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Last active June 26, 2024 02:29
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Bash Telegram Bot : Send and receive messages in realtime (long polling). Shipped with a simple API wrapper. Usage: adapting recvUpdate() and other stuff to your needs.
# Title: Starter Bash Telegram Bot
# Version: 0.1-alpha
# Date: 2024-06-12
# License: Unlicense
# Author:
# Telegram Bot API Documentation:
: ${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN:?required but missing}
botId=$(cut -d':' -f1 <<< "$TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN")
: ${BTB_DIR:=$HOME/.local/share/bash-telegram-bot}
: ${BOT_DIR:=$BTB_DIR/$botId}
recvUpdate() {
local text=$(msg .text)
[[ $text != null ]] || return
# important: private bot? dont forget to validate $chatId
local chatId=$(msg
telegramApi sendChatAction chat_id=$chatId action=typing
local answer="hello my $(msg .from.first_name), $text"
telegramApi sendMessage chat_id=$chatId text="$answer"
mkdir -p "$BOT_DIR"
cd "$BOT_DIR"
touch offset
msg() { jq -rj "$1" <<< "$message"; }
telegramApi() {
local method=$1; shift
local params=("$@")
local args=()
for arg in "${params[@]}"; do
args+=("--data-urlencode" "$arg")
local url="$TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN/$method"
local response=$(curl -sS -w '%{http_code}' $url "${args[@]}")
echo -n "${response%???}"
[[ ${response: -3:1} == 2 ]] || {
echo "$response" >&2
return 5
echo "waiting for updates.." >&2
while true; do
resp=$(telegramApi getUpdates timeout=30 offset=$(cat offset))
[[ $(jq .ok <<< "$resp") == true ]] || {
jq <<< "$resp" >&2
sleep 60
jq -c '.result[]' <<< "$resp" | while read -r update; do
updateId=$(jq .update_id <<< "$update")
message=$(jq .message <<< "$update")
echo "processing update #$updateId.." >&2
recvUpdate > /dev/null && echo "done" >&2 || {
echo "error occured while calling recvUpdate" >&2
sleep 10
echo $((updateId + 1)) > offset

Given you want to communicate thru FIFOs, here's simple example implementation of recvUpdate() plus initialization code.

recvUpdate() {
    local text=$(msg .text)
    [[ $text != null ]] || return
    echo "$text" > "$outputPipe"
    local chatId=$(msg
    telegramApi sendChatAction chat_id=$chatId action=typing
    telegramApi sendMessage chat_id=$chatId text="$(< "$inputPipe")"

[[ -p $inputPipe ]] || mkfifo "$inputPipe"
[[ -p $outputPipe ]] || mkfifo "$outputPipe"

Then, to read the top message: cat "$BOT_DIR/out.pipe", and to answer: echo "Hello" > "$BOT_DIR/in.pipe".

Here's example code :

while true; do
    message=$(cat out.pipe)
    echo "roger that" > in.pipe
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