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Last active June 23, 2022 07:42
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Have WooCommerce use only the subcategory a product is in for related products (not parent category)
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midi9x commented Mar 8, 2019

Try using woocommerce_output_related_products_args hook, it working :D

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iake88 commented Mar 13, 2019

Hi! What does it mean? Can you correct the code?

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How should people use this code? there are no instructions where to place it.

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deadlyhifi commented Aug 20, 2020

@mikecalland, you can put this code in your functions.php file - This code snippet is quite old so I’m not sure if it still works as expected.

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Tried it but it is not working :(

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Tried it but it is not working :(

Sorry, this was done a few years ago and things might have changed. I’m not working on any woocom sites so can’t really check it out.

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m16averick commented Dec 18, 2020

Here's my solution for newer WooCommerce, add this to functions.php and include this filter in post query in carousel or somewhere :p merry xmas!

add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_related_posts', 'woocommerce_get_direct_related_products' );
function woocommerce_get_direct_related_products($args) {
    global $woocommerce, $product;

    // Related products are found from category
    $cats_array = array(0);

    // Get categories
    $terms = wp_get_post_terms( $product->id, 'product_cat' );

    //Select only the category which doesn't have any children
    foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
        $children = get_term_children( $term->term_id, 'product_cat' );
        if ( !sizeof( $children ) )
            $cats_array[] = $term->term_id;

    // Don't bother if none are set
    if ( sizeof( $cats_array ) == 1 ) return $args;

    // Meta query
    $meta_query = array();
    $meta_query[] = $woocommerce->query->visibility_meta_query();
    $meta_query[] = $woocommerce->query->stock_status_meta_query();

    $limit = -1;

    $post_ids = get_posts(array(
        'orderby'       => 'rand',
        'posts_per_page'=> $limit,
        'post_type'     => 'product',
        'fields'        => 'ids',
        'meta_query'    => $meta_query,
        'post__not_in' => array( $product->get_id() ),  //this is the way i remove current prod xd
        'tax_query' => array(
                'taxonomy'  => 'product_cat',
                'field'     => 'id',
                'terms'     => $cats_array
        'fields' => 'ids', // Only get post IDs

    // Alter the query
    $args['post__in'] = $post_ids;

    return $args;


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Thanks @m16averick.

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jodzeee commented Dec 20, 2020

@m16averick - It's not working for me, but I have hierarchal categories. Can it be made to work that way or with tags?

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I tested the code on my site.
I see no effect on how it works in related products. Probably because all the products also have the "Uncategorized" category. Should the code be changed to remove this category from the search for related products?

I'm using the DIVI theme, I don't wish it was a DIVI problem. What do you think?


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I find this plugin which is suitable for our requirement - Related Products for WooCommerce by WebToffee,
After installing the plugin you can able to display products based on category and tags. If you want to display products based on sub-category follow this tutorial.

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I find this plugin which is suitable for our requirement - Related Products for WooCommerce by WebToffee, After installing the plugin you can able to display products based on category and tags. If you want to display products based on sub-category follow this tutorial.

Thanks alot

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