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Created August 3, 2015 20:05
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  • Save ddast/4d4f7082aeb3f03a7503 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ddast/4d4f7082aeb3f03a7503 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Battery History:
-8h06m39s823ms 100 0402a040 status=discharging health=good plug=none temp=232 volt=4177 +wifi +wifi_running signal_strength=great data_conn=hspa
-8h06m39s719ms 100 0402a040
-8h06m09s658ms 100 4402a040 +wake_lock
-8h05m39s313ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-7h45m11s588ms 100 4402a040 +wake_lock
-7h44m41s493ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-7h40m24s235ms 100 4402a040 +wake_lock
-7h40m18s093ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-6h46m51s188ms 100 4402a040 +wake_lock
-6h46m48s807ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-6h45m43s088ms 100 4402a040 +wake_lock
-6h45m40s981ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-6h10m51s208ms 100 4402a040 +wake_lock
-6h10m20s714ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-5h40m11s584ms 100 44020040 +wake_lock data_conn=none
-5h40m11s469ms 100 04020040 -wake_lock
-5h40m04s513ms 100 44020040 +wake_lock
-5h40m01s782ms 100 4402a040 data_conn=hspa
-5h40m01s483ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-5h39m47s176ms 100 4402a040 +wake_lock
-5h39m34s873ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-5h05m30s936ms 100 04020040 data_conn=none
-5h05m23s126ms 100 44020040 +wake_lock
-5h04m50s175ms 100 4402a040 data_conn=hspa
-5h04m49s776ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-5h04m10s847ms 100 0402a040
-5h03m26s372ms 100 4402a040 +wake_lock
-5h02m56s323ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-4h32m46s734ms 100 44020040 +wake_lock data_conn=none
-4h32m46s645ms 100 04020040 -wake_lock
-4h32m40s084ms 100 44020040 +wake_lock
-4h32m37s152ms 100 4402a040 data_conn=hspa
-4h32m36s898ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-4h02m08s708ms 100 04020040 data_conn=none
-4h02m02s845ms 100 44020040 +wake_lock
-4h01m59s366ms 100 4402a040 data_conn=hspa
-4h01m59s047ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-4h01m42s826ms 100 0402a040
-3h37m32s140ms 100 4402a040 +wake_lock
-3h37m01s911ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-3h06m53s448ms 100 04020040 data_conn=none
-3h06m53s343ms 100 04020040
-3h06m46s846ms 100 44020040 +wake_lock
-3h06m43s422ms 100 4402a040 data_conn=hspa
-3h06m43s179ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-3h06m39s419ms 100 4402a040 +wake_lock
-3h06m36s342ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-2h05m04s464ms 100 4402a040 +wake_lock
-2h04m20s206ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-1h10m02s184ms 100 4402a040 +wake_lock
-1h09m32s124ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-39m24s922ms 100 04020040 data_conn=none
-39m24s819ms 100 04020040
-39m19s330ms 100 44020040 +wake_lock
-39m16s219ms 100 4402a040 data_conn=hspa
-39m15s954ms 100 0402a040 -wake_lock
-39m02s503ms 100 0402a040
-27m37s957ms 100 4402a040 +wake_lock
-27m07s911ms 089 4412a030 temp=248 volt=3966 +screen signal_strength=good
-26m59s392ms 089 0402a030 volt=3936 -screen -wake_lock
-1m41s492ms 087 4412a020 volt=3989 +screen +wake_lock signal_strength=moderate
-1m37s271ms 087 4412a040 signal_strength=great
-1m24s709ms 087 4412a030 signal_strength=good
-1m13s059ms 087 4412a040 signal_strength=great
-1m11s059ms 087 44123030 signal_strength=good data_conn=umts
-1m09s630ms 087 4412a030 data_conn=hspa
-58s880ms 086 4412a030
-54s125ms 086 4412a020 signal_strength=moderate
-51s840ms 086 4412a030 signal_strength=good
-45s148ms 086 4412a020 signal_strength=moderate
-39s151ms 086 4412a030 signal_strength=good
-33s964ms 086 4412a020 signal_strength=moderate
-27s239ms 086 4412a010 signal_strength=poor
-22s761ms 086 4412a030 signal_strength=good
-20s532ms 086 4412a020 signal_strength=moderate
-6s758ms 086 4412a010 signal_strength=poor
-4s520ms 086 4412a020 signal_strength=moderate
-32ms 086 4412a010 signal_strength=poor
Per-PID Stats:
PID 463 wake time: +17s709ms
PID 463 wake time: +265ms
PID 697 wake time: +49s386ms
PID 463 wake time: +89ms
PID 463 wake time: +307ms
PID 1865 wake time: +64ms
PID 463 wake time: +259ms
PID 463 wake time: +28ms
PID 463 wake time: +16s337ms
PID 682 wake time: +378ms
PID 814 wake time: +11s657ms
PID 1629 wake time: +199ms
PID 463 wake time: +3s186ms
PID 2162 wake time: +1m16s215ms
Statistics since last charge:
System starts: 0, currently on battery: true
Time on battery: 8h 6m 39s 829ms (9,6%) realtime, 16m 12s 224ms (0,3%) uptime
Total run time: 3d 12h 40m 39s 29ms realtime, 11h 14m 47s 673ms uptime,
Screen on: 1m 50s 523ms (0,4%), Input events: 0, Active phone call: 0ms (0,0%)
Screen brightnesses: dark 1m 50s 523ms (100,0%)
Mobile total received: 922,79KB, Total sent: 113,49KB
Wi-Fi total received: 0B, Total sent: 0B
Total full wakelock time: 0ms , Total partial wakelock time: 6m 27s 571ms
Signal levels: poor 6s 753ms (0,0%) 3x, moderate 37s 322ms (0,1%) 6x, good 26m 7s 468ms (5,4%) 6x, great 7h 39m 48s 285ms (94,5%) 2x
Signal scanning time: 0ms
Radio types: none 1m 28s 248ms (0,3%) 6x, umts 429ms (0,0%) 1x, hspa 8h 5m 11s 152ms (99,7%) 7x
Radio data uptime when unplugged: 0 ms
Wifi on: 8h 6m 39s 829ms (100,0%), Wifi running: 8h 6m 39s 829ms (100,0%), Bluetooth on: 0ms (0,0%)
Device battery use since last full charge
Amount discharged (lower bound): 13
Amount discharged (upper bound): 14
Amount discharged while screen on: 14
Amount discharged while screen off: 0
Mobile network: 62,33KB received, 8,80KB sent
User activity: 2 other, 4 button, 65 touch
Wake lock GpsLocationProvider: 275ms partial (22 times) realtime
Wake lock SyncManagerHandleSyncAlarm: 206ms partial (14 times) realtime
Wake lock WifiSuspend: 42ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock NetworkStats: 1s 15ms partial (46 times) realtime
Wake lock ActivityManager-Launch: 53ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock AlarmManager: 14s 906ms partial (243 times) realtime
Wake lock SyncLoopWakeLock: 895ms partial (70 times) realtime
TOTAL wake: 17s 392ms partial realtime
Foreground activities: 8h 6m 39s 829ms realtime (0 times)
Proc glgps:
CPU: 0ms usr + 230ms krn ; 0ms fg
CPU: 10ms usr + 920ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc surfaceflinger:
CPU: 360ms usr + 3s 150ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc system_server:
CPU: 28s 590ms usr + 15s 380ms krn ; 0ms fg
CPU: 40ms usr + 750ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc servicemanager:
CPU: 0ms usr + 4s 350ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk android:
146 wakeup alarms
Mobile network: 786,88KB received, 63,15KB sent
Wake lock 2s 501ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 502ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 474ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 440ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 502ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 1s 668ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 21s 241ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 478ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 226ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 500ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 501ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 502ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 472ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 18s 442ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 422ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 497ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 503ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 485ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 502ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 502ms partial (1 times) realtime
TOTAL wake: 4m 43s 360ms partial realtime
Proc *wakelock*:
CPU: 4s 370ms usr + 3s 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc org.thoughtcrime.securesms:
CPU: 11s 500ms usr + 3s 760ms krn ; 0ms fg
Statistics since last unplugged:
Time on battery: 8h 6m 39s 842ms (100,0%) realtime, 16m 12s 237ms (3,3%) uptime
Total run time: 8h 6m 39s 842ms realtime, 16m 12s 237ms uptime,
Screen on: 1m 50s 536ms (0,4%), Input events: 0, Active phone call: 0ms (0,0%)
Screen brightnesses: dark 1m 50s 536ms (100,0%)
Mobile total received: 922,79KB, Total sent: 113,49KB
Wi-Fi total received: 0B, Total sent: 0B
Total full wakelock time: 0ms , Total partial wakelock time: 6m 27s 571ms
Signal levels: poor 6s 766ms (0,0%) 3x, moderate 37s 322ms (0,1%) 6x, good 26m 7s 468ms (5,4%) 6x, great 7h 39m 48s 285ms (94,5%) 2x
Signal scanning time: 0ms
Radio types: none 1m 28s 248ms (0,3%) 6x, umts 429ms (0,0%) 1x, hspa 8h 5m 11s 165ms (99,7%) 7x
Radio data uptime when unplugged: 0 ms
Wifi on: 8h 6m 39s 842ms (100,0%), Wifi running: 8h 6m 39s 842ms (100,0%), Bluetooth on: 0ms (0,0%)
Device is currently unplugged
Discharge cycle start level: 100
Discharge cycle current level: 86
Amount discharged while screen on: 14
Amount discharged while screen off: 0
Mobile network: 62,33KB received, 8,80KB sent
User activity: 2 other, 4 button, 65 touch
Wake lock GpsLocationProvider: 275ms partial (22 times) realtime
Wake lock SyncManagerHandleSyncAlarm: 206ms partial (14 times) realtime
Wake lock WifiSuspend: 42ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock NetworkStats: 1s 15ms partial (46 times) realtime
Wake lock ActivityManager-Launch: 53ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock AlarmManager: 14s 906ms partial (243 times) realtime
Wake lock SyncLoopWakeLock: 895ms partial (70 times) realtime
TOTAL wake: 17s 392ms partial realtime
Foreground activities: 8h 6m 39s 842ms realtime (0 times)
Proc glgps:
CPU: 0ms usr + 230ms krn ; 0ms fg
CPU: 10ms usr + 920ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc surfaceflinger:
CPU: 360ms usr + 3s 150ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc system_server:
CPU: 28s 590ms usr + 15s 380ms krn ; 0ms fg
CPU: 40ms usr + 750ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc servicemanager:
CPU: 0ms usr + 4s 350ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk android:
146 wakeup alarms
Mobile network: 786,88KB received, 63,15KB sent
Wake lock 2s 501ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 502ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 474ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 440ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 502ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 1s 668ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 21s 241ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 478ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 226ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 500ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 501ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 502ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 472ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 18s 442ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 422ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 497ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 503ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 27s 485ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 502ms partial (1 times) realtime
Wake lock 2s 502ms partial (1 times) realtime
TOTAL wake: 4m 43s 360ms partial realtime
Proc *wakelock*:
CPU: 4s 370ms usr + 3s 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc org.thoughtcrime.securesms:
CPU: 11s 500ms usr + 3s 760ms krn ; 0ms fg
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