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Created February 3, 2019 17:26
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curl. json & vim
" ~/.vimrc
syntax on
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.json set filetype=json
colorscheme darkblue
" ~/.vim/syntax/json.vim
" Vim syntax file
" Language: JSON
" Maintainer: Eli Parra <>
" Last Change: 2014-05-20 added warning toggle
"uncomment to enable folding of `{...}` and `[...]` blocks
"setlocal foldmethod=syntax
"conceal by default
if !exists("g:vim_json_syntax_conceal")
let g:vim_json_syntax_conceal = 1
"have warnings by default
if !exists("g:vim_json_warnings")
let g:vim_json_warnings = 1
"set concealcursor blank by default
"this should turn off the concealing in the current line (where the cursor is at),
"on all modes (normal, visual, insert)
if !exists("g:vim_json_syntax_concealcursor")
let g:vim_json_syntax_concealcursor = ""
if has('conceal')
if (g:vim_json_syntax_conceal == 1)
"level 2 means concealed text gets completely hidden unless a
"replacement is defined (none is defined by us)
setlocal conceallevel=2
let &l:concealcursor = g:vim_json_syntax_concealcursor
"level 0 means text is shown normally = no concealing
setlocal conceallevel=0
"maybe g:vim_json_syntax_conceal could be settable to 0,1,2 to map
"directly to vim's conceallevels? unsure if anyone cares
# ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/dduleone.zsh
# CURL something, expecting JSON, prettify it, and pipe the results to json_pp.
# This function generally replaces curl if I'm expecting to get JSON in the response.
curlj() {
curl $@ | json_pp
# CURL something, expecting JSON, prettify it, and pipe it to the clipboard.
# This function is useful when I know I want to save the results or use them in another application
curljcp() {
curl $@ | json_pp | pbcopy
# CURL something, expecting JSON, prettify it, and pipe it to vim
# Glorious timesaver! This function will open vim, and automagically add:
#  - Line Numbers
#  - JSON Syntax Highlighting
curljv() {
curl $@ | json_pp | view - -c "set syntax=json" -c "set number"
# CURL something, and pipe it to vim
# Glorious timesaver! This function will open vim, and automagically add:
#  - Line Numbers
curlv() {
curl $@ | view - -c "set number"
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