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Created November 7, 2012 01:44
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OS / FP midterm solutions
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import System.IO (readLn)
data Request = ReadInt Int | WriteInt Int Int | Halt | Fork | Pipe
newtype Program = Program { runProgram :: Int -> (Request, Program) }
mainP :: Program
mainP = undefined
readInt :: IO Int
readInt = readLn
bottom :: Program
bottom = Program $ \_ -> (Halt, bottom)
adder :: Program
adder = Program $ \_ ->
(ReadInt 0, Program $ \x ->
(ReadInt 0, Program $ \y ->
(WriteInt 0 (x + y), bottom)))
replace :: [a] -> Int -> a -> [a]
replace [] _ _ = []
replace (x:xs) 0 y = y:xs
replace (x:xs) n y = x:(replace xs (n - 1) y)
remove :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
remove [] _ = []
remove (x:xs) 0 = xs
remove (x:xs) n = x:(remove xs (n - 1))
iter :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Program
iter bi step x = Program $ \_ ->
(WriteInt bi x, iter bi step (step + x))
sim :: Program
sim = Program $ \_ ->
(Fork, Program $ \pid ->
if pid == 0
then (WriteInt 0 (-2), iter 0 3 0)
else (WriteInt 0 (-1), iter 0 2 0))
multiplier :: Int -> Program
multiplier bi = Program $ \_ ->
(ReadInt bi, Program $ \x ->
(WriteInt 0 (x * 2), multiplier bi))
pipe :: Program
pipe = Program $ \_ ->
(Pipe, Program $ \bi ->
(Fork, Program $ \pid ->
if pid == 0
then (WriteInt 0 (-2), iter bi 1 0)
else (WriteInt 0 (-1), multiplier bi)))
type Buffer = Maybe [Int]
roundRobin :: ([(Either Int Request, Program)], [[Int]]) -> Int -> IO ()
roundRobin ([], _) _ = return ()
roundRobin (ls, bbs) num = do
let (inp, prog) = ls !! num
n = length ls
m = length bbs
case inp of
Left input ->
case runProgram prog input of
(ReadInt b, p) -> do
roundRobin (replace ls num (Right $ ReadInt b, p), bbs) (mod (num + 1) n)
(WriteInt b i, p) -> do
roundRobin (replace ls num (Right $ WriteInt b i, p), bbs) (mod (num + 1) n)
(Halt, _) -> do
roundRobin (remove ls num, bbs) (mod num (n - 1))
(Fork, p) -> do
roundRobin ((Left 0, p):(Left 1, p):remove ls num, bbs) (mod (num + 2) n)
(Pipe, p) -> do
roundRobin (replace ls num (Left m, p), bbs ++ [[]]) (mod (num + 1) n)
Right call ->
case call of
ReadInt 0 ->
do int <- readInt
roundRobin (replace ls num (Left int, prog), bbs) (mod (num + 1) n)
ReadInt bi -> do
-- putStrLn $ "reading from " ++ show bi
-- putStrLn $ show (bbs !! bi)
case bbs !! bi of
[] -> roundRobin (ls, bbs) (mod (num + 1) n)
(x:xs) -> roundRobin (replace ls num (Left x, prog), replace bbs bi xs) (mod (num + 1) n)
WriteInt 0 x ->
do putStrLn $ show x
roundRobin (replace ls num (Left 0, prog), bbs) (mod (num + 1) n)
WriteInt bi x -> do
-- putStrLn $ "writing to " ++ show bi
let buffercont = bbs !! bi
roundRobin (replace ls num (Left 0, prog), replace bbs bi (buffercont ++ [x])) (mod (num + 1) n)
os :: Program -> IO ()
os p = roundRobin ([(Left 0, p)], [[]]) 0
main :: IO ()
main = os pipe
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int pid = 0;
int status = 0;
int fds[2];
char string1[10] = "aaaaaaaaaa";
char string2[10] = "bbbbbbbbbb";
if (pid = fork()) {
// reader thread
char buffer[10];
while (1) {
int start = 0;
while (start < 10) {
start = read(fds[0], buffer, 10 - start);
int ok = 1;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
if (buffer[0] != buffer[i]) {
ok = 0;
if (ok) {
printf("OK %s\n", buffer);
} else {
printf("ERROR! found %s\n", buffer);
} else {
if (pid = fork()) {
while (1) {
write(fds[1], string1, 10);
} else {
while (1) {
write(fds[1], string2, 10);
return 0;
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (id)
data SentenceElem = Text String
| List [SentenceElem]
type Builder = SentenceElem -> Maybe String
id :: Builder
id (Text x) = Just x
id _ = Nothing
last2 :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder
last2 b1 b2 (List [x, y]) =
do r1 <- b1 x
r2 <- b2 y
return $ r1 ++ r2
last2 _ _ _ = Nothing
append :: String -> Builder -> Builder
append s b1 x =
do r1 <- b1 x
return $ r1 ++ s
(<|>) :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder
(b1 <|> b2) x = case b1 x of
r@Just{} -> r
Nothing -> b2 x
eat1 :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder
eat1 b1 b2 x = case x of
List (x:xs) ->
do r1 <- b1 x
r2 <- b2 $ List xs
return $ r1 ++ r2
_ -> Nothing
test = List [Text "1", Text "2", Text "3"]
russianStyle = (last2 (append " & " id) id)
<|> eat1 (append ", " id) russianStyle
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