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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Traverses the vCenter and prints information for all VMs.
package main
import (
vim "govsphere/vim"
type EntityProcessor func(*vim.ManagedEntity)
func FolderProcessorMapper(folder *vim.Folder, entityType string, processor EntityProcessor) {
children, err := folder.ChildEntity()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("--> Error occurred while getting children entities for folder: %#v\n", err)
} else {
for _, child := range children {
if child.Type == entityType {
} else if child.Type == "Folder" {
folder := &vim.Folder{
ManagedEntity: child,
FolderProcessorMapper(folder, entityType, processor)
} else {
func ProcessVm(entity *vim.ManagedEntity) {
vm := &vim.VirtualMachine{
ManagedEntity: entity,
summary, err := vm.Summary()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("--> Encountered an error while getting VM summary: %#v <--\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Name : %s\n", summary.Config.Name)
fmt.Printf("Path : %s\n", summary.Config.VmPathName)
fmt.Printf("Guest : %s\n", summary.Config.GuestFullName)
fmt.Printf("Annotation : %s\n", summary.Config.Annotation)
fmt.Printf("State : %s\n", *summary.Runtime.PowerState)
if summary.Guest != nil {
ip := summary.Guest.IpAddress
fmt.Printf("IP : %s\n", ip)
if summary.Runtime.Question != nil {
fmt.Printf("Question : %s\n", summary.Runtime.Question.Text)
func main() {
//disable logging.
session := vim.NewVSphereSession("", "myusername", "mypassword", true)
content, err := session.ServiceInstance.Content()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("--> Encountered an error getting content from ServiceInstance: %#v <--\n", err)
children, err := content.RootFolder.ChildEntity()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("--> Encountered an error getting childEntity from vmFolder: %#v <--\n", err)
for _, child := range children {
if child.Type == "Datacenter" {
datacenter := &vim.Datacenter{
ManagedEntity: child,
vmfolder, err := datacenter.VmFolder()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("--> Encountered an error getting vmFolder from datacenter: %#v <--\n", err)
FolderProcessorMapper(vmfolder, "VirtualMachine", ProcessVm)
err = session.ServiceContent.SessionManager.Logout()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("--> Unable to logout! Error: %#v <--\n", err)
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