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Last active September 20, 2020 13:39
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#include <windows.h>
#include <cwchar>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
// "using" instead of "typedef"s because that's what the cool kids do
using env_string_t = std::wstring;
using env_char_t = wchar_t;
using env_map_t = std::map<env_string_t, env_string_t>;
using env_vector_t = std::vector<env_char_t>;
// env_map_t MapFromWindowsEnvironment()
// * Imports current Environment in a C-string table
// * Parses the strings by splitting on the first "=" per line
// * Creates a map of the variables
// * Returns the map
inline env_map_t MapFromWindowsEnvironment(){
wchar_t *variable_strings_ptr;
wchar_t *environment_strings_ptr;
std::wstring delimeter(L"=");
int del_len = delimeter.length();
env_map_t mapped_environment;
// Get a pointer to the environment block.
environment_strings_ptr = GetEnvironmentStringsW();
// If the returned pointer is NULL, exit.
if (environment_strings_ptr == NULL)
std::cout << "GetEnvironmentStrings failed: " << GetLastError() << std::endl;
return mapped_environment;
// Variable strings are separated by NULL byte, and the block is
// terminated by a NULL byte.
variable_strings_ptr = (wchar_t *) environment_strings_ptr;
//Since the environment map ends with a null, we can loop until we find it.
while (*variable_strings_ptr)
// Create a string from Variable String
env_string_t current_line(variable_strings_ptr);
// Find the first "equals" sign.
auto pos = current_line.find(delimeter);
// Assuming it's not missing ...
// ... parse the key and value.
env_string_t key = current_line.substr(0, pos);
env_string_t value = current_line.substr(pos + del_len);
// Map the entry.
mapped_environment[key] = value;
// Jump to next line in the environment map.
variable_strings_ptr += std::wcslen(variable_strings_ptr) + 1;
// We're done with the old environment map buffer.
// Return the map.
return mapped_environment;
// env_vector_t WindowsEnvironmentVectorFromMap(const env_map_t &source_map)
// * Creates a vector buffer for the new environment string table
// * Copies in the mapped variables
// * Returns the vector
inline env_vector_t WindowsEnvironmentVectorFromMap(const env_map_t &source_map)
// Make a new environment map buffer.
env_vector_t environment_map_buffer;
// Give it some space.
// And fill'er up.
for(auto kv: source_map){
// Create the line
env_string_t current_line(kv.first); current_line += L"="; current_line += kv.second;
// Add the line to the buffer.
std::copy(current_line.begin(), current_line.end(), std::back_inserter(environment_map_buffer));
// Append a null
// Append one last null because of how Windows does it's environment maps.
return environment_map_buffer;
// Main program:
// * Imports old environment map
// * Modifies it
// * Exports the modified map to a usable format
// * Spawns a child process with the environment
// * Waits for it to finish
int main(){
int return_value = 0;
// Import the environment map
env_map_t environment_map = MapFromWindowsEnvironment();
// Setup the changes map
env_map_t environment_map_changes{{L"WIX", L"Shpadoinkle!"}, {L"WOOT", L"w007"}};
// Merge in the changes
// I didn't use "merge" because that only inserts new variables without updating old ones.
// I didn't merge into the "changes map" because I'm assuming it will be MUCH smaller and
// it would just be a waste of cycles and memory.
for(auto& it : environment_map_changes)
environment_map[it.first] = it.second;
// Create a Windows-usable Environment Map Buffer
env_vector_t new_environment_map_strings = WindowsEnvironmentVectorFromMap(environment_map);
// Grab a pointer to its data
void* environment_string_table_ptr = (void*);
// Create the process and wait for it to exit
STARTUPINFOW startup_info;
BOOL creation_success;
SecureZeroMemory(&startup_info, sizeof(STARTUPINFOW));
startup_info.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW);
// Attempt to create a child process
creation_success = CreateProcessW(
L"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", // Application name
NULL, // Command Line
NULL, // ProcessAttributes
NULL, // Thread Attributes
TRUE, // Inherit Handles
creation_flags, // Creation Flags
environment_string_table_ptr, // embed new environment data
NULL, // Current Directory
&startup_info, // Startup Information
&process_info // Process Information
// Sometimes we fail
if (! creation_success)
std::cout<<"CreateProcess failed " << GetLastError() << std::endl;
return_value = -1;
// Wait for the child process to finish
WaitForSingleObject(process_info.hProcess, INFINITE);
return return_value;
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