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Last active June 7, 2023 09:33
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Due to the Keycloak image being modified to enhance security and curl being removed. The below bash script provides an alternative method for providing a healthcheck. The Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files contain the snippets to enable the healthchck
test: [
"bash /opt/keycloak/bin/"
interval: 30s
timeout: 5s
retries: 3
# Opens a network socket connection to localhost on port 8080 and associates
# it with file descriptor 3. This allows reading from and writing to the
# socket using that file descriptor.
exec 3<>/dev/tcp/localhost/8080
# Sends an HTTP GET request to the server running on localhost at port 8080.
# The request is sent through the socket using file descriptor 3.
echo -e "GET /health/ready HTTP/1.1\nhost: localhost:8080\n" >&3
# Reads the response from the socket using file descriptor 3 and prints it to
# stdout. The response is then piped to grep which searches for the string
# "status" and "UP" in the response. The grep command exits with status 0 if
# the string is found and 1 if it is not found.
timeout --preserve-status 1 cat <&3 | grep -m 1 status | grep -m 1 UP
# Saves the exit status of the previous command (grep) in the variable ERROR.
# Closes the socket. This is important because the script will hang if the
# socket is not closed.
exec 3<&-
exec 3>&-
# Exits with the same status as the previous command.
exit $ERROR
# Enable health endpoint.
# Copies the file into the /opt/keycloak directory.
COPY --chown=keycloak:keycloak \
./ \
# Add healthcheck to execute a shell command as the health check
HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=10s --retries=3 \
CMD-SHELL bash /opt/keycloak/bin/
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