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Created March 8, 2016 22:46
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xcode never finishes compiling when using a class name as a function argument
// See Below in NoiseTextureGenerator
// xcode never finishes compiling?!
// - this file is part of Spectra at the following commit:
// -
// ModelIOTextureGenerators.swift
// Created by David Conner on 3/8/16.
import Foundation
import Swinject
import ModelIO
public class ModelIOTextureGenerators {
public static func loadTextureGenerators(container: Container) {
container.register(TextureGenerator.self, name: "resource_texture_gen") { _ in
return ResourceTextureGen(container: container)
container.register(TextureGenerator.self, name: "url_texture_gen") { _ in
return URLTextureGen(container: container)
container.register(TextureGenerator.self, name: "noise_texture_gen") { _ in
return NoiseTextureGen(container: container)
// container.register(TextureGenerator.self, name: "checkerboard_texture_gen") { _ in
// return CheckerboardTextGen(container: container)
// }
// TODO: DataTextureGen
// TODO: MDLColorSwatchTexture
// TODO: MDLNormalMapTexture
// TODO: MDLSkyCubeTexture
//public class DataTextureGen: TextureGenerator {
// TODO: implement a texture generator sourcing NSData
// init(data pixelData: NSData?,
// topLeftOrigin topLeftOrigin: Bool,
// name name: String?,
// dimensions dimensions: vector_int2,
// rowStride rowStride: Int,
// channelCount channelCount: Int,
// channelEncoding channelEncoding: MDLTextureChannelEncoding,
// isCube isCube: Bool)
public class ResourceTextureGen: TextureGenerator {
public var resource: String = "defaultTexture.jpg"
public required init(container: Container, args: [String: GeneratorArg] = [:]) {
processArgs(container, args: args)
public func processArgs(container: Container, args: [String: GeneratorArg] = [:]) {
if let resource = args["resource"] {
self.resource = resource.value
public func generate(container: Container, args: [String: GeneratorArg] = [:]) -> MDLTexture {
var _resource = self.resource
if let resource = args["resource"] {
_resource = resource.value
return MDLTexture(named: _resource)!
public func copy(container: Container) -> TextureGenerator {
let cp = ResourceTextureGen(container: container)
cp.resource = self.resource
return cp
public class URLTextureGen: TextureGenerator {
// NOTE: how do i set these? are these determined by the image file?
// public var dimensions: int2 = int2(100,100)
// public var name: String?
// public var channelCount: Int32 = 4
// public var channelEncoding = MDLTextureChannelEncoding.UInt8
public var url: NSURL?
public var name: String?
public required init(container: Container, args: [String: GeneratorArg] = [:]) {
processArgs(container, args: args)
public func processArgs(container: Container, args: [String: GeneratorArg] = [:]) {
if let urlString = args["url"] {
self.url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: urlString.value)
if let name = args["name"] { = name.value
public func generate(container: Container, args: [String: GeneratorArg] = [:]) -> MDLTexture {
var _url: NSURL? = self.url
var _name: String? =
if let urlString = args["url"] {
_url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: urlString.value)
if let name = args["name"] {
_name = name.value
return MDLURLTexture(URL: _url!, name: _name)
public func copy(container: Container) -> TextureGenerator {
let cp = URLTextureGen(container: container)
cp.url = self.url =
return cp
public enum NoiseTextureGenType: String {
case Vector = "Vector"
case Scalar = "Scalar"
public class NoiseTextureGen: NoiseTextureGen {
public var dimensions: int2 = int2(100,100)
public var name: String?
public var channelCount: Int32 = 4
public var channelEncoding = MDLTextureChannelEncoding.UInt8
public var type = NoiseTextureGenType.Vector
public var smoothness: Float = 0.80
public var grayscale: Bool = false
public required init(container: Container, args: [String: GeneratorArg] = [:]) {
// the Container arg below prevents the source from ever completely indexing
// or ever completely compiling (no errors it just sucks CPU
processArgs(container: Container, args: args)
public func processArgs(container: Container, args: [String: GeneratorArg] = [:]) {
if let name = args["name"] { = name
if let dimensions = args["dimensions"] {
self.dimensions = SpectraSimd.parseInt2(dimensions.value)
if let channelCount = args["channel_count"] {
self.channelCount = Int32(channelCount.value)
if let channelEncoding = args["channel_encoding"] {
let enumVal = container.resolve(SpectraEnum.self, name: "mdlTextureChannelEncoding")!.getValue(channelEncoding.value)
self.channelEncoding = MDLTextureChannelEncoding(rawValue: enumVal)
if let type = args["type"] {
self.type = NoiseTextureGenType(rawValue: type.value)
if let smoothness = args["smoothness"] {
self.smoothness = Float(smoothness.value)
if let grayscale = args["grayscale"] {
let valAsBool = NSString(string: grayscale.value).boolValue
self.grayscale = valAsBool
public func generate(container: Container, args: [String: GeneratorArg] = [:]) -> MDLTexture {
if self.type == .Vector {
return MDLNoiseTexture(self.smoothness,
textureDimensions: self.dimensions,
channelEncoding: self.channelEncoding)
} else {
return MDLNoiseTexture(self.smoothness,
textureDimensions: self.dimensions,
channelCount: self.channelCount,
channelEncoding: self.channelEncoding,
grayscale: self.grayscale)
public func copy(container: Container) -> TextureGenerator {
let cp = NoiseTextureGen(container: container)
cp.dimensions = self.dimensions =
cp.channelCount = self.channelCount
cp.channelEncoding = self.channelEncoding
cp.type = self.type
cp.smoothness = self.smoothness
cp.grayscale = self.grayscale
return cp
//public class CheckerboardTextureGen: TextureGenerator {
// public var dimensions: int2 = int2(100,100)
// public var name: String?
// public var channelCount: Int32 = 4
// public var channelEncoding = MDLTextureChannelEncoding.UInt8
// public var divisions: Float = 8
// public var color1: CGColor = CGColorCreateRGB(0,0,0.0,1.0)
// public var color2: CGColor = CGColorCreateRGB(0.875,0.875,0.875,1.0)
// public required init(container: Container, args: [String: GeneratorArg] = [:]) {
// processArgs(container: container, args: args)
// }
// public func processArgs(container: Container, args: [String: GeneratorArg] = [:]) {
// if let divisions = args["divisions"] {
// self.divisions = Float(divisions.value)
// }
// if let color1 = args["color1"] {
// let intColor = SpectraSimd.parseInt4(color1.value)
// self.color1 = FGColorCreateRGB(intColor[0]/255.0, intColor[1]/255.0, intColor[2]/255.0, intColor[3]/255.0)
// }
// if let color2 = args["color2"] {
// let intColor = SpectraSimd.parseInt4(color1.value)
// self.color2 = FGColorCreateRGB(intColor[0]/255.0, intColor[1]/255.0, intColor[2]/255.0, intColor[3]/255.0)
// }
// if let name = args["name"] {
// = name
// }
// if let dimensions = args["dimensions"] {
// self.dimensions = SpectraSimd.parseInt2(dimensions.value)
// }
// if let channelCount = args["channel_count"] {
// self.channelCount = Int32(channelCount)
// }
// if let channelEncoding = args["channel_encoding"] {
// let enumVal = container.resolve(SpectraEnum.self, name: "mdlTextureChannelEncoding")!.getValue(channelEncoding.value)
// self.channelEncoding = MDLTextureChannelEncoding(rawValue: enumVal)
// }
// }
// public func generate(container: Container, args: [String: GeneratorArg] = [:]) -> MDLTexture {
// return MDLCheckerboardTexture(divisions: self.division,
// name:,
// dimensions: self.dimensions,
// channelCount: self.channelCount,
// channelEncoding: self.channelEncoding,
// color1: self.color1,
// color2: self.color2)
// }
// public func copy(container: Container) -> TextureGenerator {
// let cp = CheckerboardTextureGen(container: container)
// cp.dimensions = self.dimensions
// =
// cp.channelCount = self.channelCount
// cp.channelEncoding = self.channelEncoding
// cp.divisions = self.divisions
// cp.color1 = self.color1
// cp.color2 = self.color2
// return cp
// }
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Actually, the problem was that i set the class as it's own parent class:

public class NoiseTextureGen: NoiseTextureGen {

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