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Save dcvezzani/5320155 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
I wanted to make use of the form helpers that come with browsercms, but I don't want to provide ability to switch between CKEditor and plain text.
<%# rails-app/browsercms/app/views/cms/form_builder/_cms_richtext_editor.html.erb %>
<% tds ="%H%M%S") %>
<% id_with_tds = "#{id}_#{tds}" %>
<%= content_for :html_head do %>
<%= javascript_tag do %>
jQuery(function($) { setup_select_box_<%= id_with_tds %>(); })
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= javascript_tag do %>
console.log("setup_text_edit_<%= id_with_tds %>");
function setup_text_edit_<%= id_with_tds %>(){
loadEditor('<%= id_with_tds %>');
enableEditor('<%= id_with_tds %>');
function setup_select_box_<%= id_with_tds %>(){
$('select.<%= object_name %>_<%= method %>_dhtml_selector').selectbox({width: '96px', dhtml_selector: '<%= object_name %>_<%= method %>'});
setTimeout(function(){ console.log("loaded setup_select_box_<%= id_with_tds %>"); setup_text_edit_<%= id_with_tds %>(); }, 50);
<% end %>
<div class="fields text_editor_fields">
<% if cms_options[:label] %>
<%= f.label method, cms_options[:label] %>
<% else %>
<%= f.label method %>
<% end %>
<%# drop_down_tag :dhtml_selector, options_for_select([["Rich Text", ""],["Simple Text", "disabled"]], cookies[:editorEnabled] == 'true' ? "" : "disabled"), :class => "#{object_name}_#{method}_dhtml_selector", :onchange => "toggleEditor('#{id_with_tds}', this)" %>
<div class="editor">
<%= f.text_editor method, options.merge({id: id_with_tds}) %>
<%= f.cms_instructions cms_options[:instructions] %>
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