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Created June 26, 2015 12:18
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Raw notes from Patterns of Functional Programming course from Midlands Graduate School 2015
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Lecture1 where
import Data.List (partition)
newtype Fix s = In { out :: s (Fix s) }
data ListF a b
= NilF
| ConsF a b
deriving (Show)
type List a = Fix (ListF a)
data TreeF a b
= EmptyF
| NodeF b a b
deriving (Show)
type Tree a = Fix (TreeF a)
fold :: Functor s => (s b -> b) -> (Fix s -> b)
fold f = f . fmap (fold f) . out
class Bifunctor s where
bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> s a c -> s b d
instance Bifunctor ListF where
bimap f g = \case
NilF -> NilF
ConsF x y -> ConsF (f x) (g y)
instance Bifunctor TreeF where
bimap f g = \case
EmptyF -> EmptyF
NodeF l m r -> NodeF (g l) (f m) (g r)
instance Bifunctor s => Functor (s a) where
fmap = bimap id
-- Lecture 2
deriving instance (Show (s (Fix s))) => Show (Fix s)
unfold :: Functor s => (a -> s a) -> (a -> Fix s)
unfold f = In . fmap (unfold f) . f
-- Universal property: h = unfold f <=> in' . h = fmap h . f
glue :: TreeF a [a] -> [a]
glue = \case
EmptyF -> []
NodeF l m r -> l ++ [m] ++ r
flatten :: Tree a -> [a]
flatten = fold glue
-- Trees we can generate, but not consume
type CoTree a = Fix (TreeF a)
grow :: Ord a => [a] -> CoTree a
grow = unfold split
split :: Ord a => [a] -> TreeF a [a]
split = \case
[] -> EmptyF
(x : xs) -> NodeF ys x zs where
(ys, zs) = partition (< x) xs
tsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
tsort = flatten . grow
= [definition tsort]
flatten . grow
= [definition flatten, definition grow]
fold glue . unfold split
= [definition fold, definition unfold]
glue . fmap flatten . out . In . fmap grow . split
= [out . In = id]
glue . fmap flatten . fmap grow . split
= [fmap (f . g) = fmap f . fmap g]
glue . fmap (flatten . grow) . split
= [definition tsort]
glue . fmap tsort . split
Last equation can be used to _define_ tree sort, which actually makes progress
Hylomorphism: non-fold after a fold, and basically describe "divide and conquer"
pattern: split a data structure into parts, process parts independently (thus fmap),
and combine results.
tsort' :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
tsort' = glue . fmap tsort' . split
-- Universal property for fold holds only for strict functions h
-- Exercise session 2
data NatF a = Z | S a deriving (Functor, Show)
type Nat = Fix NatF
fromNat :: Nat -> Integer
fromNat = fold $ \case
Z -> 0
S n -> n + 1
toNat :: Integer -> Nat
toNat = unfold $ \case
0 -> Z
n -> S (n - 1)
add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
add m = fold $ \case
Z -> m
S n -> In (S n)
mul :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
mul m = fold $ \case
Z -> In Z
S n -> n `add` m
fact :: Nat -> (Nat, Nat)
fact = fold $ \case
Z -> (In Z, In $ S (In Z))
S (n, fn) -> (In (S n), In (S n) `mul` fn)
-- Lecture 3: Sorting functions
type Nu = Fix
type Mu = Fix
Going to write sorting algorithms as functions of type Mu F -> Nu G, and thus
can use both fold and unfold as outermost function:
h :: Mu F -> Nu F
h = fold (f :: F (Nu G) -> Nu G)
f = unfold (g :: F (Nu G) -> G (F (Nu G)))
h :: Mu F -> Nu F
h = unfold (f :: F (Mu F) -> G (Mu F))
f = fold (g :: F (G (Mu F)) -> G (Mu F))
Basically, when we're writing functions Mu F -> Nu G as fold (unfold f) or
unfold (fold f), we're interested in functions of type F (G a) -> G (F a),
which could be natural transformation.
delta :: forall a. F (G a) -> G (F a) is called a distributive law.
type L = ListF Integer
-- L' is isomorphic to ListF Integer, but is intended to be used only for sorted lists
data L' x
= Nil
| Cons Integer x
deriving (Functor)
bsort :: Mu L -> Nu L'
bsort = unfold $ fold (fmap In . swap)
isort :: Mu L -> Nu L'
isort = fold $ unfold (swap . fmap out)
swap :: L (L' a) -> L' (L a)
swap = \case
NilF -> Nil
ConsF a Nil -> Cons a NilF
ConsF a (Cons b r)
| a <= b -> Cons a (ConsF b r) -- discarding information about sortedness here!
| otherwise -> Cons b (ConsF a r)
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