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Last active September 26, 2016 08:15
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#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <random>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <ev3dev.h>
using namespace ev3dev;
template <class T>
T random_choice(const std::vector<T> &v) {
static std::random_device rd;
static std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> pos(0, v.size()-1);
return v[pos(gen)];
class ev3rstorm {
ev3rstorm() : lm("outB"), rm("outC") {
check(lm.connected(), "My left leg is missing!");
check(rm.connected(), "Right leg is not found!");
check(mm.connected(), "My left arm is not connected!");
check(ir.connected(), "My eyes, I can not see!");
check(ts.connected(), "Touch sensor is not attached!");
check(cs.connected(), "Color sensor is not responding!");
lm.reset(); lm.set_stop_action("brake");
rm.reset(); rm.set_stop_action("brake");
mm.reset(); mm.set_stop_action("brake");
// Shot a ball in the specified direction
// (valid choices are 'up' and 'down').
void shoot(std::string direction = "up") {
.set_position_sp(direction == "up" ? -1080 : 1080)
// Enter the remote control loop.
// RC buttons on channel 1 control the robot movement, channel 2 is for
// shooting things. The loop ends when the touch sensor is pressed.
void rc_loop() {
typedef std::vector<led*> led_group;
remote_control rc1(ir, 1);
remote_control rc2(ir, 2);
Generate remote control event handler. It rolls given motor into
given direction (1 for forward, -1 for backward). When motor rolls
forward, the given led group flashes green, when backward -- red.
When motor stops, the leds are turned off.
The generated lambda function has signature required by the
remote_control class. It takes boolean state parameter; true
when button is pressed, talse otherwise.
auto make_roll = [this](large_motor &m, led_group &l, int speed) {
return [&](bool state) {
if (state) {
led::set_color(l, speed > 0 ? led::green : led::red);
} else {
led::set_color(l, led::black);
auto make_shoot = [this](std::string direction) {
return [&](bool state) {
if (state) shoot(direction);
rc1.on_red_up = make_roll(lm, led::left, 900);
rc1.on_red_down = make_roll(lm, led::left, -900);
rc1.on_blue_up = make_roll(rm, led::right, 900);
rc1.on_blue_down = make_roll(rm, led::right, -900);
rc2.on_red_up = make_shoot("up");
rc2.on_blue_up = make_shoot("up");
rc2.on_red_down = make_shoot("down");
rc2.on_blue_down = make_shoot("down");
while(!ts.is_pressed()) {
large_motor lm;
large_motor rm;
medium_motor mm;
infrared_sensor ir;
touch_sensor ts;
color_sensor cs;
// Recite a random Marvin the Paranoid Android quote on the specified topic.
// See
static void quote(std::string topic) {
using namespace std;
static map<string, vector<string>> marvin_quotes = {
"initiating", {
"Life? Don't talk to me about life!",
"Now I've got a headache.",
"This will all end in tears.",
"depressed", {
"I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed.",
"Incredible... it's even worse than I thought it would be.",
"I'd make a suggestion, but you wouldn't listen.",
sound::speak(random_choice(marvin_quotes[topic]), true);
// Check that condition is true,
// loudly complain and throw an exception otherwise.
static void check(bool cond, std::string message) {
if (!cond) {
sound::speak(message, true);
throw std::runtime_error(message);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time, random
import ev3dev.ev3 as ev3
random.seed( time.time() )
def quote(topic):
Recite a random Marvin the Paranoid Android quote on the specified topic.
marvin_quotes = {
'initiating' : (
"Life? Don't talk to me about life!",
"Now I've got a headache.",
"This will all end in tears.",
'depressed' : (
"I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed.",
"Incredible... it's even worse than I thought it would be.",
"I'd make a suggestion, but you wouldn't listen.",
def check(condition, message):
Check that condition is true,
loudly complain and throw an exception otherwise.
if not condition:
raise Exception(message)
class ev3rstorm:
def __init__(self):
# Connect the required equipement
self.lm = ev3.LargeMotor('outB')
self.rm = ev3.LargeMotor('outC') = ev3.MediumMotor() = ev3.InfraredSensor()
self.ts = ev3.TouchSensor()
self.cs = ev3.ColorSensor()
self.screen = ev3.Screen()
# Check if everything is attached
check(self.lm.connected, 'My left leg is missing!')
check(self.rm.connected, 'Right leg is not found!')
check(, 'My left arm is not connected!')
check(, 'My eyes, I can not see!')
check(self.ts.connected, 'Touch sensor is not attached!')
check(self.cs.connected, 'Color sensor is not responding!')
# Reset the motors
for m in (self.lm, self.rm,
m.position = 0
m.stop_action = 'brake'
def draw_face(self):
w,h = self.screen.shape
y = h // 2
eye_xrad = 20
eye_yrad = 30
pup_xrad = 10
pup_yrad = 10
def draw_eye(x):
self.screen.draw.ellipse((x-eye_xrad, y-eye_yrad, x+eye_xrad, y+eye_yrad))
self.screen.draw.ellipse((x-pup_xrad, y-pup_yrad, x+pup_xrad, y+pup_yrad), fill='black')
def shoot(self, direction='up'):
Shot a ball in the specified direction (valid choices are 'up' and 'down')
""", position_sp=(-1080 if direction == 'up' else 1080))
while 'running' in
def rc_loop(self):
Enter the remote control loop. RC buttons on channel 1 control the
robot movement, channel 2 is for shooting things.
The loop ends when the touch sensor is pressed.
def roll(motor, led_group, speed):
Generate remote control event handler. It rolls given motor into
given direction (1 for forward, -1 for backward). When motor rolls
forward, the given led group flashes green, when backward -- red.
When motor stops, the leds are turned off.
The on_press function has signature required by RemoteControl
class. It takes boolean state parameter; True when button is
pressed, False otherwise.
def on_press(state):
if state:
# Roll when button is pressed
ev3.Leds.GREEN if speed > 0 else ev3.Leds.RED)
# Stop otherwise
ev3.Leds.set_color(led_group, ev3.Leds.BLACK)
return on_press
rc1 = ev3.RemoteControl(, 1)
rc1.on_red_up = roll(self.lm, ev3.Leds.LEFT, 900)
rc1.on_red_down = roll(self.lm, ev3.Leds.LEFT, -900)
rc1.on_blue_up = roll(self.rm, ev3.Leds.RIGHT, 900)
rc1.on_blue_down = roll(self.rm, ev3.Leds.RIGHT, -900)
def shoot(direction):
def on_press(state):
if state: self.shoot(direction)
return on_press
rc2 = ev3.RemoteControl(, 2)
rc2.on_red_up = shoot('up')
rc2.on_blue_up = shoot('up')
rc2.on_red_down = shoot('down')
rc2.on_blue_down = shoot('down')
# Now that the event handlers are assigned,
# lets enter the processing loop:
while not self.ts.is_pressed():
if __name__ == '__main__':
Marvin = ev3rstorm()
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