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Save ddebernardy/10529951 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SubdirInstall component for WordPress
namespace Mesoconcepts\WordPress\Plugin\BugFixes\Component;
use Mesoconcepts\WordPress\Bridge\Component\WordPressInterface;
use Mesoconcepts\WordPress\Bridge\DependencyInjection\EagerLoadedInterface;
use Mesoconcepts\WordPress\Bridge\DependencyInjection\EventSubscriberInterface;
* Subdir install fixes -- part of MIT-licensed `mesoconcepts/mc-bug-fixes` plugin
* @author Denis de Bernardy
class SubdirInstall implements EagerLoadedInterface, EventSubscriberInterface
* WP folder reference
* @var string
protected static $wp_dir;
* Whether to override the WP url or not
* @var boolean
protected $override_site_url = true;
* The number of active buffers
* @var int
protected $buffers = 0;
* @var array
protected $cookie_prefs = array();
* @var WordPressInterface
protected $wp;
* Constructor
* @param WordPressInterface $wp
public function __construct(WordPressInterface $wp)
$this->wp = $wp;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function boot()
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
'option_siteurl' => array('overrideSiteUrl', ~PHP_INT_MAX),
'mod_rewrite_rules' => array('fixModRewriteRules', PHP_INT_MAX),
'flush_rewrite_rules_hard' => array('fixHtaccessFileLocation', PHP_INT_MAX),
'load-options-general.php' => 'obStartRestoreSiteUrlOption',
'admin_footer-options-general.php' => 'obFlushRestoreSiteUrlOption',
'secure_logged_in_cookie' => array('catchCookiePrefs', PHP_INT_MAX, 3),
'set_auth_cookie' => array('setAuthCookie', PHP_INT_MAX, 5),
'set_logged_in_cookie' => array('setLoggedInCookie', PHP_INT_MAX, 5),
'clear_auth_cookie' => 'clearAuthCookie',
* Conditionally registers the default wp-cotent/themes folder
* @see
protected function maybeRegisterDefaultThemeDir()
# Bail if a default theme is defined - assume it's in WP_CONTENT_DIR
if ($this->wp->getDefaultTheme()) return;
# Bail if no custom content folder is defined
if ($this->wp->getContentDir().'/themes' != $this->wp->getWPDir().'/wp-content/themes') {
* Sets the WP COOKIEHASH constant
* This is needed to prevent wild redirects and auth cookie invalidation
* when overriding the site_url.
protected function setCookieHash()
$site_url = $this->wp->getNetworkOption('siteurl');
$cookie_hash = $site_url ? md5($site_url) : '';
* Gets the raw WP dir
* @return string $wp_dir | false on failure | null when unknown
protected function getWPDir()
# Do this only once
if (isset(static::$wp_dir)) {
return static::$wp_dir;
# Fetch the raw WP urls
$home_url = $this->wp->getOption('home');
$site_url = $this->wp->getOption('siteurl');
# Bail if we're not installed yet
if (!$home_url || !$site_url) {
return null;
# Fetch the relative url paths from the site root
$home_dir = basename(parse_url($home_url, PHP_URL_PATH));
$site_dir = basename(parse_url($site_url, PHP_URL_PATH));
# Normalize the two in case WP *and* the site's url are in subfolders
if ($home_dir !== '' && strpos($site_dir, $home_dir.'/') === 0) {
$site_dir = substr($site_dir, strlen($home_dir.'/'));
$home_dir = '';
# If site_dir is a subdir of home_dir, we can manage
if ($home_dir === '' && $site_dir !== '') {
static::$wp_dir = $site_dir;
# Anything else, we don't want to even try
else {
static::$wp_dir = false;
return static::$wp_dir;
* Catches whether to send secure auth and logged in cookies or not
* @param boolean $secure_logged_in
* @param int $user_id
* @param boolean $secure
* @return $secure_logged_in
public function catchCookiePrefs($secure_logged_in, $user_id, $secure)
if (!static::$wp_dir) return;
$this->cookie_prefs[$user_id] = array(
'secure_auth' => $secure,
'secure_logged_in' => $secure_logged_in,
return $secure_logged_in;
* Sets an additional logged in cookie when WP is in a subfolder
* @param string $auth_cookie
* @param boolean $expire
* @param int $expiration
* @param int $user_id
* @param string $scheme
public function setAuthCookie($auth_cookie, $expire, $expiration, $user_id, $scheme)
if (!static::$wp_dir) return;
if (!isset($this->cookie_prefs[$user_id])) return;
# Bail on non-standard admin admin cookie path
if ($this->wp->getAdminCookiePath() != $this->wp->getWPCookiePath().'wp-admin') return;
$cookie_path = false;
if ($this->wp->getWPCookiePath() == $this->wp->getCookiePath()) {
$cookie_path = $this->wp->getCookiePath().static::$wp_dir.'/wp-admin';
elseif ($this->wp->getWPCookiePath() == $this->wp->getCookiePath().static::$wp_dir.'/') {
$cookie_path = $this->wp->getCookiePath().'wp-admin';
# Bail on non-standard cookie paths
if (!$cookie_path) return;
$auth_cookie_name = $scheme == 'secure_auth'
? $this->wp->getSecureAuthCookieName()
: $this->wp->getAuthCookieName();
* Sets an additional logged in cookie when WP is in a subfolder
* @param string $logged_in_cookie
* @param boolean $expire
* @param int $expiration
* @param int $user_id
* @param string $scheme
public function setLoggedInCookie($logged_in_cookie, $expire, $expiration, $user_id, $scheme)
if (!static::$wp_dir) return;
if (!isset($this->cookie_prefs[$user_id])) return;
if ($this->wp->getWPCookiePath() == $this->wp->getCookiePath()) {
* Clears auth cookies
public function clearAuthCookie()
if (!static::$wp_dir) return;
# Bail on non-standard admin admin cookie path
if ($this->wp->getAdminCookiePath() != $this->wp->getWPCookiePath().'wp-admin') return;
if ($this->wp->getWPCookiePath() == $this->wp->getCookiePath()) {
$reset = array(
$this->wp->getAuthCookieName() => $this->wp->getCookiePath().static::$wp_dir.'/wp-admin',
$this->wp->getSecureAuthCookieName() => $this->wp->getCookiePath().static::$wp_dir.'/wp-admin',
$this->wp->getLoggedInCookieName() => $this->wp->getCookiePath().static::$wp_dir.'/',
elseif ($this->wp->getWPCookiePath() == $this->wp->getCookiePath().static::$wp_dir.'/') {
$reset = array(
$this->wp->getAuthCookieName() => $this->wp->getCookiePath().'wp-admin',
$this->wp->getSecureAuthCookieName() => $this->wp->getCookiePath().'wp-admin',
$year_ago = time() - 365 * 24 * 60 * 60;
foreach ($reset as $name => $path) {
setcookie($name, ' ', $year_ago, $path, $this->wp->getCookieDomain());
* Overrides the site url when permalinks are enabled
* @param string $site_url
* @return string $site_url
public function overrideSiteUrl($site_url)
# Bail if not applicable
if (!$this->override_site_url || !static::$wp_dir) {
return $site_url;
# Bail if not installed yet
$home_url = $this->wp->getOption('home');
if (!$home_url || !$site_url) {
return $site_url;
# Conditionally override the WP url
if ($this->wp->isUsingPermalinks() && !$this->wp->isUsingIndexPermalinks()) {
$site_url = $home_url;
return $site_url;
* Fixes rewrite rules when WP is installed in its own subfolder
* @see
* @param array $rules
* @return array $rules
public function fixModRewriteRules($rules)
if ($this->wp->isMultisite()) {
return $rules;
$find = array();
$repl = array();
$find[] = <<<EOS
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
$repl[] = <<<EOS
$find[] = <<<EOS
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
$repl[] = <<<EOS
if ($wp_dir) {
$find[] = <<<EOS
RewriteRule . $home_dir/index.php [L]
$repl[] = <<<EOS
RewriteRule . $home_dir/index.php [L]
$rules = str_replace($find, $repl, $rules);
return $rules;
* Makes WP write to the correct htaccess file's location
* @see
* @param boolean $hard
* @return boolean $hard
public function fixHtaccessFileLocation($hard)
# Hope for the best when WP will do the right thing
if (!$hard || $this->wp->isMultisite() || !$this->wp->hasModRewrite()) {
return $hard;
# Hope for the best when we failed to find where WP is located
if (!$wp_dir = $this->getWPDir()) {
return $hard;
$path = substr($this->wp->getWPDir(), 0, -(strlen($wp_dir) + 1));
$file = $path.'/.htaccess';
# Generate rules
if (!$rules = $this->wp->getModRewriteRules()) {
$rules = implode("\n", $this->getModRewriteRules());
$rules = <<<EOS
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
# Write rules and prevent WP from creating any mess
$this->wp->saveModRewriteRules($file, $rules);
return false;
* Gets rewrite dirs
* @return array $dirs
protected function getModRewriteDirs()
# Compute $wp_dir
if ($wp_dir = static::$wp_dir) {
$wp_dir = rtrim($wp_dir, '/');
# Compute $home_dir
$home_dir = parse_url($this->wp->getOption('home'), PHP_URL_PATH);
$home_dir = rtrim($home_dir, '/');
return compact('wp_dir', 'home_dir');
* Gets our rewrite rules
* @return array $rules
protected function getModRewriteRules()
$rewrite_base = <<<EOS
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase $home_dir/
$rewrite_index = <<<EOS
# Don't hit the file system when visiting / or /index.php
RewriteRule ^(index\.php)?$ - [L]
$rewrite_file = <<<EOS
# Only hit the file system once when requesting a genuine file or folder
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^ - [L]
if ($wp_dir) {
$rewrite_admin = <<<EOS
# Make WP files masquerade as being served from the site's home folder
RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes)(/.*)?)\$ $home_dir/$wp_dir/\$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^(wp-[_0-9a-zA-Z-]*\.php|xmlrpc\.php)\$ $home_dir/$wp_dir/\$1 [L]
else {
$rewrite_admin = '';
return compact('rewrite_base', 'rewrite_index', 'rewrite_file', 'rewrite_admin');
* Fills in the siteurl field with the proper value
* @param string $buffer
* @return string $buffer
public function restoreSiteUrlOption($buffer)
# The urls are not configurable on multisite
if ($this->wp->isMultisite()) {
return $buffer;
# Nothing to do if WP isn't in a subfolder
if (!static::$wp_dir) {
return $buffer;
# Fetch real and advertised site url
$state = $this->override_site_url;
$this->override_site_url = true;
$site_url = $this->wp->getOption('siteurl');
$this->override_site_url = false;
$real_url = $this->wp->getOption('siteurl');
$this->override_site_url = $state;
# Process buffer if needed
if ($site_url != $real_url) {
$find = '<input name="siteurl" type="text" id="siteurl" value="'.$this->wp->escUrl($site_url).'"';
$repl = '<input name="siteurl" type="text" id="siteurl" value="'.$this->wp->escUrl($real_url).'"';
$buffer = str_replace($find, $repl, $buffer);
return $buffer;
* Starts an output buffer to show the real site url in Settings / General
public function obStartRestoreSiteUrlOption()
ob_start(array($this, 'restoreSiteUrlOption'));
* Flushes the output buffer started in obStartRestoreSiteUrlOption()
public function obFlushRestoreSiteUrlOption()
if ($this->buffers > 0) {
} # END class
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timcv commented Dec 16, 2014

Hi, how do i use this file? Im trying to use Bedrock for a WP multisite install with subdir sites.

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