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Created January 18, 2010 04:31
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A simple Google Chart wrapper for Common Lisp
;;;; A simple Google Chart wrapper for Common Lisp
;;; API reference:
;;; WARNING: Incomplete and buggy -- still has much to be done, e.g.:
;;; * more thorough testing (that won't be hard...)
;;; * handle spaces/newlines appropriately
;;; * a better way to describe axis labels (and remove index value
;;; presumption)
;;; * add shape and range markers
;;; * add fill area
;;; * a higher-level layer that is a bit "smarter" and more
;;; convenient (e.g., hide the stupid scale for simple-data)
;;; * convenience utilities to make use of the resulting URL
;;; * clean up the code, especially colors, names, docs, etc.
;;; Example of use:
;;; GOOGLE-CHART> (chart (mapcar #'floor *) :line-chart '(600 200))
;;; ""
(defpackage #:google-chart
(:use #:cl)
(in-package #:google-chart)
(defvar *chart-data-format* :simple-data)
(defun chart (data type size &rest args)
(with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
(write-string "")
(write-parameter data *chart-data-format*)
(write-parameter type :type)
(write-parameter size :size)
(loop for (type value) on args by #'cddr do
(write-parameter value type))))
(defun write-parameter-separator ()
(write-char #\&))
(defvar *parameter-dispatch-table*
(make-hash-table :test 'eq))
(defun write-parameter (value type)
(funcall (gethash type *parameter-dispatch-table*
(lambda (whatever)
(declare (ignore whatever))
(error "Unknown parameter type: ~S." type)))
(defmacro define-chart-parameter (type (value) &body body)
(setf (gethash ',type *parameter-dispatch-table*)
(lambda (,value)
;;;; Chart parameters
(define-chart-parameter :size (size)
(destructuring-bind (width height) size
(format t "chs=~Dx~D" width height)))
(defvar *simple-encoding-digits*
(define-chart-parameter :simple-data (data)
(write-string "chd=s:")
(map 'nil
(lambda (x)
(case x
(:missing #\_)
(:separator #\,)
(otherwise (char *simple-encoding-digits* x)))))
(define-chart-parameter :text-data (data)
(write-string "chd=t")
(let ((separator #\:))
(map 'nil
(lambda (x)
(case x
(write-char separator)
(write-string "-1")
(setf separator #\,))
(setf separator #\|))
(write-char separator)
(princ x)
(setf separator #\,))))
(defvar *extended-encoding-digits*
(define-chart-parameter :extended-data (data)
(write-string "chd=e:")
(map 'nil
(lambda (x)
(case x
(:missing (write-string "__"))
(:separator (write-char #\,))
(multiple-value-bind (q r) (floor x 64)
(write-char (char *extended-encoding-digits* q))
(write-char (char *extended-encoding-digits* r))))))
(define-chart-parameter :type (type)
(write-string "cht=")
(ecase type
(:line-chart "lc")
(:line-chart/xy "lxy")
(:bar-chart/horizontal "bhs")
(:bar-chart/vertical "bvs")
(:bar-chart/horizontal-grouped "bhg")
(:bar-chart/vertical-grouped "bvg")
(:pie-chart "p")
(:pie-chart/3 "p3")
(:venn-diagram "v")
(:scatter-plot "s"))))
(define-chart-parameter :bar-chart-size (size)
(write-string "chbh=")
(etypecase size
(integer (princ size))
(list (destructuring-bind (width spacing) size
(format t "~A,~A" width spacing)))))
(define-chart-parameter :colors (colors)
(write-string "chco")
(loop for separator = #\= then #\,
for color in colors do
(write-char separator)
(write-color color)))
(defun fill-parameter (which fill-type &rest args)
(ecase which
(:chart-area (write-char #\c))
(:background (write-string "bg")))
(write-char #\,)
(ecase fill-type
(write-string "s,")
(destructuring-bind (color) args
(write-color color)))
(write-string "lg,")
(loop for (angle color) on args by #'cddr do
(princ angle)
(write-char #\,)
(write-color color)))
(write-string "ls,")
(princ (first args))
(write-char #\,)
(loop for (color width) on (rest args) by #'cddr do
(write-color color)
(write-char #\,)
(princ width)))))
(defun write-color (color-args)
(destructuring-bind (r g b &optional a) color-args
(format t "~2,'0X" r)
(format t "~2,'0X" g)
(format t "~2,'0X" b)
(when a
(format t "~2,'0X" a))))
(define-chart-parameter :chart-title (title)
(format t "chtt=~A"
(substitute #\| #\Linefeed
(substitute #\+ #\Space title))))
(define-chart-parameter :title-size (size)
(destructuring-bind (color font-size) size
(format t "chts=~A,~A" color font-size)))
(define-chart-parameter :legend (legend)
(format t "chdl=~{~A~^|~}" legend))
(define-chart-parameter :labels (labels)
(format t "chl=~{~A~^|~}" labels))
(define-chart-parameter :axis-type (type)
(format t "chxt=~{~(~A~)~^,~}" type))
(define-chart-parameter :axis-labels (labels)
(write-string "chxl=")
(loop for n from 0
for label in labels
do (format t "~A:|~{~A|~}" n label)))
(define-chart-parameter :axis-label-positions (positions)
(format t "chxp=~{~{~A~^,~}~^|~}" positions))
(define-chart-parameter :axis-ranges (ranges)
(format t "chxr=~{~{~A~^,~}~^|~}" ranges))
(define-chart-parameter :axis-styles (styles)
(format t "chxs=~{~{~A~^,~}~^|~}" styles))
(define-chart-parameter :line-styles (styles)
(format t "chls=~{~{~A~^,~}~^|~}" styles))
(define-chart-parameter :grid-lines (lines)
(format t "chg=~{~A~^,~}" lines))
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