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Last active December 6, 2017 22:57
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Atom Snippets
'[DD] query renderer':
prefix: 'queryrendererfile'
body: """
/* @flow */
import React from 'react';
import { graphql } from 'react-relay/compat';
import DefaultQueryRenderer from 'components/DefaultQueryRenderer';
import type { $1QueryResponse } from './__generated__/$1Query.graphql';
const query = graphql`
query $1Query {
me {
export default class $1 extends React.Component<{}> {
render() {
return (
renderSuccess={(props: $1QueryResponse) => (
'Derek\'s React Native Class':
prefix: 'rncomponent'
body: """
/* @flow */
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
export default class $1 extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
'Derek\'s React Native Styles':
prefix: 'ddrnstyles'
body: """
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
$1: {
$2: $3,
'Derek\'s Prop Types':
prefix: 'proptypes'
body: """
static propTypes = {
$1: PropTypes.$2,
'Derek\'s Prop Type':
prefix: 'pt'
body: '$1: PropTypes.$2,$3'
'Derek\'s Prop Type':
prefix: 'ptreq'
body: '$1: PropTypes.$2.isRequired,$3'
'Dereks Style Prop':
prefix: 'styleprop'
body: "style={styles.$1}"
'[DD] import':
prefix: 'import',
body: "import $1 from '$2/$1';$3"
'[DD] import relay':
prefix: 'importrelay',
body: "import Relay from 'react-relay';"
'[DD] import PropType':
prefix: 'importproptypes'
body: "import PropTypes from 'prop-types';"
'[DD] import React':
prefix: 'importreact'
body: "import React from 'react';"
'[DD] import withQueryParams':
prefix: 'importwithqueryparams'
body: "import withQueryParams from 'utils/routing/withQueryParams';"
'[DD] import withRouter':
prefix: 'importwithrouter'
body: "import { withRouter } from 'react-router';"
'[DD] const styled.div = ':
prefix: 'styled'
body: """
const $1 = styled.$2`
'[DD] setState':
prefix: 'setState'
body: """
$1: $2,
'[DD] React handle method':
prefix: 'handle'
body: """
handle$1 = () => {
'[DD] ref prop':
prefix: 'ref'
body: "ref={(ref) => { this.$1 = ref; }}$2"
'[DD] React constructor':
prefix: 'constr'
body: """
constructor() {
this.state = {
$1: $2,
'[DD] import styled-components':
prefix: 'importstyled'
body: "import styled from 'styled-components';"
'[DD] import createFragmentContainer':
prefix: 'importcreatefragment'
body: "import { graphql, createFragmentContainer } from 'react-relay/compat';"
'[DD] import flow type':
prefix: 'importflow'
body: "import type { $1 } from './__generated__/$1.graphql';$2"
'[DD] createFragmentContainer':
prefix: 'createFragmentContainer'
body: """
export default createFragmentContainer($1, graphql`
fragment $1_$2 on $3 {
'[DD] mutation':
prefix: 'mutation'
body: """
/* @flow */
import { graphql } from 'react-relay/compat';
import commitModernMutation from 'graph/utils/commitModernMutation';
import type {
} from './__generated__/$1Mutation.graphql';
const mutation = graphql`
mutation $1Mutation($input: $2Input!) {
$1(input: $input) {
export default function $1(args: {
}): Promise<$1MutationResponse> {
const variables:$1MutationVariables = {
input: {
return commitModernMutation({
'[DD] Ruby file':
prefix: 'rbmodule'
body: """
# frozen_string_literal: true
module $1
def $2
'[DD] Ruby class':
prefix: 'rbclass'
body: """
# frozen_string_literal: true
class $1
def initialize
'[DD] RSpec file':
prefix: 'rspec'
body: """
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe $1 do
it '$2' do
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