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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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  • Save deadlyfingers/85d512e2a5b7d2caa4f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save deadlyfingers/85d512e2a5b7d2caa4f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Helper script to copy a bunch of images from one source folder to replace/update images within Camtasia project sub-directories.
# fileswap.rb v1.0 written by @deadlyfingers
# Helper script to copy a bunch of images from one source folder
# to replace/update images within Camatasia project sub-directories.
# Usage:
# ruby fileswap.rb "images-dir" "target-dir"
# Example:
# ruby fileswap.rb "/Users/david/Pictures/CamtasiaStills" "/Users/david/Movies/Camtasia 2/MyProject.cmproj"
# Disclaimer:
# All scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind.
# Use entirely at your own risk. If unsure always do a backup of your work first.
require 'rubygems'
require 'fileutils'
$dirTarget = ""
$acceptedFormats = [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif"]
$dirImages = ""
$filePointer = 0
$files = []
$imageNames = []
# handle arguements
if ( ARGV.length != 2 )
puts "Usage: ruby fileswap.rb \"<images-dir>\" \"<target-dir>\""
puts "Example: ruby fileswap.rb \"/Users/david/Pictures/CamtasiaStills\" \"/Users/david/Movies/Camtasia 2/MyProject.cmproj\""
exit 0
$dirImages = ARGV[0]
$dirTarget = ARGV[1]
puts "Copying images from: #{$dirImages} \nto #{$dirTarget}"
# handle target destination cases
if File.extname("#{$dirTarget}") == "cmproj"
puts "Targeting Camtasia project media directory."
$dirDest = "#{$dirTarget}/media"
$dirDest = "#{$dirTarget}"
# given $imageFiles and $imageNames will be in the same order
$imageNamesFiles = Dir.glob("#{$dirImages}/*").each do |f|
$imageNames << File.basename(f)
Dir.glob("#{$dirDest}/**/*").each do |f|
if !
if $acceptedFormats.include? File.extname("#{f}")
basename = File.basename(f)
$files << f #basename
#puts "#{basename}\n"
if $imageNames.include? basename
needle = $imageNames.index(basename)
puts "##{needle} replaced \"#{basename}\" \n #{$imageNamesFiles[needle]} \n => #{$files[$filePointer]} \n\n"
# perform copy and replace files - cp_r(src, dest, options = {})
$filePointer += 1
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