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Created October 15, 2019 05:52
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Run DrString anywhere docker is available!
echo 'FROM swift@sha256:c4d53af406c5dc48bd43c0d313f3ed80924eee4bf78907ce4ad6eb8f5513f376' >> temp_file
echo 'RUN git clone; cd DrString; make build; cp .build/release/drstring /bin/drstring' >> temp_file
echo 'RUN rm -rf /data' >> temp_file
echo 'ADD . /data' >> temp_file
echo 'WORKDIR /data' >> temp_file
echo 'ENTRYPOINT ["drstring"]' >> temp_file
docker build -t $IMAGE -f temp_file . &> /dev/null
docker --log-level fatal run --rm $IMAGE "$@"
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