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Created March 26, 2022 16:04
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package progscala3.erased
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.language.experimental.erasedDefinitions
sealed trait Emptiness
final class Empty extends Emptiness
final class NotEmpty extends Emptiness
@implicitNotFound("The seq must be empty")
class IsEmpty[-E <: Emptiness]
object IsEmpty:
erased given IsEmpty[Empty] = new IsEmpty[Empty]
@implicitNotFound("The seq must be not empty")
class IsNotEmpty[-E <: Emptiness]
object IsNotEmpty:
erased given IsNotEmpty[NotEmpty] = new IsNotEmpty[NotEmpty]
sealed trait ESeq[+H, T <: ESeq[H,?]]:
type E <: Emptiness
def hd: H
def tl: T
def head(using erased ne: IsNotEmpty[E]): H = hd
def tail(using erased ne: IsNotEmpty[E]): T = tl
def +:[H2 >: H](h2: H2): NotEmptySeq[H2, this.type]
case class NotEmptySeq[+H, T <: ESeq[H,?]] private (hd: H, tl: T) extends ESeq[H, T]:
type E = NotEmpty
def +:[H2 >: H](h2: H2): NotEmptySeq[H2, this.type] =
NotEmptySeq(h2, this)
override def toString: String = s"$head +: ${tail.toString}"
object NotEmptySeq:
def apply[H, T <: ESeq[H,?]](hd: H, tl: NotEmptySeq[H, T]): NotEmptySeq[H, NotEmptySeq[H, T]] =
new NotEmptySeq(hd, tl)
def apply[H](hd: H): NotEmptySeq[H, EmptySeq.type] = new NotEmptySeq(hd, EmptySeq)
case object EmptySeq extends ESeq[Nothing, Nothing]:
type E = Empty
def hd: Nothing = ???
def tl: Nothing = ???
def +:[H](h: H): NotEmptySeq[H, this.type] = NotEmptySeq(h)
override def toString: String = "EmptySeq"
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