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Created November 19, 2020 08:26
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# This is, emphatically, not my code.
# Uploaded as a Gist for reference and commentary.
import json
import sys
def findfraud(NAME):
with open(NAME + '.json', encoding="utf8") as f:
x = json.load(f)
TotalVotesLostTrump = 0
TotalVotesLostBiden = 0
TrumpToThird = 0
TrumpToBiden = 0
BidenToTrump = 0
ThirdToTrump = 0
ThirdToBiden = 0
BidenToThird = 0
TotalVotesLostThird = 0
series = x["data"]["races"][0]["timeseries"]
for i in range(len(series)):
thirdPartyNow = series[i]["votes"] * (1 - series[i]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] - series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"])
thirdPartyThen = series[i-1]["votes"] * (1 - series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] - series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"])
TrumpNow = series[i]["votes"] * series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"]
TrumpThen = series[i-1]["votes"] * series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"]
BidenNow = series[i]["votes"] * series[i]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"]
BidenThen = series[i-1]["votes"] * series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"]
if i != 0 and TrumpNow < TrumpThen and (TrumpThen - TrumpNow) > (0.00049999 * series[i]["votes"]) + 50:
if BidenNow > BidenThen or thirdPartyNow > thirdPartyThen:
if TrumpNow - TrumpThen <= BidenNow - BidenThen or TrumpNow - TrumpThen <= thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen:
print ("(TRUMP")
print ("Index : " + str(i) + " Past Index : " + str(i-1))
print (TrumpNow - TrumpThen)
TrumpLostNow = TrumpThen - TrumpNow
TrumpLostTotal = TrumpThen - TrumpNow
if BidenNow > BidenThen and TrumpNow - TrumpThen <= BidenNow - BidenThen:
if BidenNow - BidenThen > TrumpLostTotal:
TrumpToBiden += TrumpLostTotal
TrumpLostTotal = 0
TrumpToBiden += BidenNow - BidenThen
TrumpLostTotal -= BidenNow - BidenThen
if thirdPartyNow > thirdPartyThen and TrumpNow - TrumpThen <= thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen:
if thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen > TrumpLostTotal:
TrumpToThird += TrumpLostTotal
TrumpLostTotal = 0
TrumpToThird += thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen
TrumpLostTotal -= thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen
if TrumpLostNow < 0:
TrumpLostNow = 0
TotalVotesLostTrump += TrumpLostNow - TrumpLostTotal
print ("TRUMP)")
if i != 0 and BidenNow < BidenThen and (BidenThen - BidenNow) > (0.00049999 * series[i]["votes"]) + 50:
if TrumpNow > TrumpThen or thirdPartyNow > thirdPartyThen:
if BidenNow - BidenThen <= TrumpNow - TrumpThen or BidenNow - BidenThen <= thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen:
print ("(BIDEN")
print ("Index : " + str(i) + " Past Index : " + str(i-1))
print (BidenNow - BidenThen)
BidenLostNow = BidenThen - BidenNow
BidenLostTotal = BidenThen - BidenNow
if TrumpNow > TrumpThen and BidenNow - BidenThen <= TrumpNow - TrumpThen:
if TrumpNow - TrumpThen > BidenLostTotal:
BidenToTrump += BidenLostTotal
BidenLostTotal = 0
BidenToTrump += TrumpNow - TrumpThen
BidenLostTotal -= TrumpNow - TrumpThen
if thirdPartyNow > thirdPartyThen and BidenNow - BidenThen <= thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen:
if thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen > BidenLostTotal:
BidenToThird += BidenLostTotal
BidenLostTotal = 0
BidenToThird += thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen
BidenLostTotal -= thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen
if BidenLostNow < 0:
BidenLostNow = 0
TotalVotesLostBiden += BidenLostNow - BidenLostTotal
print ("BIDEN)")
if i!= 0 and thirdPartyNow < thirdPartyThen and (thirdPartyThen - thirdPartyNow) > (0.00049999 * series[i]["votes"]) + 50:
if thirdPartyNow < thirdPartyThen:
if thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen <= TrumpNow - TrumpThen or thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen <= BidenNow - BidenThen:
print("(3RD PARTY")
print("Index : " + str(i) + " Past Index : " + str(i-1))
print (thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen)
ThirdLostTotal = thirdPartyThen - thirdPartyNow
ThirdLostNow = thirdPartyThen - thirdPartyNow
if BidenNow > BidenThen and thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen <= BidenNow - BidenThen:
if BidenNow - BidenThen > ThirdLostTotal:
ThirdToBiden += ThirdLostTotal
ThirdLostTotal = 0
ThirdToBiden += BidenNow - BidenThen
ThirdLostTotal -= BidenNow - BidenThen
if TrumpNow > TrumpThen and thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen <= TrumpNow - TrumpThen:
if TrumpNow - TrumpThen > ThirdLostTotal:
ThirdToTrump += ThirdLostTotal
ThirdLostTotal = 0
ThirdToTrump += TrumpNow - TrumpThen
ThirdLostTotal -= TrumpNow - TrumpThen
if ThirdLostNow < 0:
ThirdLostNow = 0
TotalVotesLostThird += ThirdLostNow - ThirdLostTotal
print ("3RD PARTY)")
print (str(str(TotalVotesLostTrump) + " TRUMP LOST"))
print (str(TrumpToBiden) + " Trump to Biden")
print (str(TrumpToThird) + " Trump to Third")
print (str(str(TotalVotesLostBiden) + " BIDEN LOST"))
print (str(BidenToTrump) + " Biden to Trump")
print (str(BidenToThird) + " Biden to Third")
print (str(str(TotalVotesLostThird) + " 3RD PARTY LOST"))
print (str(ThirdToBiden) + " Third to Biden")
print (str(ThirdToTrump) + " Third to Trump")
if BidenToTrump > TrumpToBiden:
print (str(BidenToTrump - TrumpToBiden) + " TRUMP")
elif TrumpToBiden > BidenToTrump:
print (str(TrumpToBiden - BidenToTrump) + " BIDEN")
def lostvotes(NAME):
with open(NAME + '.json', encoding="utf8") as f:
x = json.load(f)
TotalVotesLost = 0
TotalVotesLostBiden = 0
TotalVotesLostTrump = 0
TotalVotesLostThird = 0
series = x["data"]["races"][0]["timeseries"]
for i in range(len(series)):
thirdPartyNow = 1 - series[i]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] - series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"]
thirdPartyThen = 1 - series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] - series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"]
if (series[i]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] < (series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] - 0.001) or series[i]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] > (series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] + 0.001)) and (series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"] < (series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"] - 0.001) or series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"] > (series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"] + 0.001)):
if i != 0 and series[i]["votes"] < series[i-1]["votes"] and series[i]["votes"] * series[i]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] < series[i-1]["votes"] * series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] and series[i]["votes"] * series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"] < series[i-1]["votes"] * series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"]:
TotalVotesLost += series[i]["votes"] - series[i-1]["votes"]
print ("Index : " + str(i) + " Past Index : " + str(i-1))
print (series[i]["votes"] - series[i-1]["votes"])
TotalVotesLostTrump += series[i]["votes"] * series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"] - series[i-1]["votes"] * series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"]
TotalVotesLostBiden += series[i]["votes"] * series[i]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] - series[i-1]["votes"] * series[i-1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"]
TotalVotesLostThird += series[i]["votes"] * thirdPartyNow - series[i-1]["votes"] * thirdPartyThen
print (str(TotalVotesLostTrump) + " TRUMP")
print (str(TotalVotesLostBiden) + " BIDEN")
print (str(TotalVotesLostThird) + " THIRD")
print (TotalVotesLost)
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