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Created December 10, 2012 20:34
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// Part of fCraft | Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Matvei Stefarov <> | BSD-3 | See LICENSE.txt
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Net;
namespace fCraft.MapConversion {
/// <summary> .Dat map conversion implementation, for converting .Dat map format into fCraft's default map format. </summary>
public sealed class MapDat : IMapImporter {
public string ServerName {
get { return "Classic/Vanilla"; }
public bool SupportsImport {
get { return true; }
public bool SupportsExport {
get { return false; }
public string FileExtension {
get { return "dat"; }
public MapStorageType StorageType {
get { return MapStorageType.SingleFile; }
public MapFormat Format {
get { return MapFormat.Classic; }
public bool ClaimsName( string fileName ) {
if( fileName == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "fileName" );
return fileName.EndsWith( ".dat", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ||
fileName.EndsWith( ".mine", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase );
public bool Claims( string fileName ) {
if( fileName == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "fileName" );
try {
using( FileStream mapStream = File.OpenRead( fileName ) ) {
byte[] temp = new byte[8];
mapStream.Seek( -4, SeekOrigin.End );
mapStream.Read( temp, 0, 4 );
mapStream.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin );
int length = BitConverter.ToInt32( temp, 0 );
byte[] data = new byte[length];
using( GZipStream reader = new GZipStream( mapStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, true ) ) {
reader.Read( data, 0, length );
for( int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++ ) {
if( data[i] == 0xAC && data[i + 1] == 0xED ) {
return true;
return false;
} catch( Exception ) {
return false;
public Map LoadHeader( string fileName ) {
if( fileName == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "fileName" );
Map map = Load( fileName );
map.Blocks = null;
return map;
internal static byte MapSurvivalTestBlock( byte block ) {
return Mapping[block];
public Map Load( string fileName ) {
if( fileName == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "fileName" );
using( FileStream mapStream = File.OpenRead( fileName ) ) {
byte[] temp = new byte[8];
Map map = null;
mapStream.Seek( -4, SeekOrigin.End );
mapStream.Read( temp, 0, 4 );
mapStream.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin );
int uncompressedLength = BitConverter.ToInt32( temp, 0 );
byte[] data = new byte[uncompressedLength];
using( GZipStream reader = new GZipStream( mapStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, true ) ) {
reader.Read( data, 0, uncompressedLength );
for( int i = 0; i < uncompressedLength - 1; i++ ) {
if( data[i] != 0xAC || data[i + 1] != 0xED ) continue;
// bypassing the header crap
int pointer = i + 6;
Array.Copy( data, pointer, temp, 0, 2 );
pointer += IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder( BitConverter.ToInt16( temp, 0 ) );
pointer += 13;
int headerEnd;
// find the end of serialization listing
for( headerEnd = pointer; headerEnd < data.Length - 1; headerEnd++ ) {
if( data[headerEnd] == 0x78 && data[headerEnd + 1] == 0x70 ) {
headerEnd += 2;
// start parsing serialization listing
int offset = 0;
int width = 0, length = 0, height = 0;
Position spawn = new Position();
while( pointer < headerEnd ) {
switch( (char)data[pointer] ) {
case 'Z':
case 'F':
case 'I':
offset += 4;
case 'J':
offset += 8;
pointer += 1;
Array.Copy( data, pointer, temp, 0, 2 );
short skip = IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder( BitConverter.ToInt16( temp, 0 ) );
pointer += 2;
// look for relevant variables
Array.Copy( data, headerEnd + offset - 4, temp, 0, 4 );
if( BufferUtil.MemCmp( data, pointer, "width" ) ) {
width = (ushort)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder( BitConverter.ToInt32( temp, 0 ) );
} else if( BufferUtil.MemCmp( data, pointer, "depth" ) ) {
height = (ushort)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder( BitConverter.ToInt32( temp, 0 ) );
} else if( BufferUtil.MemCmp( data, pointer, "height" ) ) {
length = (ushort)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder( BitConverter.ToInt32( temp, 0 ) );
} else if( BufferUtil.MemCmp( data, pointer, "xSpawn" ) ) {
spawn.X = (short)( IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder( BitConverter.ToInt32( temp, 0 ) ) * 32 + 16 );
} else if( BufferUtil.MemCmp( data, pointer, "ySpawn" ) ) {
spawn.Z = (short)( IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder( BitConverter.ToInt32( temp, 0 ) ) * 32 + 16 );
} else if( BufferUtil.MemCmp( data, pointer, "zSpawn" ) ) {
spawn.Y = (short)( IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder( BitConverter.ToInt32( temp, 0 ) ) * 32 + 16 );
pointer += skip;
map = new Map( null, width, length, height, false ) { Spawn = spawn };
// find the start of the block array
bool foundBlockArray = false;
offset = Array.IndexOf<byte>( data, 0x00, headerEnd );
while( offset != -1 && offset < data.Length - 2 ) {
if( data[offset] == 0x00 && data[offset + 1] == 0x78 && data[offset + 2] == 0x70 ) {
foundBlockArray = true;
pointer = offset + 7;
offset = Array.IndexOf<byte>( data, 0x00, offset + 1 );
// copy the block array... or fail
if( foundBlockArray ) {
map.Blocks = new byte[map.Volume];
Array.Copy( data, pointer, map.Blocks, 0, map.Blocks.Length );
map.ConvertBlockTypes( Mapping );
} else {
throw new MapFormatException( "MapDAT: Could not locate block array." );
if( map == null ) {
throw new MapFormatException( "MapDAT: No data." );
return map;
static readonly byte[] Mapping = new byte[256];
static MapDat() {
Mapping[50] = (byte)Block.Air; // torch
Mapping[51] = (byte)Block.Lava; // fire
Mapping[52] = (byte)Block.Glass; // spawner
Mapping[53] = (byte)Block.Slab; // wood stairs
Mapping[54] = (byte)Block.Wood; // chest
Mapping[55] = (byte)Block.Air; // redstone wire
Mapping[56] = (byte)Block.IronOre; // diamond ore
Mapping[57] = (byte)Block.Aqua; // diamond block
Mapping[58] = (byte)Block.Log; // workbench
Mapping[59] = (byte)Block.Leaves; // crops
Mapping[60] = (byte)Block.Dirt; // soil
Mapping[61] = (byte)Block.Stone; // furnace
Mapping[62] = (byte)Block.Stone; // burning furnance
Mapping[63] = (byte)Block.Air; // sign post
Mapping[64] = (byte)Block.Air; // wooden door
Mapping[65] = (byte)Block.Air; // ladder
Mapping[66] = (byte)Block.Air; // rails
Mapping[67] = (byte)Block.Slab; // cobblestone stairs
Mapping[68] = (byte)Block.Air; // wall sign
Mapping[69] = (byte)Block.Air; // lever
Mapping[70] = (byte)Block.Air; // pressure plate
Mapping[71] = (byte)Block.Air; // iron door
Mapping[72] = (byte)Block.Air; // wooden pressure plate
Mapping[73] = (byte)Block.IronOre; // redstone ore
Mapping[74] = (byte)Block.IronOre; // glowing redstone ore
Mapping[75] = (byte)Block.Air; // redstone torch (off)
Mapping[76] = (byte)Block.Air; // redstone torch (on)
Mapping[77] = (byte)Block.Air; // stone button
Mapping[78] = (byte)Block.Air; // snow
Mapping[79] = (byte)Block.Glass; // ice
Mapping[80] = (byte)Block.White; // snow block
Mapping[81] = (byte)Block.Leaves; // cactus
Mapping[82] = (byte)Block.Gray; // clay
Mapping[83] = (byte)Block.Leaves; // reed
Mapping[84] = (byte)Block.Log; // jukebox
Mapping[85] = (byte)Block.Wood; // fence
Mapping[86] = (byte)Block.Orange; // pumpkin
Mapping[87] = (byte)Block.Dirt; // netherstone
Mapping[88] = (byte)Block.Gravel; // slow sand
Mapping[89] = (byte)Block.Sand; // lightstone
Mapping[90] = (byte)Block.Violet; // portal
Mapping[91] = (byte)Block.Orange; // jack-o-lantern
// all others default to 0/air
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