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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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  • Save ddellacosta/64600ba27f44a1593a12 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ddellacosta/64600ba27f44a1593a12 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import Data.List
import Data.Map
-- Aluminum = alum
-- Copper = copper
-- Iron = iron
-- Blue = blue
-- Grey = grey
-- Textured = textured
-- Coated = coated
propConstants = [fromList [("alum", alum), ("copper", copper), ("iron", iron), ("blue", blue), ("grey", grey), ("textured", textured), ("coated", coated)] | alum <- [True, False], copper <- [True, False], iron <- [True, False], blue <- [True, False], grey <- [True, False], textured <- [True, False], coated <- [True, False]]
-- material implication
(==>) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
(==>) a b
| a && b = True
| a && not b = False
| not a && b = True
| not a && not b = True
infix 1 ==> -- as && is 3, and || is 2
satisfaction :: [Bool] -> Bool
satisfaction props = length (nub props) <= 1
testSatisfaction :: Map String Bool -> Bool
testSatisfaction propConstantSet =
let alum = propConstantSet ! "alum"
copper = propConstantSet ! "copper"
iron = propConstantSet ! "iron"
blue = propConstantSet ! "blue"
grey = propConstantSet ! "grey"
textured = propConstantSet ! "textured"
coated = propConstantSet ! "coated"
satisfaction [(alum || copper) && (copper || iron) && (alum || iron),
(blue ==> (not grey)) && (grey ==> (not blue)),
coated || textured,
alum ==> grey,
copper && (not coated) ==> blue,
iron ==> coated]
showSatisfaction :: Map String Bool -> Either (Map String Bool) Bool
showSatisfaction propConstantSet
| testSatisfaction propConstantSet = Left propConstantSet
| otherwise = Right False
-- > Data.List.filter (\x -> x /= Right False) ( showSatisfaction propConstants)
-- [Left (fromList [("alum",True),("blue",False),("coated",True),("copper",True),("grey",True),("iron",True),("textured",True)]),
-- Left (fromList [("alum",True),("blue",False),("coated",True),("copper",True),("grey",True),("iron",True),("textured",False)]),
-- Left (fromList [("alum",True),("blue",False),("coated",True),("copper",True),("grey",True),("iron",False),("textured",True)]),
-- Left (fromList [("alum",True),("blue",False),("coated",True),("copper",True),("grey",True),("iron",False),("textured",False)]),
-- Left (fromList [("alum",True),("blue",False),("coated",True),("copper",False),("grey",True),("iron",True),("textured",True)]),
-- Left (fromList [("alum",True),("blue",False),("coated",True),("copper",False),("grey",True),("iron",True),("textured",False)]),
-- Left (fromList [("alum",False),("blue",True),("coated",True),("copper",True),("grey",False),("iron",True),("textured",True)]),
-- Left (fromList [("alum",False),("blue",True),("coated",True),("copper",True),("grey",False),("iron",True),("textured",False)]),
-- Left (fromList [("alum",False),("blue",False),("coated",True),("copper",True),("grey",True),("iron",True),("textured",True)]),
-- Left (fromList [("alum",False),("blue",False),("coated",True),("copper",True),("grey",True),("iron",True),("textured",False)]),
-- Left (fromList [("alum",False),("blue",False),("coated",True),("copper",True),("grey",False),("iron",True),("textured",True)]),
-- Left (fromList [("alum",False),("blue",False),("coated",True),("copper",True),("grey",False),("iron",True),("textured",False)])]
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