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Last active April 28, 2021 15:17
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scala> val seq = Seq(1, 2, 3.14, 5.5F, "one", "four", true, (6, 7))
val seq: Seq[Matchable] = List(1, 2, 3.14, 5.5, one, four, true, (6,7))
scala> val result = {
| case 1 => "int 1" // <2>
| case i: Int => s"other int: $i"
| case d: (Double | Float) => s"a double or float: $d" // <3>
| case "one" => "string one" // <4>
| case s: String => s"other string: $s"
| case (x, y) => s"tuple: ($x, $y)" // <5>
| case unexpected => s"unexpected value: $unexpected" // <6>
| }
val result: Seq[String] = List(int 1, other int: 2, a double or float: 3.14, a double or float: 5.5, string one, other string: four, unexpected value: true, tuple: (6, 7))
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