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Last active August 23, 2020 07:58
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Nmap cheat sheet
# Default nmap scan
nmap localhost
# Default service nmap
nmap -sV localhost
# Service scan with output logging
nmap -sV -oA log.txt localhost
# Scan specific ports
nmap -p1-1024 localhost
# e.g. Check if local port 80 is open
nmap -p 80 localhost
# e.g. Identify all network devices with port 80 open
nmap -oA log.txt -p 80 && clear && cat log.txt.gnmap | grep "open"
# Scan all 65,535 available ports of a given machine
nmap -p- localhost
# Scan a list of targets located in an external file
nmap -iL targets.txt
# Scan a target and show reason for its service discovery
nmap --reason -sV localhost
# Perform ping sweep on a local class C subnet to determine which hosts are up (or at least ACK ICMP)
nmap -sn
# Scan all hosts' top ports without an initial ping sweep
nmap -Pn -p1-1024
# Scan range of hosts to get their DNS PTR entries (example IP address below, do not use as is) - zero-packet recon
nmap -sL
# Scan using TCP SYN, pinging a specific port with a TCP SYN packet and seeing if that port responds
nmap -PS 80 localhost
# TCP Connect Scan
nmap -sT localhost
# SYN Stealth Scan
nmap -sS localhost
# FIN Scan
nmap -sF localhost
# XMas Tree Scan - flags FIN, URG, and PUSH flags on a packet header
nmap -sX localhost
# Null scan - no flags on the packet header
nmap -sN localhost
# Scan with operating system discovery mode
nmap -O localhost
# Verbosity flags
# -v, -vv, -vvv
nmap -v -sV localhost
# Scan with packet tracing
nmap --packet-trace
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Hi , This helped a lot , Can you suggest the way to append the output of the scans in zenmap

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