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Created January 13, 2024 18:20
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Scrape a list of Fakku authors who have works tagged with a specific tag
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
readonly BASE_URL_TPL=''
readonly TAGS_URL=''
readonly USER_AGENT='Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0'
readonly SCRIPT_USAGE="$(cat <<EOF
Usage: $0 (--print-all-tags) TAG
Scrape a list of Fakku authors who have works tagged with TAG.
Pipe STDOUT to sort -u to deduplicate the results (if needed).
If --print-tags-list specified, print a list of all available
tags in 'TAG_PRETTY_NAME: TAG' format. Do not use pretty names
as arguments to this script as that will not work.
# Print a list of available tags to STDOUT
$0 --print-all-tags
# Scrape all author names who have works tagged with 'ecchi'
# tag. Deduplicate and save to ./fakku_ecchi_authors.txt file
# in the current directory.
$0 ecchi | sort -u | tee ./fakku_ecchi_authors.txt
function main {
if test "$#" -ne 1; then
>&2 echo "${SCRIPT_USAGE}"
exit 1
if ! command -v curl &> /dev/null; then
>&2 echo 'Error: Failed to locate curl command'
exit 1
local tag
if test "${tag}" == "--print-all-tags"; then
>&2 echo '---(i) INFO: Scraping a list of all Fakku tags'
curl --fail --show-error --silent --header "User-Agent: ${USER_AGENT}" "${TAGS_URL}" | \
sed -ne 's@^.*href="/tags/\(..*\)">\(..*\)</.*$@\2: \1@p' | \
sort -u
exit 0
local page_num
while true; do
>&2 echo "---(i) INFO: Scraping Fakku author names: tag=\"${tag}\", page=${page_num}"
local url
curl --fail --show-error --silent --header "User-Agent: ${USER_AGENT}" "${url}" | \
grep -A 1 'href="/artists/' | \
grep '</a>' | \
cut -f1 -d'<' | \
awk '{$1=$1};1'
page_num=$((page_num + 1))
main "$@"
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