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Created May 8, 2014 15:35
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Python profiling
The Python 2.7 documentation recommends the use of cProfile to profile Python code with reasonnably low overhead:
If you use virtualenv, dont forget to activate it:
$ . bin/activate
How do you launch your script with cProfile enabled ?
$ python -m cProfile -o run.profile
The output file (run.profile) will be generated when the execution terminates (including CTRL-C).
How do you analyse the results of your session?
1/ pstats
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pstats
pstats.Stats("run.profile").sort_stats("cumulative", "calls").print_stats()
2/ pyprof2calltree + kcachegrind
$ pip install pyprof2calltree
$ sudo apt-get install kcachegrind (Debian/Ubuntu)
$ brew install qcachegrind (OS X with Homebrew)
To launch KCacheGrind on run.profile:
$ pyprof2calltree -i run.profile -k
3/ gprof2dot + graphviz
$ pip install gprof2dot
$ sudo apt-get install graphviz (Debian/Ubuntu)
$ brew install graphviz (OS X with Homebrew)
To generate a png from your run.profile:
$ gprof2dot -f pstats run.profile | dot -Tpng -o output.png
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