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Last active December 15, 2015 13:19
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Save dduvnjak/5266381 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Ruby script which spins up a new Ubuntu instance on EC2 and installs java, ant, python and perl on it (all done via Fog). It reads parameters from the config file, but they're overwritable with passed arguments. Can also terminate instances and attach EBS volumes.


ruby aws.rb launch [--region region --aws-key aws_key --aws-secret aws_secret --security-group security_group --key-pair key_pair --key-path key_path --ami-id ami_id--flavor-id flavor_id ]  

ruby aws.rb terminate [--region region --aws-key aws_key --aws-secret aws_secret] --instance-id instance_id  

ruby aws.rb attach [--region region --aws-key aws_key --aws-secret aws_secret] --instance-id instance_id --volume-id volume_id
No arguments provided
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'fog'
require 'trollop'
# read config file
config = eval( + '/config') {|f| })
# check argumens
if ARGV.length == 0
puts "Usage:"
puts "ruby aws.rb launch [--region region --aws-key aws_key --aws-secret aws_secret --security-group security_group --key-pair key_pair --key-path key_path --ami-id ami_id--flavor-id flavor_id ]"
puts "ruby aws.rb terminate [--region region --aws-key aws_key --aws-secret aws_secret] --instance-id instance_id"
puts "ruby aws.rb attach [--region region --aws-key aws_key --aws-secret aws_secret] --instance-id instance_id --volume-id volume_id"
# check provided command
case ARGV[0]
when "launch"
opts = Trollop::options do
opt :region, "AWS Region on which to spin up the new instance", :default => config[:region]
opt :aws_key, "AWS Access Key", :default => config[:aws_key]
opt :aws_secret, "AWS Secret Access Key", :default => config[:aws_secret]
opt :security_group, "AWS Security group", :default => config[:security_group]
opt :key_pair, "AWS keypair for the new instance", :default => config[:key_pair]
opt :key_path, "Path to the PEM file for ssh access", :default => config[:key_path]
opt :ami_id, "AMI id which to spin up", :default => config[:ami_id]
opt :flavor_id, "Instance size id", :default => config[:flavor_id]
# make sure key file exists
Trollop::die :key_path, "must exist" unless File.exist?(File.expand_path(opts[:key_path]))
# connect to AWS
fog ={:provider => 'AWS', :region => opts[:region], :aws_access_key_id => opts[:aws_key], :aws_secret_access_key => opts[:aws_secret]})
puts "Creating new instance..."
# create a new instance
server = fog.servers.create(:key_name=>opts[:key_pair], :image_id=>opts[:ami_id], :flavor_id=>'t1.micro', :groups => opts[:security_group])
#server = fog.servers.last
# set up ssh access
Fog.credentials = Fog.credentials.merge({
:private_key_path => opts[:key_path],
# wait for the server to become ready
server.wait_for { print "."; ready? }
sleep 60
#install software
execute_ssh = server.ssh('sudo apt-get update --fix-missing;sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk ant python perl -y')
puts execute_ssh.first.stdout
puts "New instance id:",
# terminate the instance
when "terminate"
opts = Trollop::options do
opt :region, "AWS Region on which to spin up the new instance", :default => config[:region]
opt :aws_key, "AWS Access Key", :default => config[:aws_key]
opt :aws_secret, "AWS Secret Access Key", :default => config[:aws_secret]
opt :instance_id, "Instance id", :type => :string
Trollop::die :instance_id, "Must be provided" if opts[:instance_id].nil?
# connect to AWS
fog ={:provider => 'AWS', :region => opts[:region], :aws_access_key_id => opts[:aws_key], :aws_secret_access_key => opts[:aws_secret]})
server = fog.servers.get(opts[:instance_id])
# initiate termination
puts "Instance terminated"
# attach an EBS volume
when "attach"
opts = Trollop::options do
opt :region, "AWS Region on which to spin up the new instance", :default => config[:region]
opt :aws_key, "AWS Access Key", :default => config[:aws_key]
opt :aws_secret, "AWS Secret Access Key", :default => config[:aws_secret]
opt :instance_id, "Instance id", :type => :string
opt :volume_id, "Volume id", :type => :string
opt :device, "Device path", :type => :string
Trollop::die :instance_id, "Must be provided" if opts[:instance_id].nil?
Trollop::die :volume_id, "Must be provided" if opts[:volume_id].nil?
Trollop::die :device, "Must be provided" if opts[:device].nil?
# connect to AWS
fog ={:provider => 'AWS', :region => opts[:region], :aws_access_key_id => opts[:aws_key], :aws_secret_access_key => opts[:aws_secret]})
puts opts[:instance_id]
puts opts[:volume_id]
# get server and volume info from AWS
server = fog.servers.get(opts[:instance_id])
volume = fog.volumes.get(opts[:volume_id])
volume.server = server
puts "Volume attached."
puts "No arguments provided"
:region => 'us-east-1',
:aws_key => 'AKIAJ2IGNCHNMSN0000',
:aws_secret => 'PAyXs1FEgaiy8Xjt8jTO/OLvJfivmUtKYId00000',
:key_pair => 'testing',
:key_path => '~/testing.pem',
:ami_id => 'ami-de0d9eb7',
:security_group => 'quick-start-1',
:flavor_id => 't1.micro'
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I hope that's not your actual aws_secret :)

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Nope :)

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