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Last active July 9, 2017 07:00
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Python script for resizing a gcloud instance template
"""Resize a gcloud instanceTemplate by creating a new one
Given an existing instanceTemplate name, copy it to a new name and
optionally set a new size and machineType.
This script can be used to resize google cloud container kubernetes
node instance templates. It is necessary because the gcloud container
instanceTemplate UI does not allow the resizing of disks for
kubernetes nodes, and the curl and REST examples don't seem to work as
of 03/28/2016.
# Fetch login credentials for running local scripts that access google cloud
gcloud beta auth application-default login
# Install dependencies
pip install --upgrade oauth2client google-api-python-client docopt
# Set environmental gcloud default configs
gcloud config set core/project <project_id>
# Run this script
python instanceTemplateresize "old_IT_name" "new_IT_name"
Usage: SRC_NAME DST_NAME [options] (-h | --help)
SRC_NAME Name of the instanceTemplate to copy from
DST_NAME Name of the instanceTemplate to create
--size=<SIZE> The disk size in gigabityes [default: 10]
--type=<TYPE> The machine type [default: n1-standard-1]
-h --help Show this screen.
from docopt import docopt
import subprocess
import copy
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
from pprint import pprint as pp
# Docs on gcloud instanceTemplates API call
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
service = build('compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials)
PROJECT = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c",
"gcloud config list core/project 2>/dev/null | grep project | awk '{print $3}'"]).strip()
def main(args):
# gather input args
DST_SIZE = args['--size']
DST_TYPE = args['--type']
# fetch existing templates
request = service.instanceTemplates().list(project=PROJECT)
response = request.execute()
# created dict of template name to template
templates = { i['name']:i for i in response['items'] }
# do some checks
assert SRC_NAME in templates, "unable to find SRC_NAME in existing templates"
assert DST_NAME not in templates, "DST_NAME should not already exist in templates"
assert int(DST_SIZE) >= 10, "DST_SIZE must be >= 10GB"
# create the new template, by copying the old and setting values
s = templates[SRC_NAME]
d = {}
d['name'] = DST_NAME
d['description'] = copy.deepcopy(s['description'])
d['properties'] = copy.deepcopy(s['properties'])
d['properties']['machineType'] = DST_TYPE
d['properties']['disks'][0]['initializeParams']['diskSizeGb'] = DST_SIZE
d['properties']['disks'][0]['deviceName'] = DST_NAME
# create the template
request = service.instanceTemplates().insert(project=PROJECT, body=d)
response = request.execute()
# print the results
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(__doc__)
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tobych commented Jul 9, 2017

Thanks for this, David. Good to see I'm not the only one dropping down to running gcloud from Python to get stuff done.

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