboid min="oo,oo,oo" max="-oo,-oo,-oo"/>
<damage self="false" ally="true" enemy="false" other="false">block explosion</damage>
<portals filter="only-red">
<portal y="-40">
<region name="red-spawn-r"/>
<portal y="38">
<region name="red-spawn"/>
<portal y="-24">
<region name="red-right-r"/>
<portal y="-24">
<region name="red-left-r"/>
<portal y="13">
<region name="red-right-d"/>
<portal y="-15">
<region name="red-right-u"/>
<portal y="13">
<region name="red-left-d"/>
<portal y="-15">
<region name="red-left-u"/>
<portal x="0" y="11" z="-74">
<region name="red-right-back"/>
<portal x="0" y="11" z="-74">
<region name="red-right-back"/>
<portals filter="only-blue">
<portal y="-40">
<region name="blue-spawn-r"/>
<portal y="38">
<region name="blue-spawn"/>
<portal y="-24">
<region name="blue-right-r"/>
<portal y="-24">
<region name="blue-left-r"/>
<portal y="13">
<region name="blue-right-d"/>
<portal y="-15">
<region name="blue-right-u"/>
<portal y="13">
<region name="blue-left-d"/>
<portal y="-15">
<region name="blue-left-u"/>
<portal x="0" y="11" z="24">
<region name="blue-right-back"/>
<portal x="0" y="11" z="24">
<region name="blue-right-back"/>
<tip after="1s" every="3m">You have to jump to use the portal!</tip>
<tip after="2s" every="5m">Diamond/Iron block only drops 3 diamond/iron!</tip>
<tip after="3s" every="3m">Do not blow up your Diamond and Iron! Protect them! Or they will explode!!!</tip>
<tip after="4s" every="5m">You can get 1 Dispenser,some TNT and some TNT Repair Blocks!</tip>
<tip after="5s" every="10000m">TNTs will connect after 4 minutes! Make water walls quickly!</tip>
<tip after="60s" every="10000m">TNTs will connect after 3 minutes!</tip>
<tip after="120s" every="10000m">TNTs will connect after 2 minutes!</tip>
<tip after="180s" every="10000m">TNTs will connect after 1 minutes!</tip>
<tip after="210s" every="10000m">TNTs will connect after 30 seconds!</tip
<tip after="230s" every="10000m">TNTs will connect after 10 seconds!</tip>
<tip after="240s" every="10000m">TNTs connected!!! Ready to fight!!!</tip>
<block>iron block</block>
<item amount="3">iron ingot</item>
<block>diamond block</block>
<item amount="3">diamond</item>
<item>diamond pickaxe</item>
<item>wood sword</item>
<item>stained clay</item>
<item>stained glass</item>
<item>nether fence</item>
<item>trap door</item>
<item>stone plate</item>
<item>piston base</item>
<item>redstone block</item>
<item>stone button</item>
<item>redstone torch on</item>
<item>water bucket</item>
<item>leather helmet</item>
<item>leather chestplate</item>
<item>leather leggings</item>
<item>leather boots</item>
<item>iron helmet</item>
<item>iron chestplate</item>
<item>iron leggings</item>
<item>iron boots</item>
<item>diamond helmet</item>
<item>diamond chestplate</item>
<item>diamond leggings</item>
<item>diamond boots</item>
<item>gold chestplate</item>
<item>quartz stairs</item>
<item>quartz block</item>
<item>hard clay</item>
<item>coal block</item>
<renewable rate="20" grow="true" particles="true" sound="false">
<cuboid min="24,5,-24" max="-23,47,-26"/>
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You are not supposed to put empty lines in XML.
You can use <include src="continuity-tnt.xml"/> if you want to use most of the stuff in BoomBox, it does not include armour.

Also tons of spacing is off, it seems you used tabs, which you are not supposed to do. Try a text editor like Atom or Sublime Text So spacing on XML does not mess up so easily for you.

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