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Last active December 30, 2020 11:33
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Analyze Stockfish NNUE weights
import numpy as np
import struct
from functools import reduce
import operator
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class NNUEReader():
def __init__(self, filename):
self.f = open(filename, 'rb')
self.read_int32() # Feature transformer hash
self.input_biases = self.tensor(np.int16, (256,))
self.input_weights = self.tensor(np.int16, (41024, 256))
self.read_int32() # FC layers hash
self.l1_biases = self.tensor(np.int32, (32,))
self.l1_weights = self.tensor(np.int8, (32, 512))
# self.l2 = self.read_fc_layer()
# self.output = self.read_fc_layer(is_output=True)
def read_header(self):
self.read_int32() # version
self.read_int32() # halfkp network hash
desc_len = self.read_int32() # Network definition
description =
def tensor(self, dtype, shape):
d = np.fromfile(self.f, dtype, reduce(operator.mul, shape, 1))
d = d.reshape(shape)
return d
def read_int32(self, expected=None):
v = struct.unpack("<i",[0]
if expected is not None and v != expected:
raise Exception("Expected: %x, got %x" % (expected, v))
return v
def get_image(weights, reorder=False, use_rgba=True):
weights = np.ndarray.flatten(weights)
hd = 256
hdim = 4096
totaldim = hdim*((hd*64*641)//hdim)
if use_rgba:
totaldim *= 4
img = np.zeros(totaldim, dtype=np.int16)
for j in range(weights.size):
pi = (j // hd - 1) % 641
ki = (j // hd - 1) // 641
piece = pi // 64
rank = (pi % 64) // 8
if (pi == 640 or (rank == 0 or rank == 7) and (piece == 0 or piece == 1)):
r = 0
g = 0
b = 0
v = 0
if (ki != pi % 64):
v = -weights[j]
if use_rgba:
# Same logic/colors as
v *= 2
if (v >= 0 and v < 1020):
r = v if v <= 255 else (- v+510 if v <= 512 else 0)
g = v if v <= 255 else (255 if v <= 765 else -v+1020)
b = v if v <= 255 else (
255 if v <= 510 else(v+765 if v <= 765 else 0))
elif (v < 0 and v > -1020):
r = - v if v >= -255 else (255 if v >= -765 else v+1020)
g = - v if v >= -255 else (v+510 if v >= -510 else 0)
b = 0 if v >= -510 else (- v-510 if v >= -765 else v+1020)
print("error weight too big: " + v)
kipos = [ki % 8, ki // 8]
pipos = [pi % 8, rank]
inpos = [(7-kipos[0])+pipos[0]*8,
d = - 8 if piece < 2 else 48 + (piece // 2 - 1) * 64
# jhd = n[1].sigi[j % hd] if reorder else j % hd
jhd = 0 if reorder else j % hd
x = inpos[0] + 128 * ((jhd) % 32) + (piece % 2)*64
y = inpos[1] + d + 304 * (jhd // 32)
ii = (x + y * 4096) * 4
if use_rgba:
img[ii] = r
img[ii+1] = g
img[ii+2] = b
img[ii+3] = 255
img[ii//4] = v
# img[ii//4] = ki
return img.reshape((totaldim//(4*hdim), hdim, 4) if use_rgba else (totaldim//hdim, hdim))
# filename = "nn-62ef826d1a6d.nnue" # master
filename = "nn-ddbf15bd12bd.nnue" # vdv
# filename = "nn-64fc1e0029b5.nnue" # noob
# nnue = NNUEReader("/home/dieter/Downloads/nets/nn-62ef826d1a6d.nnue")
nnue = NNUEReader("/home/dieter/Downloads/nets/" + filename)
print("Net {}".format(filename))
print("mean(abs(FT weights)) = {}".format(
print("mean(abs(FC1 weights)) = {}".format(np.mean(np.abs(nnue.l1_weights))))
print("rms(FC1 weights) = {}".format(np.sqrt(np.mean(nnue.l1_weights**2))))
img = get_image(nnue.input_weights, use_rgba=False)
plt.matshow(np.abs(img), vmin=0, vmax=64)
# plt.imshow(np.abs(get_image(nnue.input_weights, use_rgba=False)))
hd = 256
for i in range(hd//8):
plt.axvline(x=128*i-0.5, color='red')
for j in range(8):
plt.axhline(y=304*j-0.5, color='red')
plt.xlim([0, 4096])
plt.ylim([8*304, 0])
plt.title("{} (weights FT)".format(filename))
plt.matshow(np.reshape(nnue.input_biases, (8, 32)))
plt.title("{} (biases FT)".format(filename))
indices = []
for j in range(8):
for i in range(hd//8):
s = img[304*j:304*(j+1), 128*i:128*(i+1)]
if np.max(s) <= 10:
print(j, i, np.min(s), np.max(s), np.sum(
np.abs(s)), nnue.input_biases[i+32*j])
plt.plot(indices, nnue.input_biases[indices], 'x', label='dead features')
plt.title("{} (biases FT)".format(filename))
if False:
for i in range(2):
np.abs(nnue.l1_weights[:, 256*i:256*(i+1)]), vmin=0, vmax=32)
plt.title("{} (weights FC1)".format(filename))
plt.matshow(np.abs(np.reshape(nnue.l1_weights, (64, 256))), vmin=0, vmax=32)
plt.title("{} (weights FC1)".format(filename))
plt.plot(np.mean(np.abs(np.reshape(nnue.l1_weights, (64, 256))), axis=0))
plt.title("{} (weights FC1)".format(filename))
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