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MySQL Search-Replace-DB
#!/usr/bin/php -q
# Search-Replace-DB 0.3.0 by Interconnectit
# This script has been generated to assemble Search-Replace-DB into
# convenient command line program.
# Source -
# Sha - ed09f7eafc3966813296f5639890a1f4c44af1a7
# Usage
# sudo mv mysql-srdb.php /usr/local/bin/mysql-srdb
# sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mysql-srdb
/** srdb.class.php -
* Safe Search and Replace on Database with Serialized Data v3.0.0
* This script is to solve the problem of doing database search and replace when
* some data is stored within PHP serialized arrays or objects.
* For more information, see
* To contribute go to
* To use, load the script on your server and point your web browser to it.
* In some situations, consider using the command line interface version.
* BIG WARNING! Take a backup first, and carefully test the results of this
* code. If you don't, and you vape your data then you only have yourself to
* blame. Seriously. And if your English is bad and you don't fully
* understand the instructions then STOP. Right there. Yes. Before you do any
* damage.
* from its use.
* First Written 2009-05-25 by David Coveney of Interconnect IT Ltd (UK)
* or
* and released under the GPL v3
* ie, do what ever you want with the code, and we take no responsibility for it
* OK? If you don't wish to take responsibility, hire us at Interconnect IT Ltd
* on +44 (0)151 331 5140 and we will do the work for you at our hourly rate,
* minimum 1hr
* License: GPL v3
* License URL:
* Version 3.0:
* * Major overhaul
* * Multibyte string replacements
* * Convert tables to InnoDB
* * Convert tables to utf8_unicode_ci
* * Preview/view changes in report
* * Optionally use preg_replace()
* * Better error/exception handling & reporting
* * Reports per table
* * Exclude/include multiple columns
* Version 2.2.0:
* * Added remove script patch from David Anderson (
* * Added ability to replace strings with nothing
* * Copy changes
* * Added code to recursive_unserialize_replace to deal with objects not
* just arrays. This was submitted by Tina Matter.
* ToDo: Test object handling. Not sure how it will cope with object in the
* db created with classes that don't exist in anything but the base PHP.
* Version 2.1.0:
* - Changed to version 2.1.0
* * Following change by Sergei Biryukov - merged in and tested by Dave Coveney
* - Added Charset Support (tested with UTF-8, not tested on other charsets)
* * Following changes implemented by James Whitehead with thanks to all the commenters and feedback given!
* - Removed PHP warnings if you go to step 3+ without DB details.
* - Added options to skip changing the guid column. If there are other
* columns that need excluding you can add them to the $exclude_cols global
* array. May choose to add another option to the table select page to let
* you add to this array from the front end.
* - Minor tweak to label styling.
* - Added comments to each of the functions.
* - Removed a dead param from icit_srdb_replacer
* Version 2.0.0:
* - returned to using unserialize function to check if string is
* serialized or not
* - marked is_serialized_string function as deprecated
* - changed form order to improve usability and make use on multisites a
* bit less scary
* - changed to version 2, as really should have done when the UI was
* introduced
* - added a recursive array walker to deal with serialized strings being
* stored in serialized strings. Yes, really.
* - changes by James R Whitehead (kudos for recursive walker) and David
* Coveney 2011-08-26
* Version 1.0.2:
* - typos corrected, button text tweak - David Coveney / Robert O'Rourke
* Version 1.0.1
* - styling and form added by James R Whitehead.
* Credits: moz667 at gmail dot com for his recursive_array_replace posted at
* which saved me a little time - a perfect sample for me
* and seems to work in all cases.
class icit_srdb {
* @var array List of all the tables in the database
public $all_tables = array();
* @var array Tables to run the replacement on
public $tables = array();
* @var string Search term
public $search = false;
* @var string Replacement
public $replace = false;
* @var bool Use regular expressions to perform search and replace
public $regex = false;
* @var bool Leave guid column alone
public $guid = false;
* @var array Available engines
public $engines = array();
* @var bool|string Convert to new engine
public $alter_engine = false;
* @var bool|string Convert to new collation
public $alter_collate = false;
* @var array Column names to exclude
public $exclude_cols = array();
* @var array Column names to include
public $include_cols = array();
* @var bool True if doing a dry run
public $dry_run = true;
* @var string Database connection details
public $name = '';
public $user = '';
public $pass = '';
public $host = '';
public $charset = 'utf8';
public $collate = '';
* @var array Stores a list of exceptions
public $errors = array(
'search' => array(),
'db' => array(),
'tables' => array(),
'results' => array()
public $error_type = 'search';
* @var array Stores the report array
public $report = array();
* @var int Number of modifications to return in report array
public $report_change_num = 30;
* @var bool Whether to echo report as script runs
public $verbose = false;
* @var resource Database connection
public $db;
* @var use PDO
public $use_pdo = true;
* @var int How many rows to select at a time when replacing
public $page_size = 50000;
* Searches for WP or Drupal context
* Checks for $_POST data
* Initialises database connection
* Handles ajax
* Runs replacement
* @param string $name database name
* @param string $user database username
* @param string $pass database password
* @param string $host database hostname
* @param string $search search string / regex
* @param string $replace replacement string
* @param array $tables tables to run replcements against
* @param bool $live live run
* @param array $exclude_cols tables to run replcements against
* @return void
public function __construct( $args ) {
$args = array_merge( array(
'name' => '',
'user' => '',
'pass' => '',
'host' => '',
'search' => '',
'replace' => '',
'tables' => array(),
'exclude_cols' => array(),
'include_cols' => array(),
'dry_run' => true,
'regex' => false,
'pagesize' => 50000,
'alter_engine' => false,
'alter_collation' => false,
'verbose' => false
), $args );
// handle exceptions
set_exception_handler( array( $this, 'exceptions' ) );
// handle errors
set_error_handler( array( $this, 'errors' ), E_ERROR | E_WARNING );
// allow a string for columns
foreach( array( 'exclude_cols', 'include_cols', 'tables' ) as $maybe_string_arg ) {
if ( is_string( $args[ $maybe_string_arg ] ) )
$args[ $maybe_string_arg ] = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $args[ $maybe_string_arg ] ) ) );
// set class vars
foreach( $args as $name => $value ) {
if ( is_string( $value ) )
$value = stripcslashes( $value );
if ( is_array( $value ) )
$value = array_map( 'stripcslashes', $value );
$this->set( $name, $value );
// only for non cli call, cli set no timeout, no memory limit
if( ! defined( 'STDIN' ) ) {
// increase time out limit
@set_time_limit( 60 * 10 );
// try to push the allowed memory up, while we're at it
@ini_set( 'memory_limit', '1024M' );
// set up db connection
if ( $this->db_valid() ) {
// update engines
if ( $this->alter_engine ) {
$report = $this->update_engine( $this->alter_engine, $this->tables );
// update collation
elseif ( $this->alter_collation ) {
$report = $this->update_collation( $this->alter_collation, $this->tables );
// default search/replace action
else {
$report = $this->replacer( $this->search, $this->replace, $this->tables );
} else {
$report = $this->report;
// store report
$this->set( 'report', $report );
return $report;
* Terminates db connection
* @return void
public function __destruct() {
if ( $this->db_valid() )
public function get( $property ) {
return $this->$property;
public function set( $property, $value ) {
$this->$property = $value;
public function exceptions( $exception ) {
echo $exception->getMessage() . "\n";
public function errors( $no, $message, $file, $line ) {
echo $message . "\n";
public function log( $type = '' ) {
$args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 1 );
if ( $this->get( 'verbose' ) ) {
echo "{$type}: ";
print_r( $args );
echo "\n";
return $args;
public function add_error( $error, $type = null ) {
if ( $type !== null )
$this->error_type = $type;
$this->errors[ $this->error_type ][] = $error;
$this->log( 'error', $this->error_type, $error );
public function use_pdo() {
return $this->get( 'use_pdo' );
* Setup connection, populate tables array
* @return void
public function db_setup() {
$connection_type = class_exists( 'PDO' ) ? 'pdo' : 'mysql';
// connect
$this->set( 'db', $this->connect( $connection_type ) );
* Database connection type router
* @param string $type
* @return callback
public function connect( $type = '' ) {
$method = "connect_{$type}";
return $this->$method();
* Creates the database connection using old mysql functions
* @return resource|bool
public function connect_mysql() {
// switch off PDO
$this->set( 'use_pdo', false );
$connection = @mysql_connect( $this->host, $this->user, $this->pass );
// unset if not available
if ( ! $connection ) {
$connection = false;
$this->add_error( mysql_error(), 'db' );
// select the database for non PDO
if ( $connection && ! mysql_select_db( $this->name, $connection ) ) {
$connection = false;
$this->add_error( mysql_error(), 'db' );
return $connection;
* Sets up database connection using PDO
* @return PDO|bool
public function connect_pdo() {
try {
$connection = new PDO( "mysql:host={$this->host};dbname={$this->name}", $this->user, $this->pass );
} catch( PDOException $e ) {
$this->add_error( $e->getMessage(), 'db' );
$connection = false;
// check if there's a problem with our database at this stage
if ( $connection && ! $connection->query( 'SHOW TABLES' ) ) {
$error_info = $connection->errorInfo();
if ( !empty( $error_info ) && is_array( $error_info ) )
$this->add_error( array_pop( $error_info ), 'db' ); // Array pop will only accept a $var..
$connection = false;
return $connection;
* Retrieve all tables from the database
* @return array
public function get_tables() {
// get tables
// A clone of show table status but with character set for the table.
$show_table_status = "SELECT
t.`TABLE_NAME` as Name,
t.`ENGINE` as `Engine`,
t.`version` as `Version`,
t.`ROW_FORMAT` AS `Row_format`,
t.`TABLE_ROWS` AS `Rows`,
t.`AVG_ROW_LENGTH` AS `Avg_row_length`,
t.`DATA_LENGTH` AS `Data_length`,
t.`MAX_DATA_LENGTH` AS `Max_data_length`,
t.`INDEX_LENGTH` AS `Index_length`,
t.`DATA_FREE` AS `Data_free`,
t.`AUTO_INCREMENT` as `Auto_increment`,
t.`CREATE_TIME` AS `Create_time`,
t.`UPDATE_TIME` AS `Update_time`,
t.`CHECK_TIME` AS `Check_time`,
t.`TABLE_COLLATION` as Collation,
c.`CHARACTER_SET_NAME` as Character_set,
t.`table_Comment` as `Comment`
FROM information_schema.`TABLES` t
WHERE t.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = '{$this->name}';
$all_tables_mysql = $this->db_query( $show_table_status );
$all_tables = array();
if ( ! $all_tables_mysql ) {
$this->add_error( $this->db_error( ), 'db' );
} else {
// set the character set
//$this->db_set_charset( $this->get( 'charset' ) );
while ( $table = $this->db_fetch( $all_tables_mysql ) ) {
// ignore views
if ( $table[ 'Comment' ] == 'VIEW' )
$all_tables[ $table[0] ] = $table;
return $all_tables;
* Get the character set for the current table
* @param string $table_name The name of the table we want to get the char
* set for
* @return string The character encoding;
public function get_table_character_set( $table_name = '' ) {
$table_name = $this->db_escape( $table_name );
$schema = $this->db_escape( $this->name );
$charset = $this->db_query( "SELECT c.`character_set_name`
FROM information_schema.`TABLES` t
WHERE t.table_schema = {$schema}
AND t.table_name = {$table_name}
LIMIT 1;" );
$encoding = false;
if ( ! $charset ) {
$this->add_error( $this->db_error( ), 'db' );
else {
$result = $this->db_fetch( $charset );
$encoding = isset( $result[ 'character_set_name' ] ) ? $result[ 'character_set_name' ] : false;
return $encoding;
* Retrieve all supported database engines
* @return array
public function get_engines() {
// get available engines
$mysql_engines = $this->db_query( 'SHOW ENGINES;' );
$engines = array();
if ( ! $mysql_engines ) {
$this->add_error( $this->db_error( ), 'db' );
} else {
while ( $engine = $this->db_fetch( $mysql_engines ) ) {
if ( in_array( $engine[ 'Support' ], array( 'YES', 'DEFAULT' ) ) )
$engines[] = $engine[ 'Engine' ];
return $engines;
public function db_query( $query ) {
if ( $this->use_pdo() )
return $this->db->query( $query );
return mysql_query( $query, $this->db );
public function db_update( $query ) {
if ( $this->use_pdo() )
return $this->db->exec( $query );
return mysql_query( $query, $this->db );
public function db_error() {
if ( $this->use_pdo() ) {
$error_info = $this->db->errorInfo();
return !empty( $error_info ) && is_array( $error_info ) ? array_pop( $error_info ) : 'Unknown error';
return mysql_error();
public function db_fetch( $data ) {
if ( $this->use_pdo() )
return $data->fetch();
return mysql_fetch_array( $data );
public function db_escape( $string ) {
if ( $this->use_pdo() )
return $this->db->quote( $string );
return "'" . mysql_real_escape_string( $string ) . "'";
public function db_free_result( $data ) {
if ( $this->use_pdo() )
return $data->closeCursor();
return mysql_free_result( $data );
public function db_set_charset( $charset = '' ) {
if ( ! empty( $charset ) ) {
if ( ! $this->use_pdo() && function_exists( 'mysql_set_charset' ) )
mysql_set_charset( $charset, $this->db );
$this->db_query( 'SET NAMES ' . $charset );
public function db_close() {
if ( $this->use_pdo() )
unset( $this->db );
mysql_close( $this->db );
public function db_valid() {
return (bool)$this->db;
* Walk an array replacing one element for another. ( NOT USED ANY MORE )
* @param string $find The string we want to replace.
* @param string $replace What we'll be replacing it with.
* @param array $data Used to pass any subordinate arrays back to the
* function for searching.
* @return array The original array with the replacements made.
public function recursive_array_replace( $find, $replace, $data ) {
if ( is_array( $data ) ) {
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
$this->recursive_array_replace( $find, $replace, $data[ $key ] );
} else {
// have to check if it's string to ensure no switching to string for booleans/numbers/nulls - don't need any nasty conversions
if ( is_string( $value ) )
$data[ $key ] = $this->str_replace( $find, $replace, $value );
} else {
if ( is_string( $data ) )
$data = $this->str_replace( $find, $replace, $data );
* Take a serialised array and unserialise it replacing elements as needed and
* unserialising any subordinate arrays and performing the replace on those too.
* @param string $from String we're looking to replace.
* @param string $to What we want it to be replaced with
* @param array $data Used to pass any subordinate arrays back to in.
* @param bool $serialised Does the array passed via $data need serialising.
* @return array The original array with all elements replaced as needed.
public function recursive_unserialize_replace( $from = '', $to = '', $data = '', $serialised = false ) {
// some unserialised data cannot be re-serialised eg. SimpleXMLElements
try {
if ( is_string( $data ) && ( $unserialized = @unserialize( $data ) ) !== false ) {
$data = $this->recursive_unserialize_replace( $from, $to, $unserialized, true );
elseif ( is_array( $data ) ) {
$_tmp = array( );
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
$_tmp[ $key ] = $this->recursive_unserialize_replace( $from, $to, $value, false );
$data = $_tmp;
unset( $_tmp );
// Submitted by Tina Matter
elseif ( is_object( $data ) ) {
// $data_class = get_class( $data );
$_tmp = $data; // new $data_class( );
$props = get_object_vars( $data );
foreach ( $props as $key => $value ) {
$_tmp->$key = $this->recursive_unserialize_replace( $from, $to, $value, false );
$data = $_tmp;
unset( $_tmp );
else {
if ( is_string( $data ) ) {
$data = $this->str_replace( $from, $to, $data );
if ( $serialised )
return serialize( $data );
} catch( Exception $error ) {
$this->add_error( $error->getMessage(), 'results' );
return $data;
* Regular expression callback to fix serialised string lengths
* @param array $matches matches from the regular expression
* @return string
public function preg_fix_serialised_count( $matches ) {
$length = mb_strlen( $matches[ 2 ] );
if ( $length !== intval( $matches[ 1 ] ) )
return "s:{$length}:\"{$matches[2]}\";";
return $matches[ 0 ];
* The main loop triggered in step 5. Up here to keep it out of the way of the
* HTML. This walks every table in the db that was selected in step 3 and then
* walks every row and column replacing all occurences of a string with another.
* We split large tables into 50,000 row blocks when dealing with them to save
* on memmory consumption.
* @param string $search What we want to replace
* @param string $replace What we want to replace it with.
* @param array $tables The tables we want to look at.
* @return array Collection of information gathered during the run.
public function replacer( $search = '', $replace = '', $tables = array( ) ) {
// check we have a search string, bail if not
if ( empty( $search ) ) {
$this->add_error( 'Search string is empty', 'search' );
return false;
$report = array( 'tables' => 0,
'rows' => 0,
'change' => 0,
'updates' => 0,
'start' => microtime( ),
'end' => microtime( ),
'errors' => array( ),
'table_reports' => array( )
$table_report = array(
'rows' => 0,
'change' => 0,
'changes' => array( ),
'updates' => 0,
'start' => microtime( ),
'end' => microtime( ),
'errors' => array( ),
$dry_run = $this->get( 'dry_run' );
if ( $this->get( 'dry_run' ) ) // Report this as a search-only run.
$this->add_error( 'The dry-run option was selected. No replacements will be made.', 'results' );
// if no tables selected assume all
if ( empty( $tables ) ) {
$all_tables = $this->get_tables();
$tables = array_keys( $all_tables );
if ( is_array( $tables ) && ! empty( $tables ) ) {
foreach( $tables as $table ) {
$encoding = $this->get_table_character_set( $table );
switch( $encoding ) {
// Tables encoded with this work for me only when I set names to utf8. I don't trust this in the wild so I'm going to avoid.
case 'utf16':
case 'utf32':
//$encoding = 'utf8';
$this->add_error( "The table \"{$table}\" is encoded using \"{$encoding}\" which is currently unsupported.", 'results' );
$this->db_set_charset( $encoding );
$report[ 'tables' ]++;
// get primary key and columns
list( $primary_key, $columns ) = $this->get_columns( $table );
if ( $primary_key === null ) {
$this->add_error( "The table \"{$table}\" has no primary key. Changes will have to be made manually.", 'results' );
// create new table report instance
$new_table_report = $table_report;
$new_table_report[ 'start' ] = microtime();
$this->log( 'search_replace_table_start', $table, $search, $replace );
// Count the number of rows we have in the table if large we'll split into blocks, This is a mod from Simon Wheatley
$row_count = $this->db_query( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$table}`" );
$rows_result = $this->db_fetch( $row_count );
$row_count = $rows_result[ 0 ];
$page_size = $this->get( 'page_size' );
$pages = ceil( $row_count / $page_size );
for( $page = 0; $page < $pages; $page++ ) {
$start = $page * $page_size;
// Grab the content of the table
$data = $this->db_query( sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM `%s` LIMIT %d, %d', $table, $start, $page_size ) );
if ( ! $data )
$this->add_error( $this->db_error( ), 'results' );
while ( $row = $this->db_fetch( $data ) ) {
$report[ 'rows' ]++; // Increment the row counter
$new_table_report[ 'rows' ]++;
$update_sql = array( );
$where_sql = array( );
$update = false;
foreach( $columns as $column ) {
$edited_data = $data_to_fix = $row[ $column ];
if ( $primary_key == $column ) {
$where_sql[] = "`{$column}` = " . $this->db_escape( $data_to_fix );
// exclude cols
if ( in_array( $column, $this->exclude_cols ) )
// include cols
if ( ! empty( $this->include_cols ) && ! in_array( $column, $this->include_cols ) )
// Run a search replace on the data that'll respect the serialisation.
$edited_data = $this->recursive_unserialize_replace( $search, $replace, $data_to_fix );
// Something was changed
if ( $edited_data != $data_to_fix ) {
$report[ 'change' ]++;
$new_table_report[ 'change' ]++;
// log first x changes
if ( $new_table_report[ 'change' ] <= $this->get( 'report_change_num' ) ) {
$new_table_report[ 'changes' ][] = array(
'row' => $new_table_report[ 'rows' ],
'column' => $column,
'from' => utf8_encode( $data_to_fix ),
'to' => utf8_encode( $edited_data )
$update_sql[] = "`{$column}` = " . $this->db_escape( $edited_data );
$update = true;
if ( $dry_run ) {
// nothing for this state
} elseif ( $update && ! empty( $where_sql ) ) {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET ' . implode( ', ', $update_sql ) . ' WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', array_filter( $where_sql ) );
$result = $this->db_update( $sql );
if ( ! is_int( $result ) && ! $result ) {
$this->add_error( $this->db_error( ), 'results' );
} else {
$report[ 'updates' ]++;
$new_table_report[ 'updates' ]++;
$this->db_free_result( $data );
$new_table_report[ 'end' ] = microtime();
// store table report in main
$report[ 'table_reports' ][ $table ] = $new_table_report;
// log result
$this->log( 'search_replace_table_end', $table, $new_table_report );
$report[ 'end' ] = microtime( );
$this->log( 'search_replace_end', $search, $replace, $report );
return $report;
public function get_columns( $table ) {
$primary_key = null;
$columns = array( );
// Get a list of columns in this table
$fields = $this->db_query( "DESCRIBE {$table}" );
if ( ! $fields ) {
$this->add_error( $this->db_error( ), 'db' );
} else {
while( $column = $this->db_fetch( $fields ) ) {
$columns[] = $column[ 'Field' ];
if ( $column[ 'Key' ] == 'PRI' )
$primary_key = $column[ 'Field' ];
return array( $primary_key, $columns );
public function do_column() {
* Convert table engines
* @param string $engine Engine type
* @param array $tables
* @return array Modification report
public function update_engine( $engine = 'MyISAM', $tables = array() ) {
$report = false;
if ( empty( $this->engines ) )
$this->set( 'engines', $this->get_engines() );
if ( in_array( $engine, $this->get( 'engines' ) ) ) {
$report = array( 'engine' => $engine, 'converted' => array() );
if ( empty( $tables ) ) {
$all_tables = $this->get_tables();
$tables = array_keys( $all_tables );
foreach( $tables as $table ) {
$table_info = $all_tables[ $table ];
// are we updating the engine?
if ( $table_info[ 'Engine' ] != $engine ) {
$engine_converted = $this->db_query( "alter table {$table} engine = {$engine};" );
if ( ! $engine_converted )
$this->add_error( $this->db_error( ), 'results' );
$report[ 'converted' ][ $table ] = true;
} else {
$report[ 'converted' ][ $table ] = false;
if ( isset( $report[ 'converted' ][ $table ] ) )
$this->log( 'update_engine', $table, $report, $engine );
} else {
$this->add_error( 'Cannot convert tables to unsupported table engine &rdquo;' . $engine . '&ldquo;', 'results' );
return $report;
* Updates the characterset and collation on the specified tables
* @param string $collate table collation
* @param array $tables tables to modify
* @return array Modification report
public function update_collation( $collation = 'utf8_unicode_ci', $tables = array() ) {
$report = false;
if ( is_string( $collation ) ) {
$report = array( 'collation' => $collation, 'converted' => array() );
if ( empty( $tables ) ) {
$all_tables = $this->get_tables();
$tables = array_keys( $all_tables );
// charset is same as collation up to first underscore
$charset = preg_replace( '/^([^_]+).*$/', '$1', $collation );
foreach( $tables as $table ) {
$table_info = $all_tables[ $table ];
// are we updating the engine?
if ( $table_info[ 'Collation' ] != $collation ) {
$engine_converted = $this->db_query( "alter table {$table} convert to character set {$charset} collate {$collation};" );
if ( ! $engine_converted )
$this->add_error( $this->db_error( ), 'results' );
$report[ 'converted' ][ $table ] = true;
} else {
$report[ 'converted' ][ $table ] = false;
if ( isset( $report[ 'converted' ][ $table ] ) )
$this->log( 'update_collation', $table, $report, $collation );
} else {
$this->add_error( 'Collation must be a valid string', 'results' );
return $report;
* Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string.
* @author Sean Murphy <>
* @copyright Copyright 2012 Sean Murphy. All rights reserved.
* @license
* @link
* @param mixed $search
* @param mixed $replace
* @param mixed $subject
* @param int $count
* @return mixed
public static function mb_str_replace( $search, $replace, $subject, &$count = 0 ) {
if ( ! is_array( $subject ) ) {
// Normalize $search and $replace so they are both arrays of the same length
$searches = is_array( $search ) ? array_values( $search ) : array( $search );
$replacements = is_array( $replace ) ? array_values( $replace ) : array( $replace );
$replacements = array_pad( $replacements, count( $searches ), '' );
foreach ( $searches as $key => $search ) {
$parts = mb_split( preg_quote( $search ), $subject );
$count += count( $parts ) - 1;
$subject = implode( $replacements[ $key ], $parts );
} else {
// Call mb_str_replace for each subject in array, recursively
foreach ( $subject as $key => $value ) {
$subject[ $key ] = self::mb_str_replace( $search, $replace, $value, $count );
return $subject;
* Wrapper for regex/non regex search & replace
* @param string $search
* @param string $replace
* @param string $string
* @param int $count
* @return string
public function str_replace( $search, $replace, $string, &$count = 0 ) {
if ( $this->get( 'regex' ) ) {
return preg_replace( $search, $replace, $string, -1, $count );
} elseif( function_exists( 'mb_split' ) ) {
return self::mb_str_replace( $search, $replace, $string, $count );
} else {
return str_replace( $search, $replace, $string, $count );
* Convert a string containing unicode into HTML entities for front end display
* @param string $string
* @return string
public function charset_decode_utf_8( $string ) {
/* Only do the slow convert if there are 8-bit characters */
/* avoid using 0xA0 (\240) in ereg ranges. RH73 does not like that */
if ( ! preg_match( "/[\200-\237]/", $string ) and ! preg_match( "/[\241-\377]/", $string ) )
return $string;
// decode three byte unicode characters
$string = preg_replace( "/([\340-\357])([\200-\277])([\200-\277])/e",
"'&#'.((ord('\\1')-224)*4096 + (ord('\\2')-128)*64 + (ord('\\3')-128)).';'",
$string );
// decode two byte unicode characters
$string = preg_replace( "/([\300-\337])([\200-\277])/e",
$string );
return $string;
/** srdb.cli.php -
* To run this script, execute something like this:
* `./srdb.cli.php -h localhost -u root -n test -s "findMe" -r "replaceMe"`
* use the --dry-run flag to do a dry run without searching/replacing.
// php 5.3 date timezone requirement, shouldn't affect anything
date_default_timezone_set( 'Europe/London' );
$opts = array(
'h:' => 'host:',
'n:' => 'name:',
'u:' => 'user:',
'p:' => 'pass:',
'c:' => 'char:',
's:' => 'search:',
'r:' => 'replace:',
't:' => 'tables:',
'i:' => 'include-cols:',
'x:' => 'exclude-cols:',
'g' => 'regex',
'l:' => 'pagesize:',
'z' => 'dry-run',
'e:' => 'alter-engine:',
'a:' => 'alter-collation:',
'v::' => 'verbose::',
$required = array(
function strip_colons( $string ) {
return str_replace( ':', '', $string );
// store arg values
$arg_count = $_SERVER[ 'argc' ];
$args_array = $_SERVER[ 'argv' ];
$short_opts = array_keys( $opts );
$short_opts_normal = array_map( 'strip_colons', $short_opts );
$long_opts = array_values( $opts );
$long_opts_normal = array_map( 'strip_colons', $long_opts );
// store array of options and values
$options = getopt( implode( '', $short_opts ), $long_opts );
if ( isset( $options[ 'help' ] ) ) {
echo "
interconnect/it Safe Search & Replace tool
This script allows you to search and replace strings in your database
safely without breaking serialised PHP.
Please report any bugs or fork and contribute to this script via
Argument values are strings unless otherwise specified.
-h, --host
Required. The hostname of the database server.
-n, --name
Required. Database name.
-u, --user
Required. Database user.
-p, --pass
Required. Database user's password.
-s, --search
String to search for or `preg_replace()` style
regular expression.
-r, --replace
None empty string to replace search with or
`preg_replace()` style replacement.
-t, --tables
If set only runs the script on the specified table, comma
separate for multiple values.
-i, --include-cols
If set only runs the script on the specified columns, comma
separate for multiple values.
-x, --exclude-cols
If set excludes the specified columns, comma separate for
multiple values.
-g, --regex [no value]
Treats value for -s or --search as a regular expression and
-r or --replace as a regular expression replacement.
-l, --pagesize
How rows to fetch at a time from a table.
-z, --dry-run [no value]
Prevents any updates happening so you can preview the number
of changes to be made
-e, --alter-engine
Changes the database table to the specified database engine
eg. InnoDB or MyISAM. If specified search/replace arguments
are ignored. They will not be run simultaneously.
-a, --alter-collation
Changes the database table to the specified collation
eg. utf8_unicode_ci. If specified search/replace arguments
are ignored. They will not be run simultaneously.
-v, --verbose [true|false]
Defaults to true, can be set to false to run script silently.
Displays this help message ;)
// missing field flag, show all missing instead of 1 at a time
$missing_arg = false;
// check required args are passed
foreach( $required as $key ) {
$short_opt = strip_colons( $key );
$long_opt = strip_colons( $opts[ $key ] );
if ( ! isset( $options[ $short_opt ] ) && ! isset( $options[ $long_opt ] ) ) {
fwrite( STDERR, "Error: Missing argument, -{$short_opt} or --{$long_opt} is required.\n" );
$missing_arg = true;
// bail if requirements not met
if ( $missing_arg ) {
fwrite( STDERR, "Please enter the missing arguments.\n" );
exit( 1 );
// new args array
$args = array(
'verbose' => true,
'dry_run' => false
// create $args array
foreach( $options as $key => $value ) {
// transpose keys
if ( ( $is_short = array_search( $key, $short_opts_normal ) ) !== false )
$key = $long_opts_normal[ $is_short ];
// true/false string mapping
if ( is_string( $value ) && in_array( $value, array( 'false', 'no', '0' ) ) )
$value = false;
if ( is_string( $value ) && in_array( $value, array( 'true', 'yes', '1' ) ) )
$value = true;
// boolean options as is, eg. a no value arg should be set true
if ( in_array( $key, $long_opts ) )
$value = true;
// change to underscores
$key = str_replace( '-', '_', $key );
$args[ $key ] = $value;
// modify the log output
class icit_srdb_cli extends icit_srdb {
public function log( $type = '' ) {
$args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 1 );
$output = "";
switch( $type ) {
case 'error':
list( $error_type, $error ) = $args;
$output .= "$error_type: $error";
case 'search_replace_table_start':
list( $table, $search, $replace ) = $args;
$output .= "{$table}: replacing {$search} with {$replace}";
case 'search_replace_table_end':
list( $table, $report ) = $args;
$time = number_format( $report[ 'end' ] - $report[ 'start' ], 8 );
$output .= "{$table}: {$report['rows']} rows, {$report['change']} changes found, {$report['updates']} updates made in {$time} seconds";
case 'search_replace_end':
list( $search, $replace, $report ) = $args;
$time = number_format( $report[ 'end' ] - $report[ 'start' ], 8 );
$dry_run_string = $this->dry_run ? "would have been" : "were";
$output .= "
Replacing {$search} with {$replace} on {$report['tables']} tables with {$report['rows']} rows
{$report['change']} changes {$dry_run_string} made
{$report['updates']} updates were actually made
It took {$time} seconds";
case 'update_engine':
list( $table, $report, $engine ) = $args;
$output .= $table . ( $report[ 'converted' ][ $table ] ? ' has been' : 'has not been' ) . ' converted to ' . $engine;
case 'update_collation':
list( $table, $report, $collation ) = $args;
$output .= $table . ( $report[ 'converted' ][ $table ] ? ' has been' : 'has not been' ) . ' converted to ' . $collation;
if ( $this->verbose )
echo $output . "\n";
$report = new icit_srdb_cli( $args );
// Only print a separating newline if verbose mode is on to separate verbose output from result
if ($args[ 'verbose' ]) {
echo "\n";
if ( $report && ( ( isset( $args[ 'dry_run' ] ) && $args[ 'dry_run' ] ) || empty( $report->errors[ 'results' ] ) ) ) {
echo "And we're done!\n";
} else {
echo "Check the output for errors. You may need to ensure verbose output is on by using -v or --verbose.\n";
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