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Last active February 6, 2018 14:04
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SIS Ethereum token
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
contract SISToken {
string public name;
string public symbol;
uint8 public decimals;
/* This creates an array with all balances */
mapping (address => uint256) public balanceOf;
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
/* Initializes contract with initial supply tokens to the creator of the contract */
function SISToken(uint256 initialSupply, string tokenName, string tokenSymbol, uint8 decimalUnits) public {
balanceOf[msg.sender] = initialSupply; // Give the creator all initial tokens
name = tokenName; // Set the name for display purposes
symbol = tokenSymbol; // Set the symbol for display purposes
decimals = decimalUnits; // Amount of decimals for display purposes
/* Send coins */
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public {
/* Check if sender has balance and for overflows */
require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= _value && balanceOf[_to] + _value >= balanceOf[_to]);
/* Add and subtract new balances */
balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value;
balanceOf[_to] += _value;
/* Notify anyone listening that this transfer took place */
Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
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