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Last active December 22, 2016 16:54
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  • Save ddm/1df1be0a6fdbf3c4208e7bc73c8ee40d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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CM13 bacon
FROM debian:jessie
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y upgrade
RUN apt-get install -y python git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libesd0-dev build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib parted kpartx debootstrap pixz qemu-user-static abootimg cgpt vboot-kernel-utils vboot-utils bc lzma lzop automake autoconf m4 dosfstools rsync u-boot-tools schedtool git e2fsprogs device-tree-compiler ccache dos2unix debootstrap
RUN git clone --depth 1 /nethunter
WORKDIR /nethunter/nethunter-fs/
RUN ./ -f
WORKDIR /nethunter/nethunter-installer/
RUN mkdir -p /nethunter/nethunter-installer/rootfs/armhf/
RUN git clone --depth 1 devices
RUN mv /nethunter/nethunter-fs/output/kalifs-armhf-full.tar.xz /nethunter/nethunter-installer/rootfs/kalifs-armhf-full.tar.xz
RUN ./ --device oneplus1 --marshmallow --rootfs full
VOLUME ["/output"]
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