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Last active November 25, 2016 07:33
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  • Save deanapeterson/b93b48fd8c258861f26b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save deanapeterson/b93b48fd8c258861f26b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adding "$stateChangeRejected" event to ui-router.
"use strict";
* Hijacks the ui-router $state.transitionTo() method to capture it's promise.
* the promise is added to the $state as $promise (may or may not be needed);
* also adds handler for rejection of the $promise.
.module("stm.ui.stateChangeRejected", ['ui.router'])
function stateChangeRejected($provide){
$provide.decorator("$state", decorateTransitionTo);
decorateTransitionTo.$inject = ['$delegate', '$rootScope'];
function decorateTransitionTo($delegate, $rootScope){ //$delegate === $state
var nativeTransitionTo = $delegate.transitionTo; //transfer reference
$delegate.transitionTo = transitionToWrapper;// replace with wrapper
return $delegate;
function transitionToWrapper(){
var args = [];
var promise = nativeTransitionTo.apply(this, args);//call original transitionTo, capture promise
promise['catch'](onStateRejection); //add handler for rejection
$delegate.$promise = promise; //add $promise to default $state object
return promise;
function onStateRejection(error){
var toState = $delegate.get(args[0]);
var toParams = args[1];
$rootScope.$broadcast("$stateChangeRejected", toState, toParams, $delegate.current, $delegate.params, error);
return error;
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how does onStateRejection get thrown? is this the responsibility of the user?

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I think that for a lot of reasons it will be better to return the promise generated by this guy:

Also you can throw / return rejection with the error after the broadcast (from onStateRejection).

** Just an idea:

var promise = nativeTransitionTo.apply(this, args);//call original transitionTo, capture promise

promise = promise['catch'](onStateRejection);   //add handler for rejection
$delegate.$promise = promise;       //add $promise to default $state object

return promise;

function onStateRejection(error){
    var toState = $delegate.get(args[0]);
    var toParams = args[1];

    $rootScope.$broadcast("$stateChangeRejected", toState, toParams, $delegate.current, $delegate.params, error);
    return $q.reject(error);

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@sabrehagen, rejections are when a event.preventDefault() is executed inside the "$stateChangeStart/Success" handlers. Also if a dependency doesn't resolve and returns a rejected promise which is changed to transitionTo promise.

@bogdanalexe90, UPDATED, thanks for reminding me. Pretty sure I don't need to use $q.reject as returned value is converted into a rejected promise automatically. Thanks

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If you use return then you will recover from error and you will end up in success callback for the promise returned by the .then() method. You must use $q.reject() (or throw an error) in order to reject the returned promise. This explains better (look at the example)$q#reject

Also you must return the promise generated from here:

  • In order to be sure that this will happen sequentially (first the broadcast and then the final handle of the promise).

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@bogdanalexe90, I'm gonna take a look at that. Thanks

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mr-White commented Nov 9, 2016

Thank you @deanapeterson ! It's an informative gist that works on v0.2.18 :)

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