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Created January 20, 2022 00:44
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Bash shortcuts for Docker
## Docker Shortcuts
# Docker Aliases
if [[ "$bash_on_windows" -eq 1 ]]; then
# This bash is running on Windows so use docker.exe
[[ -x "$(type -fP winpty)" ]] && alias docker='winpty docker.exe' || alias docker='docker.exe'
alias docker-compose='docker-compose.exe'
alias docker-machine='docker-machine.exe'
alias da='docker attach'
alias dbs='docker_build_and_start'
alias ddiff='docker diff'
alias di='docker images'
alias dins='docker inspect'
alias dish='docker_interactive_shell'
alias distart='docker_interactive_start_stop start'
alias distop='docker_interactive_start_stop stop'
alias doc='docker'
alias dps='docker ps'
alias dpsa='docker ps -a'
alias dready='docker_ready'
alias drestartl='docker start $(docker ps -ql) && docker attach $(docker ps -ql)'
alias drm='docker rm'
alias drma='docker_remove_all_containers'
alias drmd='docker rmi $(docker images --filter "dangling=true" -q --no-trunc)'
alias drmi='docker rmi'
alias drmia='docker_remove_all_images'
alias drun='docker run'
alias dsh='docker_shell'
alias dstart='docker_start_image_by_name'
alias dstop='docker stop'
# Docker Compose
alias ddown='docker-compose stop'
alias dc='docker-compose'
alias dcbt='docker_compose_build_and_maybe_tag'
alias dclogs='docker-compose logs'
alias dcps='docker-compose ps'
alias dup='docker-compose up -d'
# Docker Machine
alias dm='echo "Switching docker-machine" && docker-machine'
alias dmnative='echo "Switching native docker" && eval $(dm env -u)'
# Interactive Docker start/stop function using fzf (fuzzy-finder)
# TODO: Add ability to start any image not just a stopped container
function docker_interactive_start_stop() {
# If fzf is not installed, exit
[[ -x "$(type -fP fzf)" ]] || { printf "Error: fzf is not installed\n"; return 1; }
# Make sure Docker is ready
# Offer help if run with -h or --help
if [[ "$1" =~ ^-{1,2}h[elp]?$ ]]; then
echo "Usage: distart [start/stop]" && return 1
# Default to "start" mode if not defined
test -z "$1" && mode=start || mode=$1
local containers=()
# Check the mode
if [[ "$mode" == "start" ]]; then
# Start one or more containers
local lines="$(docker ps -a -f 'status=exited' | grep -v 'CONTAINER ID' | fzf -0 --tac -m)"
test -z "$lines" && { printf "No stopped Docker containers found.\n"; return 1; }
while read -a line; do
printf "\rStarting (${line[0]}) ${line[1]}...\n"
containers=(${containers[@]} ${line[0]})
done <<< $lines
docker start ${containers[@]} >/dev/null
elif [[ "$mode" == "stop" ]]; then
# Stop one or more containers
local lines="$(docker ps | grep -v 'CONTAINER ID' | fzf -0 --tac -m)"
test -z "$lines" && { printf "No running Docker containers found.\n"; return 1; }
while read -a line; do
printf "\rStopping (${line[0]}) ${line[1]}...\n"
containers=(${containers[@]} ${line[0]})
done <<< $lines
docker stop ${containers[@]} >/dev/null
test $(echo "$lines" | wc -l) -eq 1 && printf "\nTip: By pressing tab, you can select multiple next time.\n"
# Interactive Docker function to open a shell in a running container using fzf
function docker_interactive_shell() {
# If fzf is not installed, exit
[[ -x "$(type -fP fzf)" ]] || { printf "Error: fzf is not installed\n"; return 1; }
# Make sure Docker is ready
# Prompt for a list of running Docker containers
local line=($(docker ps | grep -v 'CONTAINER ID' | fzf -0 --tac --phony))
test -z "$line" && { printf "\rNo running Docker containers found, or none selected.\n"; return 1; }
local container_id=${line[0]}
local container_name=${line[1]}
# Launch bash
printf "\rLaunching bash shell in $container_name\n"
docker exec -it $container_id bash
# If bash failed, launch sh instead
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
# Clear previous error line and replace it with "using sh instead" message
printf "\r\e[ABash not found. Launching sh shell instead.\e[K\n"
docker exec -it $container_id sh
printf "\n"
# Wait for Docker engine to start
function docker_ready() {
local i=1
docker version &>/dev/null
while [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; do
printf "\rWaiting for docker engine to start up... [$i]"
sleep 1
let i++
docker version &>/dev/null
test $i -gt 1 && printf "\n\nDocker is now ready\n\n"
# Stop and delete all Docker containers
function docker_remove_all_containers() {
local containers=($(docker ps -aq)) # Get a list of the running docker containers
test -z $containers && printf "\nNo containers found.\n\n" && return 1
printf "\nStopping ${#containers[@]} docker containers:\n"
docker stop ${containers[@]} # Stop all running containers
printf "\nDestroying ${#containers[@]} docker containers:\n"
docker rm ${containers[@]} # Destroy all containers
# Delete all downloaded Docker images. Note: This is not necessary except to clear space
function docker_remove_all_images() {
local images=($(docker images -aq)) # Get list of images
test -z $images && echo "No images found." && return 1
printf "\nDestroying docker images:\n"
docker rmi ${images[@]} # Remove images
# Run a shell in the specified Docker container (try bash first)
function docker_shell() {
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "Usage: dsh [CONTAINER_ID/CONTAINER_NAME]" && return 1
local containers=($(docker ps -aq)) # Get a list of the running docker containers
test -z $containers && printf "\nNo running containers found.\n\n" && return 1
if [[ "${containers[@]}" =~ $1 ]]; then
# It's a container ID
docker exec -it $1 bash 2>/dev/null || docker exec -it $1 sh
# It's a container name
docker-compose exec $1 bash 2>/dev/null || docker-compose exec $1 sh
# Start a docker image by name
function docker_start_image_by_name() {
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
echo "Usage dstart [IMAGENAME]" && return 1
# Check to see if a container by this name is/was previously running
local container_id=$(docker_get_container_id_by_name "$1")
if [[ ! -z "$container_id" ]]; then
local running_container_id=$(docker_get_running_continer_id_by_name "$1")
if [[ ! -z "$running_container_id" ]]; then
printf "\nThe docker container $1 is already running.\n"
local local_port=$(docker_get_local_listening_port_by_container_name "$1")
printf "\nYou can access it via: http://localhost:$local_port/\n\n"
return 0
printf "\nStarting $1\n"
docker start "$1" >/dev/null
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
local local_port=$(docker_get_local_listening_port_by_container_name "$1")
printf "\nYou can access it via: http://localhost:$local_port/\n\n"
return 0
return 1
# Didn't find an existing container, so create a new container from the image name
local image_id=$(docker images -q "$1")
local internal_port="$(docker_get_internal_service_port_from_container_by_name $1)"
printf "\nReady to start $1...\n\nThe docker image listens on port $internal_port.\n"
# Prompt user for what local port to map (only necessary for new container)
printf "What local port do you want to access it on? [$internal_port] "
read local_port
test -z "$local_port" && local_port=$internal_port
# Create the container
docker run -d --name "$1" -p $local_port:$internal_port $image_id >/dev/null
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
printf "\n$1 is now running.\n\nYou can access it at:\n\nhttp://localhost:$local_port/\n\n"
printf "\n$1 failed to start.\n\n"
return 1
# Docker build and start
# Usage: dbs tag-name [path]
# [path] assumes current directory
function docker_build_and_start() {
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
echo "Usage dbs TAGNAME [DIRNAME]" && return 1
if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
local args="-t $@"
local args="-t $1 ."
docker build $args
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
docker_start_image_by_name "$1"
# Docker-compose build with optional tagging
function docker_compose_build_and_maybe_tag() {
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
echo "Usage dcbt DIRNAME [TAGNAME ...]" && return 1
local args="$1"
if [ $# -ge 2 ]; then
args="$args -t $@"
docker-compose build $args
# Get the Docker containers' locally-mapped port by name
function docker_get_local_listening_port_by_container_name() {
docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.Ports}}' "$1" | sed -r -e 's/.* ([0-9]+)}.*/\1/'
# Get the Docker containers' internal service port number by name
function docker_get_internal_service_port_from_container_by_name() {
docker inspect -f '{{.ContainerConfig.ExposedPorts}}' $(docker images -q "$1") | sed -r -e 's/.*\[([0-9]+)\/.*/\1/'
# Get a docker image id (or list of id's) by name (wildcards allowed)
function docker_get_image_id_by_name() {
docker images -q "$1"
# Get a single docker container id by name
function docker_get_container_id_by_name() {
docker ps -aqf "name=$1"
# Get container id of currently running container name
function docker_get_running_continer_id_by_name() {
docker ps -qf "name=$1"
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