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Last active January 25, 2022 14:00
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// Only allowed values are Min <= N <= Max.
type Bounded[MIN <: Int, MAX <: Int] <: Int = MAX match
case MIN => MIN
case ? => MAX | Bounded[MIN,MAX-1]
val zero15: Bounded[1,5] = 0 // ERROR
val one15: Bounded[1,5] = 1
val two15: Bounded[1,5] = 2
val three15: Bounded[1,5] = 3
val four15: Bounded[1,5] = 4
val five15: Bounded[1,5] = 5
val six15: Bounded[1,5] = 6 // ERROR
// A type for allowed indices, zero-based, for an indexed collection of size N.
type IndexOf[N <: Int] = Bounded[0,N-1]
val zero5: IndexOf[5] = 0
val one5: IndexOf[5] = 1
val two5: IndexOf[5] = 2
val three5: IndexOf[5] = 3
val four5: IndexOf[5] = 4
val five5: IndexOf[5] = 5 // ERROR
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