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Created August 17, 2011 02:53
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  • Save deanlandolt/1150715 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save deanlandolt/1150715 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a lightly-modified version of the dojo/text.js AMD plugin, for use with apps that expect a global text! plugin
// a lightly-modified version of the dojo/text.js AMD plugin, for use with apps that expect a global text! plugin
define(["dojo/_base/kernel", "require", "dojo/has", "dojo/has!host-browser?dojo/_base/xhr"], function(dojo, require, has, xhr){
// module:
// dojo/text
// summary:
// This module implements the !dojo/text plugin and the dojo.cache API.
// description:
// We choose to include our own plugin to leverage functionality already contained in dojo
// and thereby reduce the size of the plugin compared to various foreign loader implementations.
// Also, this allows foreign AMD loaders to be used without their plugins.
// CAUTION: this module is designed to optionally function synchronously to support the dojo v1.x synchronous
// loader. This feature is outside the scope of the CommonJS plugins specification.
var getText;
getText= function(url, sync, load){
xhr("GET", {url:url, sync:!!sync, load:load});
// TODOC: only works for dojo AMD loader
getText= require.getText;
console.error("dojo/text plugin failed to load because loader does not support getText");
theCache= {},
toAbsMid= has("dojo-loader") ?
function(id, require){
var result = require.toAbsMid(id + "/x");
return result.substring(0, result.length-2);
} :
function(id, require){
return require.toUrl(id);
strip= function(text){
//Strips <?xml ...?> declarations so that external SVG and XML
//documents can be added to a document without worry. Also, if the string
//is an HTML document, only the part inside the body tag is returned.
text= text.replace(/^\s*<\?xml(\s)+version=[\'\"](\d)*.(\d)*[\'\"](\s)*\?>/im, "");
var matches= text.match(/<body[^>]*>\s*([\s\S]+)\s*<\/body>/im);
text= matches[1];
text = "";
return text;
notFound = {},
pending = {},
result= {
load:function(id, require, load){
// id is something like (path may be relative):
// "path/to/text.html"
// "path/to/text.html!strip"
parts= id.split("!"),
stripFlag= parts.length>1,
absMid= toAbsMid(parts[0], require),
url = require.toUrl(parts[0]),
text = notFound,
finish = function(text){
load(stripFlag ? strip(text) : text);
if(absMid in theCache){
text = theCache[absMid];
}else if(url in require.cache){
text = require.cache[url];
}else if(url in theCache){
text = theCache[url];
var pendingList = pending[url] = [finish];
getText(url, !require.async, function(text){
theCache[absMid]= theCache[url]= text;
for(var i = 0; i<pendingList.length;){
delete pending[url];
dojo.cache= function(/*String||Object*/module, /*String*/url, /*String||Object?*/value){
// * (string string [value]) => (module, url, value)
// * (object [value]) => (module, value), url defaults to ""
// * if module is an object, then it must be convertable to a string
// * (module, url) module + (url ? ("/" + url) : "") must be a legal argument to require.toUrl
// * value may be a string or an object; if an object then may have the properties "value" and/or "sanitize"
var key;
if(typeof module=="string"){
// module is a version 1.7+ resolved path
key = module;
value = url;
// module is a version 1.6- argument to dojo.moduleUrl
key = require.toUrl(module.replace(/\./g, "/") + (url ? ("/" + url) : ""));
key = module + "";
value = url;
val = (value != undefined && typeof value != "string") ? value.value : value,
sanitize = value && value.sanitize;
if(typeof val == "string"){
//We have a string, set cache value
theCache[key] = val;
return sanitize ? strip(val) : val;
}else if(val === null){
//Remove cached value
delete theCache[key];
return null;
//Allow cache values to be empty strings. If key property does
//not exist, fetch it.
if(!(key in theCache)){
getText(key, true, function(text){
theCache[key]= text;
return sanitize ? strip(theCache[key]) : theCache[key];
return result;
dojo.cache = function(module, url, value){
// summary:
// A getter and setter for storing the string content associated with the
// module and url arguments.
// description:
// If module is a string that contains slashes, then it is interpretted as a fully
// resolved path (typically a result returned by require.toUrl), and url should not be
// provided. This is the preferred signature. If module is a string that does not
// contain slashes, then url must also be provided and module and url are used to
// call `dojo.moduleUrl()` to generate a module URL. This signature is deprecated.
// If value is specified, the cache value for the moduleUrl will be set to
// that value. Otherwise, dojo.cache will fetch the moduleUrl and store it
// in its internal cache and return that cached value for the URL. To clear
// a cache value pass null for value. Since XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is used to fetch the
// the URL contents, only modules on the same domain of the page can use this capability.
// The build system can inline the cache values though, to allow for xdomain hosting.
// module: String||Object
// If a String with slashes, a fully resolved path; if a String without slashes, the
// module name to use for the base part of the URL, similar to module argument
// to `dojo.moduleUrl`. If an Object, something that has a .toString() method that
// generates a valid path for the cache item. For example, a dojo._Url object.
// url: String
// The rest of the path to append to the path derived from the module argument. If
// module is an object, then this second argument should be the "value" argument instead.
// value: String||Object?
// If a String, the value to use in the cache for the module/url combination.
// If an Object, it can have two properties: value and sanitize. The value property
// should be the value to use in the cache, and sanitize can be set to true or false,
// to indicate if XML declarations should be removed from the value and if the HTML
// inside a body tag in the value should be extracted as the real value. The value argument
// or the value property on the value argument are usually only used by the build system
// as it inlines cache content.
// example:
// To ask dojo.cache to fetch content and store it in the cache (the dojo["cache"] style
// of call is used to avoid an issue with the build system erroneously trying to intern
// this example. To get the build system to intern your dojo.cache calls, use the
// "dojo.cache" style of call):
// | //If template.html contains "<h1>Hello</h1>" that will be
// | //the value for the text variable.
// | var text = dojo["cache"]("my.module", "template.html");
// example:
// To ask dojo.cache to fetch content and store it in the cache, and sanitize the input
// (the dojo["cache"] style of call is used to avoid an issue with the build system
// erroneously trying to intern this example. To get the build system to intern your
// dojo.cache calls, use the "dojo.cache" style of call):
// | //If template.html contains "<html><body><h1>Hello</h1></body></html>", the
// | //text variable will contain just "<h1>Hello</h1>".
// | var text = dojo["cache"]("my.module", "template.html", {sanitize: true});
// example:
// Same example as previous, but demostrates how an object can be passed in as
// the first argument, then the value argument can then be the second argument.
// | //If template.html contains "<html><body><h1>Hello</h1></body></html>", the
// | //text variable will contain just "<h1>Hello</h1>".
// | var text = dojo["cache"](new dojo._Url("my/module/template.html"), {sanitize: true});
return val; //String
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fyi - dojo's loader has a configuration option to specifically address this use case. add this to your config:

aliases: [
  ["text", "dojo/text"]

alternatively, a simpler shim is just a text.js like this:

define('text', ['dojo/text'], function (text) {
  return text;

the id is optional of course but using it i think allows you to put something like that in your html file rather than have its own js file.

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