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Created November 21, 2019 23:27
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Tracking your learning

In self-directed learning, one of the important aspects is to keep track of your learning. By reflecting on what you have learnt and setting yourself goals on what to do next, you'll cement your understanding and focus your efforts.

  • The Portfolio Template is one tool you can use to set goals for yourself and keep track of the evidences of having achieved said goals.
  • -DEPRECATED-Diode is a tool that allows you to keeps notes of projects you are working on and link them to the goals of the course.
  • Here's a trello board you can copy to manage your goal tracking. It has a few example goals.

Other examples from Makers devs

Here are other tools Makers developers have used to track their learnings and reflections along the way:

  • Dan (August 2019) records his reflections and learning in a github repo

  • Matt (March 2019) records all his notes/learning/feedback in a github repo

It includes the goals set out pretty similarly to diode, but also has all my projects, process, weekly goals (and in there my raw weekly notes), etc

  • Kim (March 2019) uses a custom tool:

Here is a coding tracker template I've been using to log my long-term goals, weekly goals and daily goals. It was inspired by one of my friends, Linh from Codebar. She did a talk ages ago on how she tracked her competencies in her first dev job 🙂

  • Guilherme has started writing a blog (April 2019)

  • Kiah (April 2019) is using both a blog and Instagram

  • Paul (March 2019) keeps all his notes, including reflections and feedback on Github

  • Steven (April 2019) writes notes in markdown (here is one example). He also records his screen regularly to be able to look back at his process.

  • Aleks (May 2019) created a google form to gather feedback from their pair after each pairing session.

  • Masha (March 2019) has been using Bear:

For tracking my learning I’ve been using Bear notes extensively, marking every language (ruby, shell, JavaScript etc) and or topics (debugging, Tdd, modelling etc) with hashtags (extremely helpful feature of the app). I also created hashtags for each week and was putting corresponding stuff there. I’ve copied course outline file there as bear works perfectly with markdown Somewhere in the middle of the course I’ve upgraded to the pro version (less than 2 pounds I think a month) to sync it between all the devices plus there are other nice add ons.

Inquiry Project

  • Looking at examples on this page, describe how people have tracked their learnings.
  • What types of things do people keep track of?
  • Which methods are you most likely to use? Why?
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